Chapter Fifty-Two


Albert Linningston was waiting for Jack and Rose when they returned to the mansion. Rose recognized him instantly. Looking over at a black car, she gasped in horror when she saw Lindsey's teary face in the car window.

"What are you doing? Let her go!" Rose cried, running up to the old man.

"I've come to collect what's mine, Mrs. Dawson," Linningston coldly replied.

"You can't do this. Our lawyer called to halt the proceedings..." Jack began.

"He was too late. Court order here says I have full custody of Lindsey. She's mine now, Mr. Dawson, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Oh, yes, there is. Lindsey is our daughter, and we're not letting you take her without a fight." Jack stood face to face with the older man.

"Well, then, be prepared for the fight of your life. I'm not going to let my granddaughter be raised outside the family."

"Your granddaughter? Why weren't you there to claim your granddaughter when Stacey died? Where were you when guardianship was left to me? Why do you come out now when she's going to be adopted? What's the big rush now?"

"Rose, calm down." Jack returned to Rose's side and took her hand. "Seeing you like this isn't good for Lindsey. I'll call the lawyer and see what our options are." Jack turned back to Linningston. "But in the meantime, Lindsey stays here with us!"

"No. She's going back to New York with me, and she's coming back now. If you have anything else to say, have your lawyer contact mine. Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson." He turned and entered the car.

"Wait!" Rose ran after the car as it pulled away. "Wait! At least let us talk to her! You can't just take her away like this! Give us a chance to say good-bye!" Rose sobbed uncontrollably, then collapsed onto the pavement as the car disappeared into the horizon. "Lindsey, no!" Rose cried uncontrollably.

"Rose...come on. Let's go in," Jack solemnly replied, pulling her up on her feet.

"No, Lindsey." Rose sobbed.

"Rose, please."

"Jack? Rose?" Kathy came running out of the mansion. "What's going on? Where's Lindsey?"

"Where's Lindsey?" Jack turned to his cousin. "Kathy, you were supposed to be watching her. How could you let that man come and take her like that?"

"What? What are you talking about? She was playing on the sundeck there."

"Well, somehow that Mr. Linningston came and took her. He had a court order and everything." Jack sighed, holding Rose as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"Oh, no. Oh, Jack, I'm so sorry..."

"We're going to get her back...somehow...we're going to get her back." Jack guided Rose to the mansion. "But right now, let's check on the twins. Then, I'm making a call to our lawyer."

One Hour Later

Jack hung up the phone and sighed sadly. The news wasn't good, and it was going to destroy Rose. How was he going to break this to her? How was he going to make up for what they had lost? Sighing once again, Jack headed upstairs, where Rose was in the nursery, rocking Molly to sleep and singing her a lullaby.

"Rose?" Jack entered.

"Hi, Jack." Rose smiled up at Jack. The smile didn't reach her eyes, and her voice was emotionless.

"We need to talk...alone," Jack said, taking Molly from her and placing the baby next to her sleeping brother.

"About what?"

"Come on." Jack took her hand and led her into their room. There he sat on the bed and pulled her down onto his lap and held her tightly. "I talked to the lawyer just now."


"Rose...he said that now Linningston has custody of Lindsey there was nothing we could do. There's no way we can fight Linningston and win." Jack brushed a red hair out of her eyes.

Rose gasped tearfully, tears welling up in her eyes. How could this happen? How could they lose their little girl so easily?

"Rose?" Jack asked, tightening his hold on her as she began to tremble with sobs.

"Why, Jack? Why did this happen?" Rose cried.

"I don't know, Rose....I don't know. We can still try to fight this, I guess, but the lawyer said we'd be lucky to even catch a glimpse of Lindsey again, much less regain custody."

At that, Rose sobbed uncontrollably. There really was no comforting her. Picking her up, Jack laid her on the bed and laid down next to her and wrapped his arms tightly around her. They fell asleep that way and didn't wake up until morning.

Chapter Fifty-Three