Chapter Thirty-Five


The hospital was bright and full of visitors visiting patients, but there was only one patient Rose wanted to see. A young man with the blondest hair and the most intense blue eyes, even though he had those eyes closed right now.

"Jack Dawson, please. I'm his wife." Rose went up to the nurse's desk, where a plump woman was sitting.

"Room at the end of the hall." The woman snorted.

"Thank you." Rose nodded, following the nurse's direction. When she reached the room, she gasped to see Jack so pale and lifeless...just like he was on Titanic, except now there was no ice forming in his hair.

Molly was sitting next to him, reading a book on the life of Michelangelo. She smiled half-heartedly as she spied Rose in the doorway. "He's sleeping like a baby, Rose. Should wake up any minute."

She didn't say anything. She just looked down at him, still not believing that this was happening. This time yesterday he was awake and well. He was looking forward to renewing his vows with her. But now here he was, pale and lifeless. Just like her father was before he died. "Oh, poor Jack." Rose reached down and stroked back his blond hair. "Wake up, my love."

"Poor Rosie. You should be at home, resting." Molly stood up and placed her arm around her. "Not here in this cold hospital. Jack would want you safe and warm."

"I'm fine, Molly. As long as I'm with him, I'm fine." Rose sniffed. "Don't worry about me."

"Rose?" An all too familiar voice came from the doorway.

"Oh, my Lord, look who it is." Molly paled. She had never expected to see this man ever again, especially not here.

Rose turned and nearly fainted. How did he find her? What did he want? Did he come to finish Lee's handiwork? "Cal?"

"Oh, my goodness, Rose. I thought you were dead." Cal immediately took a stunned Rose in his arms. "I looked all over the Carpathia for you and couldn't find you anywhere. Then, when I looked on the survivor’s list, I only saw one Rose and her last name was…" Then he took a look at the unconscious Jack, who was unaware of what was going on. "Dawson. Of course. I should have known."

"What do you want, Cal? Why are you here? To finish the job?" Rose was now angry. Angrier than she'd ever been in all her life. It was Cal...rather, a man like Cal, that had put Jack in that hospital bed. At that moment, she wanted to claw his eyes out. Make it so he couldn't hurt anyone else ever again.

"Of course not, Rose. I had no idea you two were here. In fact, what did happen? Why is he in here?"

"What do you think?" Rose smartly replied.

"He was shot," Molly explained. "By a Lee Conway."

"I see." Cal nodded. "I'm sorry, Rose. I know how much he means to you. Firsthand."

Rose was shocked to hear Cal say this. He sounded so sincere, but still she didn't trust him.

What did he really want? "What are you doing here in California, Cal? And in the hospital, of all places?"

"I was vacationing with my wife when she went into labor this morning. I was just walking around the hospital to get some exercise. How about you and Jack? Do you have children?"

"Twins. Molly and Tommy," Rose said, turning away from Cal to go to Jack's side and take his hand. "Jack's a great father."

"Rose...I know it doesn't mean much now, but I'd like to apologize to both you and Jack for my behavior aboard Titanic. It was shameful. I've been haunted by it every night. Shooting at you and Jack like that...leaving Jack down in that room to die...framing him for stealing that necklace...plain shameful. Tell Jack I'm sorry when he wakes up, will you?"

Rose was stunned into silence. Here was the arrogant Caledon Hockley apologizing for his actions. She never thought she'd see the day.

"I'll do that," Rose said. "Knowing Jack, he'll forgive you...but I don't know if I can, Cal. You did a lot more to me than you did to Jack, especially before Titanic."

"I know, Rose, and I'm sorry for that, too. But if you can't forgive me I’ll understand. I just hope you can find it in your heart to." Cal looked at her hopefully, but her face was emotionless. It was obvious he wasn't going to get an answer right now. "Okay then, Rose. I understand. Well, I better be getting back. My new son or daughter is probably making its entrance right now." Cal turned to leave, then turned back to look at Jack. "I hope he wakes up, Rose. I really do." Then, Cal was gone.

"Rose? Are you okay?" Molly asked.

Rose nodded. "I'm fine, Molly. I'm just in shock . I never expected Cal to apologize for his actions. I'm almost tempted to give that necklace back to him."

Molly laughed. "Almost."

Rose smiled, but her smile faded as she remembered Jack's condition. "Did they ever find Lee and Mrs. Hathaway?"

"No, darling. They're probably back in Chippewa Falls..."

"And no justice will be handed out there. There will be a trial, but no justice." Rose began to sob. "They're going to get away with this."

Molly just put her arms around Rose and soothed the sobbing girl. This shouldn't be happening, not to Jack and Rose. There had to be something she could do. Then, an idea came to her. Caledon Hockley said he wanted to make things up to Rose and Jack. Well, Molly knew just how he could do so. He had more money than the Conways and Hathaways had altogether. He could make sure justice was served...especially if Jack died.

"I'll be back, Rosie. You stay here with Jack." Molly headed for the door.

"Where are you going, Molly?" Rose asked.

"I'm going to see someone about making things right again. Don't worry, Rose. I have a feeling everything's going to be fine." With that said, Molly bounded out of the room, heading in the direction Cal went.


Cal was pacing the floor of the maternity ward. The baby hadn't come yet. What was taking so long? Then there was Rose, who refused to forgive him. He had loved her once, but that love had turned to resentment when it was obvious she wouldn't calm down her wild ways. Then, after Titanic, when he couldn't find her, that hatred had turned to remorse. He was extremely sorry for all the things he done to her and wanted a chance for her to forgive him. Now he had the chance, but it didn't look like she was going to give it to him. She was so angry. Of course, he understood why, with Jack in the hospital.

"Mr. Hockley?" A voice spoke up behind him. He whirled around, to come face to face with Molly Brown. "We need to talk."

"Sure, Mrs. Brown. What can I do for you?"

"Let's sit." Molly led him to the uncomfortable leather couch he had tried to sleep on. "It's not what you can do for me. It's what you can do for Jack and Rose."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the man who had shot Jack is a rich man back in Chippewa Falls, and has a good chance of getting away with what he's done. That'll kill Rose...especially if the worst happens...if Jack dies."

"So what can I do?" Cal asked, confused.

"Make sure he doesn't get away with it. Make sure he's brought to justice, back here in California if necessary. Get him tried and convicted. Lee Conway can't get away with this, Cal."

"Who is this guy, anyway?" Cal asked. "What does he have to do with Jack and Rose?"

"He's the ex-fiancé of one of their friends. He was aiming for the girl's new husband and shot Jack instead."

"And what makes you think I can make justice be served?"

"The fact that you have more money than both Lee and this girl's mother put together. You can make sure they can't bribe the justice department. What do you say, Cal? Earn Rose's forgiveness. Bring this man to justice."

Cal was silent. This matter really wasn't any of his business, but like Molly said, this was a chance for him to get Rose to see that his apology was sincere and to forgive him.

"Okay, Molly. I'll do it. I'm taking my family back to Philadelphia day after tomorrow. I'll stop in Chippewa Falls and make sure they'll be brought to justice. I'll even return to Chippewa Falls after I get my wife and child back home. How about that?"

"That'll be perfect, Mr. Hockley. And thank you. This is greatly appreciated by all of us." Molly stood.

"Mr. Hockley! You have a boy!" the nurse exclaimed happily.

"A son. I have a son!" Cal was immediately ecstatic. "Molly, I have a son!"

"Congratulations, Cal. Be a good father to that boy, now."

"Oh, I will, Mrs. Brown. I will."


Molly had gone home and Rose was reading to Jack, who had yet to open his eyes, when Cal entered with a squirming bundle in a blue blanket.

"What are you doing here?" Rose asked, not looking up from the book.

"I just wanted to show you my son, Rose. He's so beautiful. It's amazing, because he has these blue eyes that remind me of someone. That's why I chose the name."

Rose looked up from the book for the first time and saw the squirming baby. "What did you name him?"

"Jack. Jack Dawson Hockley." Cal grinned. Pure love and happiness gleamed in his eyes as he looked down at the child. "My wife thinks it suits him perfectly."

"Is this a trick? Because it doesn't change anything, Cal. I still don't forgive you for what you did."

"I know, Rose. I just wanted you to know that my son will carry his name. So, no matter what, there will still be a Jack Dawson in this world. God knows we need a lot more of them." Cal smiled. "You don't have to tell him if you don't want to."

Rose didn't say anything. She just looked down at her husband, unshed tears gleaming in her eyes.

"I better get back. Good-bye, Rose." Cal left with the cooing baby.

"Oh, Jack." Rose buried her face in her hands and cried herself to sleep, hoping that Jack would be awake when she was.

Chapter Thirty-Six