Chapter Two

As Thomas hung up the phone, he leaned back in his father’s soft leather chair. He was indeed disturbed by the news he had just received. For a time now, Uncle Pierre was not a well man. There were many times when he could see his uncle falter. He sometimes would not be himself sitting in meetings with the heads of the departments at the firm. Thomas could not help but wonder how much more illness his uncle could endure before his body gave out on him completely. A voice called him back from his thoughts.

"Thomas, is everything all right?" Mrs. Greer asked him, coming back into the study.

"I’m afraid the doctor is very stubborn in not permitting Uncle Pierre to accompany the Titanic on her maiden voyage. The doctor is worried that the sea travel is not suitable for him at this time," Thomas replied.

"Your uncle will be so distraught," Mrs. Greer said.

"Uncle Pierre is not an easy man to reason with, especially when he is determined to do something," Thomas replied.

"So, who will accompany the Titanic on her maiden voyage if your uncle is not able?" Mrs. Greer questioned.

"I have agreed to go in my uncle’s place. Mr. Ismay was breathing down Mr. Harland’s neck to find someone to stand in my uncle’s stead. When it was suggested that the maiden voyage should be postponed, Mr. Ismay refused to back down on the scheduled sailing date. He told Mr. Harland that too many millionaires had already booked passage, and canceling would be a total disgrace, not only to him, but to society’s well off."

"Isn’t he the least bit concerned about your uncle?" Mrs. Greer asked him.

"When it comes down to a choice of money over heart, money is always the dominating factor when matters concern Mr. Ismay. It’s just the way of things with him," Thomas stated.

"But the family…won’t they be..." Mrs. Greer started.

"Distraught," Thomas answered. "Yes, I know they will be, but the Titanic needs someone to fine tune her, to make sure that nothing is the matter with her. She relies on her designers to make sure that she is perfect in every way possible." Thomas rose from the chair and made his way past Mrs. Greer to the door of the study.


"You’re what?" John exclaimed as Thomas informed the family of the present situation.

"Who else will go if not I?" Thomas asked his brother.

"That bastard! You’d think he’d be at least concerned for Uncle Pierre’s heath. That damned ship wouldn’t be there if not for him!" John retorted.

"John, your tongue!" Mrs. Andrews snapped.

"Is it really necessary that someone go with the Titanic?" Eliza questioned.

"I wouldn’t be going if it wasn’t necessary," Thomas replied. He looked over at Helen and Elizabeth. As hard as it would be to leave his family, leaving his wife and beloved daughter would be the hardest.

"If that is what you have to do, then you must fulfill that commitment that you agreed to carry out," Mr. Andrews said as he looked at his son.

"How could you break your promise to me, Daddy? You said that you would only be going with the Titanic for sea trials, and now this!" Elizabeth said as she abruptly stood and fled from the parlor. Helen looked at her husband. Concern was already forming in his eyes. She knew that he was just as concerned as the entire family for the improvement of Uncle Pierre’s heath. But Helen also knew the concern he held for the uncertainty of the journey that had been placed before him.

Chapter Three