Chapter Four

Southampton, England
April 10, 1912

It was the day of the Titanic's maiden voyage and all emotions were high in Southampton. People were arriving early to take in the sight of the newly built ship before actually boarding it. Many people could not believe how immense the Titanic was. It was indeed the Ship of Dreams. Elizabeth had managed to convince her mother and the rest of the family to come along for the maiden voyage. She told them that it would mean the world to Thomas if the entire family was there to share in his success. No one could refuse the offer.

"I can't wait to see the Titanic now that she's finished," Eliza said to Thomas. She looked at her brother, who was busy making notes in a small brown book.

"What on earth are you doing?" John asked.

"I'm just writing down a couple of things that I noticed last night on my final inspection of the Titanic," Thomas replied.

"You have got to be kidding! That ship is perfect in every detail. You and Uncle Pierre made sure of that when she was at Harland and Wolff," John stated.

"While that might be so, a shipbuilder's work is not finished when the ship is completed. Our duty goes beyond the finished product," Thomas explained. He looked at Helen, who gave him a half smile.

"It was so very nice of Mr. Harland to allow us to come with you, Thomas. It would have been so lonely at home without you there," Helen stated.

"Believe me; you wouldn't have had any time to miss me," Thomas replied sarcastically.

"Nevertheless, I am happy that we can be together as a family, so that we can share in Tommy's achievement," Mrs. Andrews said as she looked at her son.

"Indeed," Mr. Andrews replied as he sipped the coffee the steward had brought for him. Thomas smiled at both of his parents. He was truly blessed to have a family who supported him so much.


It was closing in on 10:30 in the morning by the time the train arrived at the boat dock. The Titanic was to sail at noon, and already people were arriving as early as eight o’clock AM to make sure that their accommodations suited them. The Andrews family prepared to disembark from the train. Elizabeth was the first one to step off of the train and the first one to see the Titanic sitting in the water in all of her glory.

"Daddy, she's beautiful!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she turned back to the doorway where the rest of the family began leaving the train. Thomas led Helen out onto the dock.

"Oh, Thomas, she's just as lovely as you said she'd be," Helen said as she looked at her husband's creation. By this time, the rest of the family had left the train and was standing beside them on the dock.

"Is that a ship or a monster?" William asked, looking at his older brother.

"Last time I looked, Will, she was still a ship," Thomas replied, trying to suppress a chuckle. The family stood there for what seemed like an eternity, simply admiring Thomas' work.

"We'd best be getting aboard. We wouldn't want the Titanic to leave us all behind," Thomas' father stated. Thomas left to go check on their luggage. As the family was waiting for him to return, Elizabeth noticed other passengers climbing the gangway that led to a tiny opening in the ship's massive black hull. As she watched the other passengers board the ship, she noticed some very distinguished gentlemen with their ladies. She knew that these passengers were those of her own status.

"So many people have booked passage on the ship, haven't they, Mother?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, they have. Some of the wealthiest people are aboard the Titanic for her maiden voyage. I guess everyone wanted to make sure your father's ship received the proper christening," Helen replied. Just then, Thomas returned and informed everyone that their luggage was currently aboard the Titanic.

"I guess we should be on our way," Thomas said as he took his wife by the arm and led the family up the gangway and into the ship.

"Good morning, Mr. Andrews," a young officer said as Thomas handed him their boarding passes. Thomas introduced the young officer to his family.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce Mr. Moody, the Titanic's sixth and youngest officer," Thomas said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Mr. Moody replied as he began writing their names down on the passenger list.

"Is everything running smoothly so far with the engines?" Thomas asked Moody.

"We've had no trouble at all. As you can hear, they’re all geared up and ready to tackle the Atlantic," Moody answered.

"Look at this. My brother hasn't even been on the ship for more than two seconds and he's already worrying about a possible malfunction," John stated.

"Tom wouldn't be Tom if he didn't worry," James added. Thomas gave his brothers a semi-disgusted look.

"It's just that I promised Uncle Pierre before we left Belfast last evening that I would take good care of the Titanic for him. Nothing on this ship will go unnoticed while I am here. I guarantee that," Thomas stated sternly. As Mr. Moody finished recording everyone's name on his list, he handed the passes back to Thomas.

"Enjoy the voyage, sir," Mr. Moody said. With that, Thomas bade Mr. Moody farewell and led the family towards their staterooms.


In A-36, Helen was busy unpacking their clothing and hanging it up in the spacious closet in the stateroom. Thomas consumed the desk and a neighboring chair with all of the Titanic's blueprints. As Elizabeth watched her father arrange the plans and spread three of them open on the desk, it was evident that her father was wasting no time in executing his duties.

"Daddy, can we go topside and watch the Titanic leave Southampton?" Elizabeth asked her father.

"Of course we can, sweetie," Thomas replied, looking at his daughter. She helped her mother finish the unpacking with the assistance of Mrs. Greer and Mrs. Cecile. As noon drew near, Thomas and Elizabeth were preparing to head up to the boat deck to bid farewell to Southampton.

"Are you coming with us, Mother?" Elizabeth questioned as she slipped into a light coat.

"You and your father go ahead. There are still a few things that I wish to unpack before having lunch with the rest of the family," Helen replied. Thomas nodded as he opened the door for Elizabeth, and together they went to bid a farewell to merry old England.

Chapter Five