Chapter Eight

December 23, 1921

"And so, we are going to be making a deal with a gallery in France. Now I need..."

Jack stopped listening when he heard Scott start talking about needing volunteers to go over to Paris and start working out a business deal. He wasn't interested in going, mostly because he didn't want Rose to travel, and he didn't want to leave her back home by herself. She was two months pregnant and Jack wouldn't risk their fourth child for some business opportunity. Besides, the time Scott wanted him to go was in March. Rose would be five months along then. Traveling just wasn't an option.

He glanced at the clock, sighing quietly when he saw the time. It was almost four-thirty; the meeting was running a half-hour late. Jack wanted to get home to Rose and start his Christmas break. Michael and Jillian also had time off from school, so he was looking forward to spending time with them. Finally, someone offered to go over to France and Scott ended the meeting. Jack quickly gathered up his things and ran out of the gallery before anyone could stop and talk to him.

The weather was unusually cold for Santa Monica and so Jack buttoned up his jacket and quickened his pace. His only thoughts were of getting home to Rose. He had talked to her at lunch and she had sounded very tired when he asked if she was doing all right. The past month had been hard on her. She had been having a lot of morning sickness and dizziness. And trying to keep up with three children was making the problems worse. Finally last week she had started to return to her old self, only having a few mornings with sickness since.

The minute Jack got into the house he heard shouts and banging coming from the kitchen. He took off his jacket and hung it up on the coat rack. Wondering what in the heck was going on, he walked into the kitchen and gasped at what he saw.

Rose was covered in baking flour; she even had some on top of her head. The children didn't look much cleaner; Michael had flour all over his pants, Jillian had it all over her face, and Luke had not flour, but what looked like dough all over his hands and around his mouth. All of them were laughing and as Jack looked around he saw what had caused all of this. Sitting on top of the oven were two fresh pies, steam rising from fork holes in the top.

"Oh, hello Jack," Rose said when she noticed him. She wiped some flour off of her forehead and brushed some off of her apron. "Things got a little carried away," she explained, laughing after that. Michael and Jillian burst in more giggles after that, making Jack smile.

"I can see that," he said as he crossed over to Rose. She smiled at him and then looked down at the children.

"Why don't you go upstairs to the bathroom," she suggested, "and I'll give you all a good bath before dinner."

Michael and Jillian nodded and started toward the stairs, taking Luke's hand and pulling him with them. "I'll be up in a minute!" Rose called after them, and then turned to Jack.

"So can I hug you or do I have to wait until I'm cleaned up?" Rose asked, trying to brush some more flour off of herself.

Jack grinned and pulled her close. "I don't mind at all," he said, winking at her. "How have you been feeling?"

Rose smiled and wrapped her arms around Jack. "I've been great. No dizziness, nothing. I decided to get some stuff done while I could," she said, nodding her head toward the pies. "I think I made more of a mess then anything else, though."

Jack laughed and looked around the kitchen. His wife and children actually looked worse then the kitchen. "Ah, it's not that bad. We'll clean it up after dinner."

Rose smiled. "All right. Now, why don't you go get that bath started for the kids and I'll get changed before I come in and join you."

Jack kissed the top of her head and nodded. "I think that’s a good idea." He kissed her once again and then Rose watched as he left. She smiled; only Jack would come home from a hard day at work and not care that his kitchen was a mess.

Rose sighed happily and took off her apron, setting it in the sink. She then started upstairs after Jack. As she was going by the bathroom, she saw Jack with the children. She watched for a minute as he picked Luke up and pretended to make him an airplane before setting him in the bathtub.

"I don't wanna take a bath with boys, Daddy!" Jillian said, pouting and folding her arms.

Rose came in and picked her daughter up just then, holding her tight in her arms. "Come on, Jelly Bean, you can come take a bath in Mommy and Daddy's room," she said.

Jillian laughed and squealed as her mother started running and carried her into the other bathroom. Rose got a bath started for her and then set her in the tub. After seeing that she was settled, Rose went into the bedroom and closed the door. She got some fresh clothes out of the dresser and went back in the bathroom to keep an eye on Jillian. While her daughter was busy with her wooden dolls, Rose quickly changed and put her hair back up into a neat bun.

"Mommy, can I wash my hair?" Jillian asked suddenly.

Rose turned around and came over. "You know what, sweetie, I don't think tonight. Let's wait until it's closer to Christmas."

"Okay," Jillian mumbled and went back to making the dolls swim. A shriek from Luke came told Rose that her other two children were out of the tub, so she grabbed a towel and got Jillian out too. She and Jack managed to get all of them dressed and tidied up and then went down to make dinner. By the time they were finished that night, the kitchen looked like a war had been fought there. While the children played and talked about Christmas, Jack and Rose managed to clean up.

Then it was time for bed and clothes had to be changed again. Teeth had to be brushed, stories had be read, lights had to be off in the rooms, turned on in the hall, water had be gotten, and then finally Rose and Jack were into their own room.

But there was something they had to discuss before getting to sleep. Last week Mr. Adams, Bill, had invited the Dawsons, along with a bunch of his other friends, to a Christmas party on the twenty-fourth. Jack wanted to go, but Rose wasn't so sure. They had been arguing over it for days, not knowing what to decide. Rose thought Jack had a few good points, and Jack thought a lot of what Rose was saying made sense.

So they got their nightclothes on and got into bed. Jack pulled Rose close to him in attempt to change her mind. He wanted to go, and he wanted her to come with him. "Rose, you know it would be fun to go," he whispered.

Rose sighed and closed her eyes. "Yes Jack, I know, but..." she trailed off, shaking her head.

"But what?" Jack asked, wondering if something was wrong.

"But every time we go to one of those things, it reminds me of...past parties," she finally finished. "We do end up having fun, but before that it's always gossip."

Jack sighed and rested his head against Rose's. She was facing away from him, so he turned her so he could see her face. "Is that all?" he asked, knowing well that there was more.

Rose had never really cared about gossip before. In fact, she could often be found talking about so-and-so with Dianna and Jennifer. Just as he thought, Rose shook her head.

"Oh Jack, I am just worried about what people are going to say. I can just hear them now. Oh, did you know that Rose Dawson is pregnant? No, is she? Yes...AGAIN. Can you believe her," she mocked in a high pitched voice.

Jack laughed and kissed her on the nose. "Rose, no one is going to care. Everyone was congratulating us down at the office. And if they do care, why does it matter? They are probably just jealous that we have a such a beautiful family."

Rose blushed and moved closer to Jack. "Is Jennifer going to be there?" she asked.

"Yes, and Scott. And the kids," Jack answered.

"So we can bring everyone? We don't have to worry about a sitter?"

"Yes," Jack said. "Bill said to bring the whole family."

It was quiet after that, Rose thinking and Jack wondering what she was going to decide. "So, are we going?" he finally asked.

Rose looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, Jack, we can go..."

The Next Evening

"Oh! Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, so good of you to come. I wasn't sure if you were going to make it, but here you are! Oh, and Miss Rose, congratulations on the new baby! Goodness, I couldn't imagine!"

Rose turned and gave Jack a seemingly sweet smile, but he knew she was really saying See? Jack gave her a look and then greeted Mrs. Adams, who had just had the little outburst.

"Thank you, Ma'am. We are glad you invited us," he said sincerely.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Adams, thank you so much," Rose joined in. "You know our other children, right?" she asked, gesturing to Michael, Jillian, and Luke, who were standing in front of her.

Mrs. Adams smiled and leaned down to their level. "I sure do. This must be Michael...and Jillian...and oh my, is that little Luke?"

Rose nodded her head and Jack smiled.

"Well, he's just grown a foot since I saw him last," Mrs. Adams went on. "Hello there, Luke."

"Do I know you?" Luke asked, somewhat rudely, putting his hands on his hips.

Rose gasped. "Luke Dawson!" she scolded, giving him a warning look.

By this time Jack and Mrs. Adams were having a hard time not laughing. Michael and Jillian were grinning and Rose assumed they must have taught him that.

Mrs. Adams gave Rose a look that said it was okay and then stood up. "Yes, Luke, you know me. Remember? I am Mrs. Adams. You came over to my house last year."

"Oh," Luke said as if he just realized something. He then shocked everyone once again by sticking out his hand. "Nice to see you."

Mrs. Adams smiled and shook Luke's hand. He smiled at her and then dropped her hand. "Why don't you to run inside? There are some other children here. Friends of yours I think," the woman suggested. Michael, Jillian, and Luke nodded and took off. Mrs. Adams monitored for Rose and Jack to come into the house and they followed her into the front hall.

"Let me take those," she said as the Dawsons took off their light jackets. She hung them up in a hall closet and then smiled.

"That boy is so charming," Mrs. Adams commented. "My goodness, how old is he?"

Rose smiled. "He just turned two about a month ago," she answered. "And yes, he is charming. A little too much sometimes, I fear."

There was a shout from another room and suddenly Rose looked worried. "Are the children all right?" she asked Mrs. Adams.

"Oh, they are perfectly fine," she promised. "My twin nieces are here; I'm paying them to entertain the little ones. Don't worry, they are safe and sound."

Rose smiled and tired to erase the look of worry on her face. "Well, thank you, Mrs. Adams," she said, linking her arm with Jack's.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Dawson. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go see what is going on in the kitchen. I'll see you later."

Rose and Jack watched their hostess leave and then turned toward each other and smiled.

"Well?" Jack asked, looking around. He waved at someone who was waving at him and then smiled at another person. Someone else called to Rose and she turned and smiled at them.

"You got me into this, Jack. You help me make the best of it," she said through clenched teeth, still trying to smile at people. "I feel like I am on display."

Jack looked down at her and smiled. "Don't worry," he whispered, lifting his head back up and looking around. "No one cares. Now, come on, there are Jen and Scott." Jack started pulling her along with him toward the back of the big parlor.

Rose looked around at everyone while they were walking. Most of the people she didn't even know very well. And all their talking at once was making her head spin. She was thankful when they stopped next to the Langstons. Jack started talking with Scott so Rose left his arm and stood by Jennifer.

"See anyone else we know well?" Rose asked her friend.

Jennifer shook her head. "No, it's all a bunch of art people from Los Angeles and a bunch of the Adams' friends. Thank God you're here." She stopped talking and looked at Rose. "You look nice."

Rose looked down at her blue and black dress. It was a bit tight in places because of her pregnancy, but it still fit and was nice. So she had decided to wear it. Rose looked at Jennifer, who had a beautiful green gown on. Her brown hair was done up in a fancy twist and Rose wished she had put her hair up instead of in a French braid.

"You, too," she complimented Jennifer.

Jennifer smiled at Rose. "Thank you. Gosh, are you hot? This room seems too warm."

Rose nodded and rolled her eyes. "This is why I don't like big gatherings like this. And there is never anything to drink."

Jennifer agreed by throwing up her hands. "I know. There is not even any champagne or anything to make it feel like Christmas! Damn prohibition. That must sound horrible from a teacher. But God, I would almost kill for one glass of wine."

Rose smirked and gave Jennifer a smug look.

"What have you got going on in that head of yours now, Rose?" Jennifer asked, seeing Rose's look. She put her hands on her hips. "Don't tell me nothing."

Rose started giggling and raised her eyebrows. She lowered her voice and leaned toward Jennifer. "When Jack and I went to dinner a couple months ago, the manager knew Jack and let him have a bottle of wine--for a rather high amount of money, mind you. There were a few left over from a couple of years ago, the manager had said. We drank half of it that night and were going to drink the rest when we got home, but...ah...we got preoccupied. And so, there is a bottle hidden downstairs. I can't drink it because of the baby and Jack won't drink alone."

Jennifer gasped loudly. "You two never fail to amaze me. Here is Scott. He's been trying for months to get one little glass! And you just walk into a restaurant and pick up a bottle!"

"Shh!" Rose warned. She started laughing. "Don't say everything so'll have everyone over here. And besides, who knows what kind of people are here."

Jennifer grinned and nodded. "You are right. I might just come over later and drink a glass or two. Not any time soon, though." She laughed. "I am sure we are going to be too busy."

Rose rolled her eyes and nodded in agreement. "All those three children of mine can talk about is opening presents. They have been picking the ones under the tree up and shaking them. Listening to see if they can guess what it is. It's driving me nuts because I am afraid they are going to break something."

Jennifer laughed. "Matthew and Justin are doing all that and worse. One will take a gift, hide it, and make the other find it. Most of the time they find them, but a few times one has forgotten where they put it and the other can't find it. So then Mommy and Daddy come in and spend an hour looking. I'll be happy when it’s all over tomorrow; this whole holiday has become too commercialized." She stopped just then and waved to someone Rose didn't know. "When I was little my parents never put out presents before Christmas morning. Now the kids are demanding to have them out two weeks before."

"My parents were the same way," Rose said. She smiled at Jennifer. "I would always seek around and find them beforehand, though. Presents of any sort were always hidden in the same spot: under the maid's bed. You think they would change it after a while."

"Yeah," Jennifer mumbled. She looked around then, apparently searching for something. "Where did Scott go?" she thought out loud to herself.

Rose spun around and saw that Jack, too, was gone. "I am not sure. Jack's missing, too. They probably went to talk to Bill or something."

Jennifer sighed and looked at Rose's stomach. "Have you thought of names?" she asked.

Rose's head was still turned, as she was still looking for Jack. "Hmm? What?" she asked, turning back around. She gave Jennifer a questioning look.

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "I asked if you had thought of any names for the baby."

"Oh." Rose sighed. She put her hands on her flat stomach and clicked her tongue. "Just a little bit. Danielle was Jack's great-great-grandmother's name. She came over from France when she was little girl and that’s how Jack's mother's side of the family got here. So we were thinking about that. And we were thinking about William for a boy. But the more I think about William, the more I am not sure. So we'll see. It could end up being something totally not like any of those."

Jennifer nodded as Rose mentioned the names. "Those sound good," she said. "I think if it’s a girl you should call her Jennifer Danielle Dawson."

"Ha ha, very funny," Rose said, gently hitting Jennifer on the arm. They both started laughing, causing a few people around to turn and look at them.

Rose bit her lip and then started looking around again. "Okay, let's go find those husbands of ours," she said, starting to pull Jennifer with her.


All five of the Dawson family members burst in the front door, laughing and talking over the party. Addy came quickly from the kitchen, barking and running around them. It was late, so Rose told the children to run upstairs and find their pajamas. Michael and Jillian shouted in joy and started quickly up for their rooms. Luke did his best to follow them, but his little legs made it hard and he almost fell more then once. "I'll be up to tuck you in soon!" Rose called. She was met with three different little voices calling back to her. She laughed softly and took Jack's hand.

Jack sighed happily and pulled Rose close to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and he then gently kissed her hair.

"Did you have fun?" he asked, almost teasingly, keeping his head against hers.

Rose looked up and smiled. "Yes, Jack, I had fun. I am glad we went," she said.

Jack chuckled and kissed her again. "What were you and Jennifer talking about? I heard you laughing," he said, as they started toward the stairs.

Rose softly giggled and shook her head. "Just baby names and things," she told him. "Nothing big."

Jack rolled his eyes as the flight of stairs ended and they were in the upstairs hallway. "I know you better than that, Rose," he hinted. "You were talking about something else."

This time it was Rose who rolled her eyes. She stepped away from him and sighed. "Why do you always think we are plotting evil things?" she asked good-naturedly.

Laughing, Jack stepped over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Oh, no reason," he whispered, kissing her neck.

"Jack, come on. The children are right down the hall," Rose protested, and pulled away. "You are just going to have to wait, Mr. Dawson."

Jack kissed her on the nose and let her go. He took a deep breath and sighed. "I guess you are right. We'd better get everyone ready for bed, huh?"

Rose nodded and started toward Luke's room. "Go see if Jillian or Michael need any help. I'll be in after I help this one." She went in to her son’s room and found him sitting on the floor, trying to get into a pajama shirt. He had gotten the bottoms on already. So Rose went over and crouched down, pulling the shirt until his little head popped through.

"Hi, Mommy," Luke said, after he could see again.

Rose laughed as she stood up and put Luke's dirty clothes in a hamper. "Hi, Luke. Are you ready for bed? Or do we have to brush your teeth first?"

"Brush my teeth," Luke said tiredly.

"Okay, come on," she said, taking his hand. Rose led him into the bathroom and helped him brush his teeth. After he had rinsed out his mouth, she picked him up, and Luke wrapped his arms around his mother. Rose carried Luke back into his room and gently set him down in his big boy, as he called it, bed. The other two children had been two and a half when they got out of their cribs, but Luke had been climbing in and out for almost six months. So Rose and Jack decided it was time for him to switch. They had gotten the bed for his second birthday and Luke had been overjoyed.

"Are you excited about Santa Clause coming?" Rose asked, as she closed Luke's window curtains.

"No," came Luke's muffled answer.

Rose turned around, shocked. He had been so excited the last few weeks. What had happened, she wondered? How could any child not be excited about Santa coming?

"What's the matter, Luke?" she asked softly as she came over.

"I'm scared he's gonna hurt me, Mommy. And take my stuff," Luke mumbled.

"Oh, sweetheart," Rose whispered. She sat down on Luke's bed and leaned over him. "Santa is a very nice person," she explained, brushing some hair from his forehead. "He won't hurt you or take your things, Luke. I've never heard of Santa doing that."

"What if he tries, Mommy?"

Rose kissed Luke on the cheek. "I promise he won't. And if he tries to, Daddy and I will scare him off, okay? But sweetie, I am pretty sure that is not going to happen."

Luke didn't look convinced and he started to sniffle, which meant he was going to start crying if Rose didn't do something fast. Quickly, Rose thought of a solution.

"Want me to stay here with you until you fall asleep?"

Luke nodded and he stopped sniffling. Rose nodded and pulled away the covers, snuggling down under them. She leaned over and kissed Luke again.

"Good night, Luke," she whispered.

"Night, Mommy," he whispered back, before closing his eyes. "Night, Baby in Mommy's tummy..."

Rose's heart soared at the mention of the baby. Her eyes filled with tears and she instinctively touched her stomach. What Luke had said was one of the sweetest things her children had ever said. He was only two; he didn't understand how there was a child alive inside of his mother. And yet, he still recognized the fact that there was a baby somewhere.

Rose softly sighed, happily, and watched as Luke began to fall asleep, his breathing finally slowing and his chest slowly rising. She tenderly glanced over his small body, and an overwhelming sense of love came over her. It was the type of feeling she got whenever she heard her children say I love you to her, or the feeling she got when she had felt Michael or Jillian or Luke kick and move inside her belly. Or when they were born, that heart consuming love. Just watching her child, something she and Jack had created out of love for each other, was making her thankful for all they had. For all she had been given. And it was making her very excited for the new baby. Another little Dawson.

Rose had not realized how long she had been in Luke's room until she noticed the door slowly open and then Jack popped his head in. The room was dark, but there was light from the hallway and Jack's head was illuminated.

"Are you coming to bed?" he asked in a whisper. He smiled at her as she looked over and nodded.

She smiled back. "Yes Jack, I'm coming..."


Jack looked down at Rose, who was lying in his arms. Her hair was draped across his right arm, and her head was snuggled against his chest. A white sheet covered her from the waist down, but the rest of her was bare. Her eyes, which were usually such a blue, looked jade in the moonlight that came through the window. She was smiling up at him with a dazzling smile, and he couldn't help smiling back.

Rose was looking up at him with the same adoring thoughts. Jack's chest was bare; his muscles glistened with sweat. His hair was hanging in his face. And his eyes were making her weak. They looked so blue that she was getting lost in them. His eyes were so full of love and devotion; she couldn't help but have the same feelings.

Suddenly a thought came to her.

"Wine," she whispered to him.

Jack looked really confused. "What? Wine? What are you talking about, Rose?"

Rose giggled and snuggled closer. "Jennifer and I were talking about wine and how you and I had a half of a bottle of wine. I said she could come over and have a glass sometime. That’s what we were laughing about."

Jack looked at her for a moment and then started chuckling. "Well, at least I don't have to worry about you two anymore," he whispered.

Rose laughed. "I know. It's a good thing, right?" she asked, looking up at him. She traced her finger along his chest and Jack kissed the top of her head.

"We still have to do the stockings," he mumbled against her hair.

"Oh...that means I have to get dressed again," Rose pouted. She sighed and then batted her eyelashes at Jack. "You know how I hate getting dressed after we come together like that," she said, half jokingly.

Jack laughed and tugged on the sheet. "You can make a toga," he suggested, and then leaned down to kiss her.

Rose gladly kissed him back, and wrapped her legs around his under the sheets. Once they pulled apart, Jack looked down at her and started caressing her whole body. When his hand came to her breast, Rose blushed and bit her lip. But she liked what he was doing to her and she didn't want him to stop.

"God, you're beautiful," Jack whispered, making Rose blush deeply.

"Don't say that."

"Why not? Does it embarrass you?" Jack asked. His hand stopped moving and moved onto the other breast.

"Yes, how can you say I am beautiful when I am puffy and spotty and my whole body is funny looking because of this pregnancy?"

Jack grinned. "Fine, you're ugly then. You are so ugly you make me want to throw up," he teased. Then he leaned over his side of the bed and started to make horrible wrenching and gagging sounds.

"Jack, stop it!" Rose said, pulling him back up next to her. He grinned and leaned on one arm, looking down at her, trying to keep a straight face. But he couldn't, and Jack started laughing, and finally Rose did, too. Once they had calmed down, Jack pulled Rose close to him again and held her against his chest.

"Rose, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. No amount of pregnancy or anything could make you ugly," he whispered. "And no arguing with me."

Rose sighed and pushed Jack back so that he was lying down again. She re-wrapped her arms and legs around his body and then rested her chin on his chest so that her head was turned towards him.

"Do we have to attend to those stockings any time soon?" she asked softly as she looked up at him.

Jack shook his head. "Not a chance," he whispered gently.

"Hmm. Good," Rose whispered. She moved up and gently kissed him on the mouth. "It's after midnight," she mumbled against his lips.

"So?" Jack mumbled back. He kissed her again.

Rose pulled away, though, and grinned. "Merry Christmas, Jack..."

Jack grinned back at her. He gently pulled her head back down. "Merry Christmas, Rose," he mumbled against her mouth before kissing her once again.

Chapter Nine