Written by 24Chocoholic24
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

He heard her when she promised not to let go, felt it when she kissed his hand, knew she had released him to the sea. As he sank down through the freezing water, consciousness returned and adrenaline kicked in. He was able to bring himself back up to the surface and begin swimming, half-blinded–temporarily–by the hypothermia. He heard a whistle and people in two boats; he was sure he heard them rescue Rose before he himself was discovered and rescued by the other boat. Then, as they wrapped the blanket around him, his world faded–again–to black.

On board the Carpathia, Jack awoke in a cabin that had become a makeshift infirmary. He was among several others overcome by hypothermia and a few with other ailments. Try as he might, he could not find the strength or get permission to leave the room until they reached America’s east coast. Then, when they did, he finally made his way out to steerage.

Rose gazed up into the light emanating from the giant green statue in the harbor of New York, wondering what awaited her there. As she took in the sight of land and all who had gathered to welcome the passengers of the Carpathia, she knew she couldn’t face it alone. She turned and ran back toward the stern of the ship, determined to escape the rush toward America. Frantically fighting tears, she made her way to the very back railing of the ship. The horizon was dark, too dark to see, just like the bottom of the ocean…just like Jack’s face had been enveloped in as she watched him sink. In her mind, his arms still extended toward her, his face turned to hers. She had promised him she wouldn’t give up…but, for once in her life, she had made a promise she couldn’t keep. She had to return to him, even if just to fetch his body. Determined to do so or die trying, Rose stepped up onto the railing and prepared to face the sea. She couldn’t go on without Jack…she just couldn’t! She lifted her foot to sling it over the rail, but was stopped short by a familiar voice.

"C’mon; do we have to go through all this again?" It was certainly his voice, but she dared not turn around for fear that it was some illusion, a rare deception. So, she held her position, unmoving and not daring to look toward him, until he spoke again. "You jump, I jump, remember…Rose?"

At this, she turned, trying to breathe through the excitement and pure joy that flooded into her heart. Against all odds, he had survived. "Jack!" she cried as she clamored down from her perch and into his waiting arms. "Oh, Jack!"

He held her tightly, but gave her enough room to breathe as she cried into his warm chest. "It’s okay, Rose. I’m here." Knowing that she had thought him dead, he had searched for her once aboard the Carpathia, unable to find her. When he had heard the name Rose Dawson, he had known it was her. Soon confined below decks to recover from severe hypothermia and exhaustion, he had been unable to make much contact with the upper decks, much less with Rose herself. Now, his heart and hers had brought them together, as they would stay for the rest of their lives.

"I love you, Jack! I really do!" She was about to explain her reasons for jumping at such a promising time, but before she could speak again, Jack pulled away and took her face in his gentle hands.

"I love you, too, Rose." His words came from as deep in his soul as Rose’s came from hers. Then, knowing that words would do them no more good, Jack pulled Rose into a passionate embrace that would be shared many more times in many more years to come--due to one simple promise to never let go.

The End.
