Chapter Ten

Jack woke up the next morning when he heard someone knocking on the door. He got up to answer it. When he opened the door, he saw two gendarmes standing there.

"Do you know whose automobile is parked on the street outside this building?" asked one of the gendarmes in French.

"Oui. That is our friend Paula’s automobile."

"Monsieur, we got word this morning from the garbage collectors that there was a dead body in a trash pile across the street. We have reason to believe that the person driving the automobile may be responsible for the death of this man."

"Why would you think that?" Jack asked.

"Well, for one thing, there is blood all over the tires of the automobile," the gendarme said.

About this time, Paula walked into the parlor and asked Jack why the gendarmes were there.

"Are you the person who owns the automobile out front?"

"Oui, Monsieur. Is there a problem?" Paula asked.

"Mademoiselle, we would like you to come with us to the station to answer some questions," one of the gendarmes said. The other gendarme was just staring at Paula.

Paula quickly got dressed. As she was getting dressed, she was trying to think of what she was going to say when the gendarmes asked her questions.

"Are you coming, Mademoiselle?" asked the gendarme.

"Oui. I am coming. Hold on just a second," Paula said.

The gendarmes took Paula to the station. When they got there, they asked her some questions. They asked her lots of things, and she answered honestly. When they asked her if she had killed Cal, she responded by saying, "Oui, I did, and I am not sorry to admit it."

"Why are you not sorry?" one of the gendarmes asked.

"Because Caledon Hockley was a bad, bad man. He did not deserve to live!" Paula said.

When they took Paula to her cell, there was another woman in the cell.

"What are you in for?" asked the woman.

"I killed a man," Paula replied.

"Oh. I am in here for shooting my husband," the woman said.

"What is your name?" Paula asked.

"Nicolette. Yours?"


Chapter Eleven