Chapter Twenty-Eight

And just like Rose, warm in her bunk, the wreck of Titanic lay on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Like a ghost out of the darkness. A great ruin of something big and grand. It was silent in the peaceful abyss.

Through Rose’s eyes in heaven, she floated down through the forecastle, down into the B-Deck promenade. From the watery, rusty, old damaged ruin of the grandest ship ever built, before flashes of light; she was suddenly flashed back to the beautiful interior as it was in 1912. The decks were clean and rust-free, the walls white, sun shining through the windows. Deck chairs lined the walls in welcome, plants between them, adding color and sparkle to the deck. There was distant waltz music to be heard. It floated through the rooms, through the entire ship, beckoning, calling…

Rose seemed to float past the corners and was swept into the first class B-Deck foyer. The door was opened for her, and as she looked inside, it was just as beautiful as she had seen it in 1912. The Grand Staircase loomed ahead of her, and at the foot and A-Deck landing, people saw her and smiled as she entered. There were so many people!

Rose recognized many of them. They were all people who had perished when the massive ship failed so long ago. But they all looked like they did when they were happy onboard, warm and safe. All dressed nicely, all with smiles and pure happiness. People of different ages, different classes…Rose smiled at them warmly, knowing that she was being welcomed.

Rose recognized her faithful maidservant, Trudy Bolt, and Elisabeth’s, Kathy. They gave a slight wave and a big grin. Bert and Cora Cartmell, who Jack loved to dance with. She was on his shoulders, smiling and waving at her. She saw Thomas Andrews near the front of the steps, dressed elegantly in a tux. His graying hair was just like she remembered, his half-smile warm and loving. He looked at her and gave a nod of his head. Next to him stood William Thackery, his nephew and Elisabeth’s love on the ship. His dark hair sat on his forehead and he grinned at her, hands behind his back. His eyes gleamed happily with mischievousness, and although Rose did not know him, he smiled at her like they had known each other for all those years on earth.

And next to him, which made Rose’s heart leap with joy, was Elisabeth. She wore the beautiful dress she had worn when the ship had sunk, but it wasn’t water-stained, looking elegant and stunning. It looked fit for a princess. Her hair cascaded down past her shoulders, the curls Rose could always imagine--blood-dark and thick. Her eyes were lit up, the flames burning brightly, the jade color never ceasing. She had the widest, happiest, most mature, patient grin on her face, like Rose had remembered for so long. She was the young age of fifteen.

Rose reached the bottom steps and looked up to the top of the first flight of stairs. There, back to her, was Jack. He was dressed in his simple third class clothes, his blonde hair shining in the light. As Rose continued up the stairs, he turned to her and a big smile grew on his face. He held out his hand to her, she took it, and he pulled her up the final steps. He took her in his arms and stared into her eyes for a minute.

Rose, a young girl of seventeen, her fiery red curls gleaming, dressed in a beautiful white gown, looked up at him. In a flash, they were kissing for all of heaven to see, the biggest smiles on their faces. Everybody applauded, and Rose and Jack stayed in each other’s arms.

Jack was the first one to speak. His voice was just like Rose had heard all those years ago. "I’ve been waiting for you," he said softly, looking into her green eyes that he had missed so much.

"I know you have," Rose replied lovingly. "And I’ve missed you."

"You died an old lady, warm in your bed."

"I never gave up, no matter what happened, no matter how hopeless. I made lots of babies and watched them grow. I didn’t die that night, Jack. I went on, and never let go."

Jack kept her in his arms and smiled. "I know, and I’m proud." He kissed her softly. "I’ve missed you."

"I’ve missed you, too, Jack," Rose replied, smiling and staring into his eyes.


"Yes, Jack?"

"I love you. I love you, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before."

Rose smiled softly and wrapped her arms around Jack’s neck tighter. "It’s all right," she said gently. Jack gave her the slightest confused look. "I already knew. I knew every single one of those days I’ve lived since I met you."

Jack’s face lit up, his heart full of emotion and love, and he kissed Rose again, wrapping her tightly in his arms. Everyone applauded again, grinning and whispering amongst one another, in the utter silence of the abyss.

The End.
