Chapter Thirty-One


Five Days Later

They had finally arrived in Santa Monica. It was a bright, sunny day, and the sun was high in the sky. The small group disembarked the train and took in their surroundings.

"Oh, Jack, it's so big," Rose breathed, looking around.

"How are we going to find our way around?" Eliza questioned.

"You two are forgetting that I lived here for a while. I know my way around and I'll make sure that you will to." Jack squeezed Rose's shoulder. "Now, come on. We'll stop by my cousin's first, make sure that the beach house is still around."

"And if it isn't?" Rose asked, trying to keep the fear out of her voice and remind herself to have faith in Jack. He always made things work out. He had gotten her through Titanic, hadn't he?

"We'll think of something else," Jack answered. "Don't worry, Rose. We'll be all right. Now, come. Let's go see my cousin before it gets dark."

They walked for two blocks until they came upon a nicely built Victorian house. The house was even nicer than the house Rose had lived in back in Philadelphia...Jack's cousin must be even richer than the Hockleys.

"Jack...are you sure she'll remember you?" Rose asked nervously.

"Positive. She wouldn't forget the guy that saved her life." Jack smiled down at Rose, confidence shining in his eyes.

Jack rang the bell and waited for the door to open. It was a kindly old woman who answered the door. "Yes, dears? May I help you?"

"Yes. I'm looking for a Katherine Dawson. Does she still live here?" Jack asked.

"Of course she does. May I ask who's calling?"

"Tell her it's her cousin Jack." Jack smiled and placed an arm around Rose, who was holding the twins. "And family."

"Yes, sir. Why don't all of you come in? There's a chill in the air and it won’t do any good for those babies to catch cold." The woman beckoned for them to follow her into the house. "Wait here." She left them in the sitting room.

Five minutes later, a beautiful woman with light blond hair and blue eyes came down the stairs and into the sitting room. She stopped when she saw Jack. Her eyes were wide with shock and happiness.

"Why, isn't it Jack Dawson? The wandering cousin." The girl smiled and shook her head. "You couldn't stay long enough to say good-bye to your cousin, could you?"

"Well, you know me, Kathy. I have to go the moment the road calls me." Jack smiled, walking up to his cousin.

"And where was it the road called you to?"

"Well, that's a long story, but I can tell you it was a journey of a lifetime." Jack laughed. "But aren't you going to give your cousin a hug? It's been two years since we saw each other last."

"Well, I guess I can give you that much." Kathy laughed, hugging her cousin. This was when she noticed Rose, the twins, Maxwell, and Eliza. "And who are these people?"

Jack smiled brightly, walking over to his wife and children. "Kathy, let me introduce my family. This is Rose, and these two are our twins, Molly Cora Dawson and Tommy Fabrizio Dawson. And this is Maxwell and Eliza, two friends of the family."

"Twins! You have twins? Oh, Jack, that's wonderful!" Kathy exclaimed happily. "And may I be the first of the Dawson family to welcome you to the family." She turned to Rose, giving her a gentle hug since she was holding the babies. "Oh, Jack, they look so much like you."

"Yeah. The poor kids." Jack smiled.

"So, I guess your days of wandering the earth are over. You can't possibly lug the babies around everywhere, can you?"

"No, I can't, Kathy. I have settled down. I'm a family man now. Besides, if I didn't settle down, someone might come along and steal Rose away, and I can't have that." Jack put an arm around Rose's shoulder and pulled her closer. "She's my life."

"I can see that." Kathy smiled. "Well, come and sit down, all of you. Tell me where have you been."

"Europe, and back to Chippewa Falls. I thought it'd be a good idea to bring Rose and the kids here. That way the children can grow up in the sun," Jack explained.

"Europe? How did you manage that?" Kathy asked. "I mean, you left here without any money at all, except for what you made with those drawings of yours, and that wasn't enough to get a ticket on a ship."

"I worked my way there," Jack explained. "Then I won a ticket to get back to America, and that's how I met Rose here. She was from first class and I was in third. What a pair we made." Jack left out the part that they were on Titanic. Neither he nor Rose wanted to go into it.

"You were always a master at poker. I always thought it'd get you into trouble some day. But it looks as if I was wrong." Kathy smiled. "I'm glad you weren't on that one ship though. Titanic. Those poor people."

Jack and Rose just looked at each other guiltily, but didn't say anything. Titanic was behind them. It was time to move on with their lives.

"So, Kathy, that beach house grandfather gave it still available?" Jack asked nervously.

"I don't know, Jack. You'll have to ask the owner. Which will be hard to do since he hasn't been seen nor heard from in two years. But you may have a stroke of luck today. Word has it that he's returned," Kathy teased. "Of course it's still available, silly. I even kept it up for you. The key's under the mat outside."

"Thanks, Kathy." Jack walked over and gave her a hug. "This really does mean a lot to us."

"But keep in touch, Jack. And if you do decide to pick up and leave again...please come and say good-bye before you go."

"Sure thing." Jack smiled, helping Rose to her feet. "Stop by sometime. We'll be glad to have you."

"I'll do that." Kathy happily smiled. "And don't be a stranger yourself. Come visit me and bring the twins."


Sure enough, the key was right where Kathy said it was. "Ready to enter our new home?" Jack turned to Rose. She just smiled and nodded, still looking out at the ocean. She hadn't seen the ocean since the night she got off the Carpathia. It was magnificent. She was glad they'd be raising the twins by it every day.

"Let's get inside, Jack. It's getting a little nippy out here." Eliza rubbed her shoulders.

The house was gorgeous on the inside. It had three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, and a small dining room all on one floor. It was perfect.

"Oh, Jack, I love it!" Rose exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with happiness.

"I knew you would. And come here, look out this window." Jack walked to the opposite side of the house and opened the curtains. Rose gasped when she saw a roller coaster on the horizon. It was the infamous pier...the one place she and Jack had dreamed of going to together.

"Oh, Jack. It's beautiful." Rose gasped. "Can we go there?"

"Sure. Right after we get settled and everything." Jack nodded. "I was thinking that we can get the master bedroom, the twins will sleep in the room across from ours, and Eliza and Maxwell can have the room next to the twins. What do you say?"

"I like it. Is that okay with you guys?" Rose turned to Eliza and Maxwell.

"That'll be fine." Eliza nodded.


Later that night, when almost everyone had gone to bed, Rose sat at the window, looking out at the pier, remembering the conversation that she and Jack had had about it. It was one of her fondest memories.

"So, my love, what's on your mind?" Jack came up behind her and took her in his arms.

"When are we going to go there, Jack? To the pier?"

"Soon, Rose. I promise," was Jack's answer as he kissed the top of her head. "Just wait a little while longer 'til we get settled. Then I'll take you to the pier and we'll do everything we've talked about."

"Teach me to ride like a man." Rose began to giggle.

"Chew tobacco like a man." Jack laughed along.

"And spit like a man." Rose burst out laughing. "But wait, I've already mastered that one. Just ask Cal. He'll tell you."

"Well, then, I'm going to give you a diploma for that one. But it's in the bedroom."

"Of course." Rose smiled, already knowing what Jack really meant. "I must say, Mr. Dawson, it's about time."

That night, Rose and Jack returned to the stars and remained there 'til both had fallen asleep.

Chapter Thirty-Two