Chapter Sixteen

Mid-December, 1929

In one year, things had changed dramatically for the Dawson family. The stock market had crashed in October, and as a result, everything in Santa Monica was turned upside down. Rose lost her job at the theater, as it had to close, and she was forced to get a job at a small, poorly run cafe. Jack had to lay off a lot of his employees and, even so, the gallery was not making half of the money it did before the crash. People just didn't have money to buy a lot of art anymore. And, on top of everything, the Dawsons had lost a lot of their savings and such. Things were not looking good. The only thing they were happy about was the fact that they had paid off their house loans last year.

Rose sighed heavily as she put a metal box back in her hope chest. The box held the remaining money from Cal's coat, a somewhat large amount that they had been saving since 1912 for emergencies. She didn't want to use it now. What if something happened a week after and then they were really in trouble? No, it would be better to save it and know that if they really needed it, it would be there.

Rose wearily stood up and glanced across the room to the clock. It was eight-thirty already, and Jack wasn't home yet. Not that Rose was shocked at all. He had been spending a lot of time at work, trying to make extra sales and connections. He had even been out to eleven the other night. And, to make matters worse, he hadn't even slept in the same bed as Rose in a few weeks. He got home so late and left so early that it was just easier to sleep in the guestroom downstairs. Wanting to give in to the all too familiar and expected headache and go to bed, Rose started out of the room to lock up for the night. But on the way, she accidentally ran into a body.

"Oh, Jack," she exclaimed, shocked to see him. Jack just gave her a weak smile and then moved passed her.

Rose followed him through the bedroom and into the bathroom. " are things?" she asked, trying to make conversation as he started to loosen his tie and take off his shoes. They hadn't spoken at all in...what was it now? Two or three days?

"Fine," Jack mumbled, shrugging as he said so. "Where is my nightshirt?"

Rose sighed at Jack's question. "In the dresser," she mumbled, following him yet again into the bedroom.

Jack must have known, all of a sudden, that she was trying to get him to talk, and so he threw a question back at her. "How was work today?"

"Ah..." Rose cleared her throat and tried to busy herself with other things. Jack wasn't going to like her answer, she knew already. "I didn't go to work today," she finally said, not looking towards him.

"What?" came Jack's shocked voice. "Rose, look at me."

Rose timidly lifted her head up and looked in his eyes. There was a look in them that she had not seen before. Not understanding what was beginning to happen, she started to get scared.

"You didn't go to work today?" Jack asked, repeating what she had said.

"N-no," Rose stuttered out.


Rose cleared her throat again, and then said, "Um...because...because, Jack, I had a doctor's appointment."

Jack's eyes lowered into slits and he gave her a nasty look. "That was stupid, Rose," he said, spitting the words out.

Something inside of Rose snapped. He had no right to talk to her like that over something this pointless!

"Come on, Jack. What is the big deal? So I went to the doctor's. It was important."

"The big deal is that you missed an entire day's pay and you spent money for a pointless reason."

"It was not a pointless reason!" Rose shot back at him.

Jack threw up his hands in frustration. "Okay, fine, Rose. Tell me what was so important that you just had to go to the doctor's and spend all our money."

Rose didn't answer for a minute. She was mad at him, and she wanted him to know that. He didn't even seem to care if she was okay or not, didn't seem to mind that she might have big news to share with him. No, all he cared about was that damn money.

"No, Jack, I am not going to tell you," she finally said. "When you get a clue, come talk to me and I might explain. Until then, I am going to just stay out of your way." She moved over to the bed and threw back the covers. Grabbing her pillow and, from the foot of the bed, a blanket, she started for the door.

Jack stopped her before she could leave, though, and pulled her back. "What do you mean, get a clue?" he asked, icily, once he had her attention again.

"I mean, Jack, that all you care about is your money. It's ruling your life."

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, Rose, we are in a little bit of a hole here."

"I realize that, Jack. But you can't focus all your attention on those problems. I am sick of you coming home late at night and leaving early. I am sick of you making us save and save and save until we hardly even have money for food or things like cold medicine for the children. I am sick of you ignoring all of us, including me. You've gone into this little world and you can't get out of it."

Her words didn't hit Jack at all. His eyes still remained cold and unforgiving. "Money is how we get by," he finally said to her. "We need it for survival. Our situation is bad, Rose. You know there is no money."

Rose's eyes widened as Jack's words hit her. "Oh my God, Jack. Do you know who you sound like?" she asked, unbelievingly, not ever expecting to hear anything close to that from her husband.

Jack raised his eyebrows. "Please, Rose, enlighten me," he said sarcastically.

"You sound just like Cal and my mother."

Jack didn't say anything, making Rose tense up even more. He didn't even deny it! she fumed. He thinks so, too. And he is enjoying this. Well, I can make him feel guilty, too.

"You sound just like Mother and Cal, Jack. You are basically saying things they said word for word. Cal was obsessed with making sure there was always money around, that everyone knew that he had it, and other people didn't. My mother's whole world was run by money. And when it ran out, she turned into what you are now. What, Jack, are you going to marry off Jillian to next halfway well-off man that shows up?" she screamed at him. "I hated that, Jack. That's why I was trying to get out. It drove me crazy. I couldn't be my own person. And now look what is happening, Jack."

"You can still be your own person," Jack yelled back at her. "I am not stopping you! Hell, Rose, I haven't even spoken to you in days! I am giving you full independence here."

"No, you're not! You just think you are. How do you think it makes me feel to tell the children how much we all have to cut back on things? How do you think it makes me feel when I have to work all day at some rundown, low-paying excuse for a restaurant and hardly make any money at all? How do you think I feel when my own husband does not even want to sleep in the same bed as me? Do you realize how long it's been since you and I even came close to being intimate with each other, Jack? It's been almost two and a half months!" Rose threw her blanket and pillow down on the floor in fury. "It's absurd!"

"You know what's absurd, Rose? The fact that, even though you are thirty-four years old, you can't even get through an argument without acting like a spoiled brat."

Rose laughed bitterly. "I'm a spoiled brat! You're the one who can't lighten up for two seconds. And even now, all you can think about is your stupid money. I can see it in your eyes, Jack!" she yelled. "Oh, I've got an idea. To make money, I could stand out on the street corner and sell myself for a buck or two. Because, you know, if you're turning into Cal, you must think I am a whore like he did."

Jack pointed toward the door. "Fine! Go! See if I care! I don't want you around anyway, Rose."

"Good, because I don't want to be around you either!"

Rose moved toward the dresser and threw open one of the drawers. Realizing she needed a suitcase, she ran over and reached under the bed, searching around until she found one. Giving Jack a nasty look, she went back over to the dresser and started throwing her clothes into the suitcase.

"What do you think you are doing?" Jack finally asked, his voice still angry.

"I am leaving, Jack. You told me to get out, so I am."

"Oh, that is just typical, Rose. Take the easy way out! You always were afraid to face your problems."

"Excuse me?" Rose asked in disbelief. "You are the one who can't even see that he has his head in the toilet. You don't even seem to care about any of us anymore. The children haven't seen you in weeks. They ask me every day if you are even still around. You don't even want to really know what has been going on in my life, why I went to the doctor's! I tried to be nice and civil with you, but it didn't work. You are still going to keep being the bastard you have been the past few weeks. And that Jack obviously doesn't care about his family anymore. Well, fine, Jack, you can have your way." She moved towards him and looked him straight in the eye. "I am leaving. When you lighten up and get a damn clue, I'll come back." After one last harsh look, she spun around and started out of the room.

"That's just great, Rose! Go be a whore! Go and leave your problems! Like you always do! I won't stop you!" Jack yelled after her as she walked away.

"Fine! Good!" Rose shouted back.


"Fine!" With one last shout, Rose slammed the bedroom door shut and then was gone. Jack just stood in the empty room, the reality of what had just happened not sinking in. Sighing in exasperation, he decided to just forget about it. She will be back in a little while, he told himself. Just get to bed, Dawson. But when he heard the front door slam shut and then saw the headlights of the car turn on, followed by the screeching of the tires as she drove away, he knew that things had been twisted into a mess that would be hard to get out of.

Chapter Seventeen