Chapter Five

April 13, 1912

The Titanic was already three days into her maiden voyage. So far, the voyage was uneventful. Thomas was pleased with the Titanic's performance thus far. He so wished Uncle Pierre would have been well enough to make the journey. He sent his uncle a telegram at least once a day to update him on the Titanic's current condition. For the first time in a while, Thomas felt content with life.


The family had gathered in the Verandah Café for lunch.

"Helen, do you have any clue as to where Tom has gotten off to?" William asked.

"He's making inspections of the ship," Helen replied as she took a sip from her water glass.

"And let me guess. Elizabeth is with him," John stated, looking at the two empty chairs next to his sister-in-law.

"Of course she is, John. She follows her father wherever he goes," Helen stated. Elizabeth was her father's heart, inseparable since the day she was born. She wondered what kind of mischief her two children were getting themselves into this time.


Meanwhile, belowdecks, Thomas was busy walking down the mazes of corridors, inspecting every little detail. Elizabeth followed close behind, watching her father so meticulously record his findings in his little brown book.

"Daddy, how come you are writing in that book?" Elizabeth asked. He stopped writing and looked at his daughter.

"It's to help us better the Titanic's sister," Thomas replied as he wrote another figure in his book. Elizabeth was confused by her father's response.

"But how can you better the Olympic? She is already completed," Elizabeth stated.

"The Olympic is not the sister that I am referring to. Within the next couple of years, the Titanic will have a younger sister," Thomas said.

"You mean..." Elizabeth began.

"Yes, Elba, another ship. The third and final one of what Uncle Pierre calls the Olympic class liners," Thomas finished.

"Are you going to design and build her, too?" Elizabeth asked.

"Of course I will. Uncle Pierre told Mr. Harland and Mr. Wolff that he wants no other person to touch his dream but his nephew and the men he deems worthy to work with him," Thomas replied.

"Well, I guess that leaves me out," a voice said. Thomas and Elizabeth turned and saw Archie Frost coming towards them.

"I guess it does," Thomas said with a chuckle. Archie had been by his side since the construction of the Olympic. He wanted to learn shipbuilding from the best, and the day he met Thomas, he knew he had found the best.

"Miss Elizabeth, it's a pleasure to see you. Are you busy keeping that father of yours out of trouble?" Archie asked Elizabeth.

"The key word here, Archie, is trying," Elizabeth replied. She smiled as she looked at her father.

"So, how's the inspection coming?" Archie asked.

"It's coming," Thomas said.

"Bet you're pleased with her," Archie said.

"I certainly am," Thomas stated. He looked at a light fixture and made a note in his book. He started to walk down the hall, looking at subsequent fixtures and making notes about them. Elizabeth and Archie followed in his wake. Both of them knew that Thomas paid great attention to details, and if even the tiniest thing was out of order, he would always manage to notice it. After Thomas was finished inspecting the fixtures, he closed his book and put it inside his coat pocket. He turned to Elizabeth and Archie.

"I believe Helen and the rest of the family are lunching in the Verandah Café. Why don't we go get something to eat?" Thomas suggested.

"I would like that, Daddy. Archie, will you join us?" Elizabeth asked Archie.

"Are you sure? Maybe you'd want the time with the family," Archie replied.

"Nonsense! We'd love for you to join us," Thomas answered. Elizabeth looked at him in a way that told him not to argue the point further.

"I'd be most honored," Archie said. With that, the three made their way to the café to join the rest of the family.


"There you are! Finally!" John exclaimed.

"I do apologize for our tardiness, but I was inspecting downstairs when we ran into Archie. I thought I'd invite him to have lunch with all of us," Thomas stated. He motioned for a steward to bring another chair for Archie. As the three of them sat down, a man in a dark suit approached the table.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Ismay," Thomas said. Mr. Ismay was a seriously gruff-looking individual. People almost seemed to fear him because of his elevated status in society. He never smiled, not even at his own wife and children. There was bad blood between Mr. Ismay and Thomas ever since he came to Harland and Wolff and worked on ships for Ismay's firm.

"Thomas, if I could have a word with you immediately," Ismay said sternly. Thomas could detect the harshness of his voice.

"Yes. Of course you may. Please excuse me, everyone," Thomas said as he stood and followed Mr. Ismay out of the café.

"I wonder what that is all about," Mrs. Andrews stated.

"We'll be sure to hear of it when Thomas returns," John said. The family returned to their chattering and asking Archie various questions about his assistance to Thomas. However, Elizabeth cast her gaze out the door, where she saw Mr. Ismay and her father engaged in conversation. She could only imagine what Mr. Ismay was telling her father. She had to find out. She stood from the table.

"Elizabeth, where do you think you are going?" her mother asked her.

"I have to know what Mr. Ismay is telling Daddy," Elizabeth replied.

"You will hear it from your father when he returns. Now, sit back down and finish your lunch," Helen commanded. Elizabeth always obeyed her mother, but this was one time when she knew she couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I have to find out what they are talking about," Elizabeth replied. With that, she headed for the door to listen in on the conversation. She stepped outside the door a bit so she could hear them better.


"Nothing had better go wrong on this voyage, Andrews! Seeing as how your poor uncle took ill before the voyage, I guess I will have to settle for the next best thing. I was quite reluctant about your uncle's decision to send you along on this voyage, but I had no choice in the matter. It was either you or cancel the voyage, so I just took the card that I was given. There might be people back in Ireland who think you are the best when it comes to ships, but I think that you are seriously lacking certain abilities of a great shipbuilder," Ismay stated. Thomas stood there looking at his condemner, shocked by what had come from his lips.

"Yes, Mr. Ismay. I understand your concerns. Believe me, nothing will go wrong," Thomas said; his voice full of defeat. As Ismay turned to leave, he looked back at Thomas.

"Keep one thing in mind, sir. You will never be as good as your uncle, in my opinion. Remember that," Ismay stated as he turned and walked away down the promenade deck. Elizabeth leaned against the doorway, shocked by what she had heard Mr. Ismay tell her father. How he could he possibly compare him to his uncle? They were two separate people, two very unique individuals. She was lost in thought. Elizabeth could not understand why Mr. Ismay would speak that way to her father after all he had done to ensure the success of each of the ships the White Star Line requested Harland and Wolff build for them. A voice called her back from her thoughts.

"Elba, what are you doing here?" Thomas asked her as he approached the doorway. He didn't even wait for her to respond. "You heard every word, didn't you?" Thomas asked her again.

"Yes, Daddy, I did. I'm sorry that I eavesdropped," Elizabeth said as she looked directly into her father's eyes, waiting for him to yell at her. Instead of yelling, he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Not a word of what you heard to anyone, especially your mother," Thomas said to Elizabeth as he passed by her and headed back inside the café.

Chapter Six