Chapter Seven

Sunday, April 14, 1912

It was two days before the Titanic would reach America, although there were rumors floating around the ship that the Titanic would be there a night ahead of schedule. The sunset that cast its glow over the Titanic seemed much more brilliant than it had the entire voyage. The Andrews family had dined hours earlier and were settling in for the night, all except for Thomas, who planned on staying up a few more hours to work on his blueprints. Elizabeth, however, could not find sleep. She wiggled underneath the covers, trying to find a perfect spot in which to get comfortable. She looked at the tiny clock on the dresser next to her bed. It was only 11:30 in the evening. She had been tossing and turning for two hours, and still could not get sleep to claim her. She sat up in her bed and sipped the glass of water that Mrs. Greer had put there for her only hours ago. Elizabeth noticed a thin stream of light invading her bedroom. Setting the glass down, she peeled the covers off of herself and made her way to her bedroom door. Opening the door a bit further, she saw the light to be coming from the main room of the stateroom. She smiled to herself. Daddy was up again, working on those blueprints. She swore to God he never slept a wink on this voyage. Elizabeth decided to check on her father. Maybe the walk would help her to get to sleep. Opening the door all the way now, Elizabeth made her way to the main room and found her father poring over the Titanic’s blueprints. Just as she was about to cross the threshold of the room, her father’s deep and familiar voice called to her.

"What are you still doing up, young lady?" Thomas asked. He looked up from his plans and stared directly into his daughter’s eyes.

"I couldn’t sleep," Elizabeth said as she approached his desk. She looked at the many different blueprints of the ship spread all over the top of the desk. Elizabeth also noticed that her father’s little brown book rested next to a couple of blueprints. She reached for the little book and began reading some of the notes her father had made in it.

"Too few screws in the stateroom coat hooks. Stateroom fans not operating properly. Daddy, are these the things that preoccupy you every day?" Elizabeth asked her father. He looked up from the plans and gave her a sheepish-looking grin.

"We really should get you back to bed," Thomas stated.

"Only if you come and tuck me in," Elizabeth said. Thomas got up from his seat behind the desk and walked over to his daughter. He put his arm around her as he led her back to her bedroom. When they reached her room, Elizabeth climbed into the bed as her father held the covers open for her. Once she was settled, Thomas drew the covers over her and very lovingly tucked her in. He bent down and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"Good night, Elba. Sleep well," Thomas said as he turned to leave. Elizabeth grabbed his hand. He turned to her.

"Please stay with me, Daddy, at least until I fall asleep," Elizabeth stated, winding her fingers through her father’s. He allowed her to gently pull him back to the bed, where he sat down beside her. He pushed a stray lock of hair from her face. The warmth of her father’s hand was one that was nothing less than familiar. "Thank you for staying. I know I must be a burden, considering all of the work that you have to do," Elizabeth said as she settled deeper into the bed. Thomas gently touched her cheek.

"You are never a bother to me," Thomas replied.

"I know, but..." Elizabeth began.

"Hush. Not another word," Thomas said as he gingerly put a finger over Elizabeth’s lips. She knew it would be futile to argue the point any further. In these situations, her father always seemed to win their so-called battles. As her father continued to hold her hand, she looked up and stared into his loving eyes. She knew that all was well. Without further protest, Elizabeth soon gave way to a peaceful sleep. Thomas stayed with her a few moments longer to make sure that she was asleep. When he felt it would be safe, he very quietly got off the bed, so as not to wake her. He took a final look at his daughter, who was fast asleep.

"You have no idea, Elba, what you mean to me. I love you more than anything else in this world. I hope you will always remember that," Thomas said as he slipped quietly from her room.

Suddenly, a large shudder rocked the ship. Thomas felt the tremors under his foot trying to throw him off balance. In that brief moment, he knew that there was something wrong with his beloved ship. The shudder disappeared almost as fast as it had come.

"Thomas, what on earth was that shudder I just felt?" Helen asked, stepping out of their bedroom in a pale blue nightgown and her hair braided to mid-back length. Thomas looked at her.

"Go back to sleep. I don’t think it’s anything that you need to concern yourself with," Thomas said. Helen saw the concern radiating from her husband’s eyes. She knew that something was terribly wrong. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Mrs. Greer hurried to open the door. John, James, and William entered the stateroom in their robes.

"What the hell was that Godawful noise?" John asked.

"It sounded like the ship was being crushed in a meat grinder," James added. Just then, Eliza came into the room, followed by Thomas’ parents. Finally, Elizabeth, who had not been asleep for more than ten minutes, joined the family in the sitting room.

"Daddy, is the Titanic all right? That noise sounded so horrible," Elizabeth stated. Thomas looked at his daughter and the rest of his family. They were desperately looking for information that only he knew.

"Thomas, you know what’s wrong, don’t you?" Mrs. Andrews asked her son. Before Thomas could answer his mother, another knock sounded. This time it was Fifth Officer Lowe on the other side.

"Good evening, Harold," Thomas stated, waving him into the room.

"Mr. Andrews, the captain requests that you join him on the bridge. He said that it’s urgent that you come immediately and that I am to escort you there," Lowe reported.

"Just give me a minute," Thomas said as he threw his large coat over his day suit. He went to the desk covered with the Titanic’s blueprints. He grabbed three of them and rolled them up, stuffing them under his arm. Thomas also grabbed the small book that contained all of his personal notes and stuffed it inside his inner coat pocket. Thomas looked at his family yet again.

"I’ll return soon," Thomas said as he hurried out the door with Mr. Lowe following close behind. Mrs. Greer closed the door behind them.

"If the captain’s calling for him, then there must be a serious problem with the ship," Eliza stated. They all waited for Thomas to return with some news regarding the situation at hand.


Meanwhile, Thomas and Officer Lowe reached the bridge, where they were greeted by Captain EJ Smith.

"Thank you, Lowe," Captain Smith stated. Lowe nodded first at the captain, then at Thomas before he left the two to talk privately. "Thomas, we’ve struck an iceberg. Mr. Murdoch did his best to try to avoid a collision, but there was no way that he could," Captain Smith said. The words rang in Thomas’ head like a bad dream. He knew what an iceberg could do to a ship. Even though they might seem small and harmless on the top, underneath the surface of the water was where most of the strength lay.

"At what time was the accident?" Thomas asked.

"Mr. Moody recorded it in the ship’s log as being at 11:40 this evening," Captain Smith replied.

"I will need to make an inspection to see how badly she has been damaged. That will determine where we all go from there," Thomas stated.

"Do you need one of the officers to accompany you?" Captain Smith questioned.

"No offense, Captain, but I believe that I can make my inspection faster and much more efficiently if I work alone. However, thank you for the offer, sir," Thomas answered. With that, Thomas departed the captain’s company to begin the inspection. Shortly after Thomas left, Mr. Ismay appeared on the bridge.

"Captain, I demand to know what is going on here!" Mr. Ismay barked. Captain Smith turned to Ismay.

"We’ve struck an iceberg. The damage seems to be serious, but we we’ll know more when Mr. Andrews has completed his inspection of the ship," Captain Smith replied.


A short time later, Thomas returned to the bridge to give the captain his report. He desperately tried to wipe the images that he had seen downstairs from his mind, although he wished he could have been back in the bowels of the ship when he saw Mr. Ismay standing beside the captain.

"Captain, is there somewhere we can talk privately?" Thomas asked, his face grim.

"Why don’t we go in the chartroom?" Captain Smith suggested. Thomas nodded as he headed for the room, where he would reveal the Titanic’s fate.

"If you think you can exclude me from this conversation, you are sadly mistaken!" Ismay retorted. Thomas knew that there was no arguing with him. After the confrontation they had shared yesterday, Thomas thought it best not to push anymore of Ismay’s buttons. Once they were in the chartroom, Thomas unrolled one of the blueprints that showed the Titanic’s watertight compartments. The officers of the ship gathered at the door to hear Thomas’ report.

"After inspecting the ship, I have found that the first five watertight compartments are flooded. Unfortunately, the Titanic was not designed to sustain that kind of damage. The weight of the water in these five compartments will pull her down by the head. The water will continue to spill over the tops of the bulkheads to the next compartment and to the next, until she finally founders," Thomas reported. Captain Smith and the officers were shocked by what they had just heard.

"There is no way in bloody hell this ship can sink. She’s unsinkable!" Ismay exclaimed.

"Mr. Ismay, I built this ship from scratch. I think I should know this ship better than anyone else aboard, including you, sir," Thomas stated. He turned to the captain and then looked back down at the blueprints.

"How much time do we have, Thomas, before the Titanic founders?" Captain Smith questioned. Thomas was already calculating that figure in his head. He scanned the plan, observing each compartment and compared that against to the rate he determined the water to be pouring into the ship.

"We’ve about an hour and a half, maybe two," Thomas replied. He pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. He knew that his creation would not have much longer to live. Within a couple of hours, twenty-two hundred passengers, including his family, would have to be put into twenty lifeboats and lowered into the frigid North Atlantic. But there was only one problem with his deduction. There were not enough lifeboats for every passenger aboard. Almost half of the people would most likely die this night. As the realization of the Titanic’s fate set into his mind, he made a solemn vow to help his family escape the deathtrap his hands had created, no matter the risk to his own life. By the time the night was over, Thomas knew that he would no longer be upon the earth, but in the realms of heaven.

Chapter Eight