Chapter Nine

As the lifeboat pulled further away from the sinking Titanic, Elizabeth continued to weep. Saying good-bye to her father just moments ago was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. She remembered begging him to come with them. The look in her father's eyes told her of a different plan, a plan that could not be altered no matter how hard she tried. The thought of never seeing her father again shattered what was left of her heart. Helen held her daughter in her arms, trying very hard to comfort her.

"I'm sure your father will be all right," Helen said to her daughter. Elizabeth backed away from her mother's embrace, wiping the tears away from her eyes. She looked back at the ship where she had left her father only moments ago. Elizabeth closed her eyes as she could only picture what was unfolding on the Titanic's decks. Her thoughts also wandered to the crew in the bowels of the ship who tried desperately to keep the ship afloat until help arrived. They would be the true heroes of the night. Meanwhile, the rest of the family watched as the Titanic sank lower into the sea. All of the lifeboats had been launched and were floating in close vicinity to the ship.

"Hopefully, Thomas is aboard one of them," Eliza said, addressing the family.

"We can only hope," James replied. However, Elizabeth knew differently. Her father was still aboard the dying ship, waiting bravely to meet his end. She knew that her father would make no attempt to save himself, but rather he would work as hard as he could to save others. The one thing that her father had always done was put the needs of others before his own. She glanced over at Archie, who kept his eyes fixed on the dying vessel. His heart was full of resentment. Even though Thomas had requested him to go with his family to watch over them, he should have protested his mentor's request. He was angry at himself and would have given everything to be back on the ship with his mentor, his dearest friend. As he thought of Thomas' impending death, he felt a tiny hand on his shoulder. He looked and saw Elizabeth looking up at him; her eyes bloodshot from her weeping.

"Archie, don't keep kicking yourself in the ass. You know there was nothing we could have done to make Daddy come with us," Elizabeth whispered to him.

"But it feels like I failed him, or rather, failed you," Archie said. Before Elizabeth could say another word, the Titanic gave out a long moan. Elizabeth, Archie, and the rest of the family watched as the lights flickered once, twice, and then went out forever. Suddenly, a large crack followed by several popping sounds rang out. Then, without warning, the Titanic broke in two between the third and fourth funnels. The stern slammed back with a great splash. Elizabeth had to cover her mouth to keep from screaming in horror. The sea began pouring into the gaping hole between the two pieces of the ship. The section of the bow that had not sunk before the ship broke soon became engulfed by the sea. As the bow disappeared beneath the surface, it pulled the stern vertical. For several moments, the stern section bobbed in the water. Finally, the sea consumed the rest of the Titanic, pulling her into the darkened abyss. Elizabeth sank slowly into the seat, the tears once again falling from her eyes. The only thing that remained of the Titanic were the hundreds of people screaming in the water for help.

"We have to go help them before it's too late," Elizabeth said to the crewman who was in charge of their lifeboat.

"I'm afraid that is impossible, Miss Andrews," the crewman replied.

"Why is it impossible, sir?" Elizabeth questioned.

"If I went back now, I would be endangering all of your lives. The people would rush the boat in an attempt to board it. We very well could tip over. I cannot return until things have quieted down a bit," the crewman said.

"You mean you won't go back until they’re all dead. How can you be so selfish?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's all about survival," the crewman said. "What I feel is not important right now." Elizabeth knew that there was no point in arguing any further. She sat down next to her mother and Archie. The rest of the family was uttering silent prayers for Thomas' safety. She knew their efforts were futile, since her father was already dead. Unfortunately, she did not have the strength to tell her family that they were wrong to assume that he was still alive. She looked out into the blackness in time to see another lifeboat approaching. The officer at the head was none other than Officer Lowe. He directed the boat to be pulled directly alongside the one she was in.

"Men, I need you to help the women in this boat over to that one as quickly as you can, please," Mr. Lowe ordered. The crewmen in his boat stared at each other, then at the young officer in puzzlement.

"Why are you ordering this?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm going back to look for survivors," Mr. Lowe replied. Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat. He still had hope that he would find people alive in the water. Could this mean there was a chance that her father still lived? Maybe he got off the ship in time and was somewhere in the water, waiting for someone to rescue him. Her heart filled with the hope of maybe seeing her father once again.

"I'm coming with you," Elizabeth stated. Archie looked at her, bewilderment clouding his eyes.

"You don't suppose that..." Archie began. Elizabeth knew exactly what he was going to say.

"I have to try. If there is any chance that Daddy may still be alive, I have to take it," Elizabeth replied as she went to climb into the boat with Mr. Lowe. Once settled in the boat, she looked at her family as it began rowing towards the place where the Titanic once stood.

"What does she mean by looking for Thomas? He's safe in another boat," John said.

"I'm afraid that isn't so, John," Archie replied.

"And just what the hell are you talking about?" John roared, turning to face Archie.

"Thomas never left the ship. He was so wracked with guilt that he figured staying on the ship would be some way to repay the families whose loved ones were going to perish. Tom believed it to be a comfort to them to know the man who built the Titanic was dead along with her. So, therefore, he stayed aboard and died with the ship that he loved so much," Archie replied, trying to conceal the tears forming in his eyes. An eerie silence came over the family as they tried to make sense of what Archie had just told them. Thomas had told them all that everything was going to be all right just before they were separated. This could not be how God intended things to happen. They wouldn't allow Thomas to be taken from them this easily, because he meant so much to everyone.

"Bring your father home to us," John said as the family watched the lifeboat disappear into the darkness.

By this time, the screams from the passengers had silenced. As the crew rowed through the water, Mr. Lowe grabbed a flashlight and started waving it back and forth, trying to spot anyone who might be alive. The lifeboat reached the spot close to where the Titanic had gone down. What caught the light from Mr. Lowe's flashlight sent a sickening chill through Elizabeth. The people who had been struggling in the water were bobbing like buoys. Their eyes were open and their faces rimmed with frost. It was a horrible sight to see. Elizabeth turned away from the floating bodies, fearing she'd lose her stomach if she looked at another person. Mr. Lowe ordered the crewmen to row easily through the sea of frozen bodies. He anxiously waved his flashlight back and forth, searching for any sign of life. Elizabeth regained her composure and once again returned her eyes to the water. As the boat reached the area of the sea that was not consumed by an overwhelming amount of bodies, Mr. Lowe's light froze on one spot.

"Elizabeth, I think I found someone," Mr. Lowe stated as he kept his light on that one particular spot. She looked over to where Mr. Lowe was shining his light. She saw someone slumped over a deckchair. Part of their body was in the water. However, she could see that the person was still moving somewhat. Mr. Lowe gave orders to the crew to row the boat closer to this person. Suddenly, she noticed that, except for the lifebelt, the person did not appear to be dressed very warmly. Elizabeth remembered that her father had only fastened a lifebelt around himself. He was the only one who didn't layer himself with clothing and had told her that he would be all right the way he was. She felt a sense of hope creep over her. Could this be her father? Her mind wouldn't stop asking this question. But there was no way he had possibly survived the sinking, especially if he had stayed aboard the Titanic until the end. She turned to Mr. Lowe.

"I think that is my father," Elizabeth said as the lifeboat pulled closer to the person.

"What makes you think that?" Mr. Lowe asked her.

"I just can't shake the feeling, if you know what I mean. I have to go in and find out," Elizabeth said. With that, Elizabeth lowered herself into the icy water. It felt as though there were needles pricking her entire body. The water was so cold! Ignoring the pain that shot through her entire body, Elizabeth made her way over to the slumped form. As she approached, she was even more convinced that she had found her father. There was only one way to be sure.

"Daddy?" Elizabeth called as she reached the deckchair.

"El...Elba," the person weakly whispered to her.

“Oh, my God!" Elizabeth exclaimed as the person finally found the strength to face her. It was her father. He had survived the sinking somehow.

"What...what are...are you...you doing here?" Thomas asked, shivering against the bitter cold that had consumed his body.

"I had to come find...find you," Elizabeth said as her body began to shake against the cold. Turning back to the lifeboat, she called for help. Before she knew it, six pairs of hands were grabbing her and her father and lifting them into the lifeboat. Elizabeth cradled her father in her arms as blankets were heedlessly tossed about them both.

"It's all right now," Elizabeth said as she stroked her father's deathlike face. His breathing was shallow and sometimes not audible.

"Is she gone, Elba?" Thomas asked weakly.

"Yes, Daddy, she's gone,” Elizabeth replied, trying desperately to warm his frigid limbs. She wasn't sure if her father was even going to live, but at least if he died he would not have to be alone.

"Elba, you have to do something for me. Promise me you'll do whatever I ask of you?" Thomas asked, looking straight into his daughter's eyes. Tears formed in Elizabeth's eyes for the thousandth time that night.

"I'll promise you anything, Daddy. Anything you want," Elizabeth said, holding back a sob.

"Promise me..." Thomas began before falling limp in his daughter's arms. Elizabeth looked at her father. She could feel that his heart had given out and no longer could hear his erratic breathing.

"Oh, God, Daddy! You can't go! You cannot leave me like this! You can't!" Elizabeth screeched. She tried gently shaking her father, but there was no response. Mr. Lowe knelt down by Elizabeth's side.

"There's nothing more you can do for him. He's in God's hands now," Mr. Lowe said, putting his hand on Elizabeth's shoulder. She knew that Mr. Lowe spoke the truth. Her father was in a place where nothing could harm him anymore. Pulling her father closer, she rested her head on his chest and sobbed.

Chapter Ten