Chapter Fifty-Three


Rose awakened in Jack's arms. She sighed forlornly as she remembered the sad news he had shared with her. They had lost Lindsey. First her mother, and now Lindsey. Who else would she lose...Jack? She turned around and stared at his peaceful face. This must be hard for him, too. He had truly loved Lindsey. They had grown so close over the past month. But, as always, he put his own pain aside to tend to hers.

Determined, Rose got up and headed for the nursery to check on the twins, who, of course, were still sleeping peacefully, unaware of their parents’ grief. Rose was determined for the twins and Jack. She was going to put her grief aside and get things back to normal...before Lindsey. Humming Come Josephine, Rose ran downstairs and started breakfast for Jack. She was going to serve him breakfast in bed.

"I see you're in a better mood." Cameron spoke up from the kitchen table, the day's paper in his hand.

Rose gasped as she turned and saw him. She didn't see him sitting there. "I didn't see you there."

"I know." Cameron grinned. "But that's okay. You know, we have a cook to do that in the mornings. Wait another hour and she'll be here."

"I know that. I wanted to surprise Jack. Breakfast in bed cooked by his wife." Rose turned back to the stove.

"Oh, so my cousin enjoys that every morning?"

"No. But he deserves it today, after how supportive he's been for the past couple of months." Rose shrugged.

"Of course." Cameron continued his grin, looking Rose over once more. She was even more beautiful in the morning. He had to find some way to get her.

"Rose, what are you doing down here?" Jack yawned, entering the kitchen.

"Oh, Jack, what are you doing up?" Rose asked. "I was going to surprise you."

"I have a early morning meeting with the board. What are you doing?" Jack asked, coming up behind her.

"I was going to serve you breakfast in bed." Rose turned to him, placing her arms around his neck. "I decided to be a better wife and mother to you and the twins. I didn't know you had to get up early."

"Oh, Rose, that's so sweet of you. And don't worry, you are a great wife and mother." Jack lightly kissed her. "But now Cameron and I have to get down to the office before they start without us."

"But what about breakfast?"

"I'll grab a muffin at the office. See you this afternoon, Rose." Giving her one last kiss, Jack was out the door, with Cameron following behind him.

Rose stood in the middle of the kitchen, her face full of disappointment when Kathy entered. "Hey, Rose. Feeling better?"

"I'm fine." Rose nodded. "I just said good-bye to Jack."

"Oh, yeah. It's the big meeting today." Kathy nodded.

"The big meeting?"

"Jack gets to address the workers as one of the new owners of the company. He must be nervous."

"Should I have gone?" Rose asked, furrowing her brow.

"What for? You're not required to be there unless you're the speaker or one of the employees." Kathy laughed. "I think you're just trying to look for an excuse to be near Jack right now, and it's completely understandable. You two have just lost a little girl you loved, and all you have now are those twins and each other."

Rose sighed and took a seat in the nearby chair. She was growing weary of the direction the conversation had taken. She wanted to talk about something else. "So...have you heard anything else from Jake?"

Kathy shook her head. "Nothing. Of course, he may have tried to stop by, but Cameron sent him away. That's just like Cameron to do that." Kathy sighed. "He's so determined for me to marry Mitchell Humphrey."

"Jake reminds me a lot of Jack when we first met. You may not believe it, but when he was telling Cameron why he found life on the streets so appealing, his words matched Jack's exactly when Jack had come to dinner with the first class aboard Titanic."


Rose giggled and nodded. "Hey, you want to go to the park this afternoon to see if we can run into him again? It'll take my mind off Lindsey and give me something to do until Jack comes home."

"Okay. Let's go." Kathy grinned.


The park was practically empty. Only a few people occupied the benches. Rose and Kathy chose the empty bench in the middle of the park to sit and watch the twins play.

"They must miss Lindsey." Kathy sighed.

"They do. They were looking for her this morning. Molly kept saying ‘ere indsey’? I don't know what to tell them." Rose held back a sob. "And I'm at a lost of what to do. Shall we fight, or should we just let her go live with her grandfather? Either way, it's painful."

"Rose...don't hate me for saying this...but I think it's best if you just let her go. I mean, it's not like you don't have children and can't have any more. Plus, with Jack getting used to running a's just a good idea not to fight."

"But Kathy...that old man...he was so cold. He reminds me of my mother before Titanic. I know all too well what it's like to grow up in that type of environment. It's not the kind of environment for a child."

"Well, Rose...I don't know what else to say. The decision is really your and Jack's. See what he wants to do." Kathy shrugged.

Rose just nodded and looked at her hands and the wedding band she'd worn for the past two years. "Maybe he can see things more objectively than I can. Jack was always the calm one."

Kathy just smiled at her cousin-in-law and the look of deep, pure love in her eyes when she spoke of her husband. Kathy wondered if she'd wear the same look when it comes time for her to marry.

"Why, hello, ladies. Fancy meeting you here this early in the morning." A familiar voice spoke up from behind them. Kathy smiled as she turned to see Jake.

"Jake." She smiled.

"Hey, Kathy. Hello, Mrs. Dawson." Jake nodded.

"Just call me Rose." Rose smiled at Kathy, recognizing the look of fascination in her eyes. She could remember when she had worn the same look when she had met Jack.

"So, what are you two lovely ladies doing out here on this lovely morning?" Jake asked, taking a seat next to Kathy.

"Cheering Rose up," Kathy said. "She and Jack have just lost the little girl they were going to adopt. So I thought it'd be good to bring the twins to the park and enjoy the fresh air, at least until Jack comes home."

"Oh, yes. My friend works for the Dawson factory. He said there was a meeting to meet one of the newest additions to management. I take it that it's Jack?"

Rose nodded. "He's really nervous about it. He's never been over anyone before."

"Don't worry. The men are good fellows, and by what I've seen of your husband, ma'am, he'll be one of the favorites for sure." Jake grinned. "They'll like him a lot better than that Cameron fellow. That man is pure...well, let's just say he's a tyrant." Jake grinned, remembering that Cameron was Kathy's cousin.

"I couldn't agree with you more." Rose nodded in understanding.

"You can tell that Rose doesn't like Cameron very much." Kathy grinned. "Can you believe he had the nerve to come on to her when Grandfather had first brought her and Jack to Boston? The look on his face when he found out you were married to Jack..."

"So, do you girls plan to visit that joint again tonight?"

"All depends on Jack," Rose said. "We're going through tough times right now. He may not want to."

Jake's face fell in disappointment, knowing he wouldn't get a chance to spend a lot of time with Kathy without chaperones, and Jack and Rose seemed to be the only ones willing to do so. "Well, maybe some other night, then."

"Maybe." Kathy nodded.

"Better be going now. I have an interview with a newspaper editor today. They may print some of my stories." Jake laughed. "I shall see you ladies again. Good day."

"Good day." Kathy waved as Jake left them.

"He's a nice fellow." Rose nodded. "He's quite taken with you."

"You really think so?" Kathy asked, turning to Rose.

"Of course. I mean, look at you couldn't take your eyes off of one another."

"Mmm hmm."

Rose nodded, getting to her feet. "Well, we've got what we came for. Let's head for home."

That was when the dizziness hit her and she found herself falling to the ground in a dead faint.

"Rose!" Kathy screamed, kneeling next to a deathly pale Rose. "Rose!"

"Kathy, what happened?" Jake was immediately at her side. Her screams had brought him running back to the park bench.

"I don't know. One minute, she's just fine and getting to her feet. The next, she's on the ground, as white as a ghost."

"Has this happened before?" Jake asked.

"I don't think so. We have to get her back to the house." Kathy began to sob.

Jake took her hand. "Kathy, listen to me. Go get the children. I'll carry Rose. We'll get her back to the house."

Kathy at first just looked at him, and then she nodded. "Let's go."


"Mrs. Rose!" Sylvia, the main maid in the mansion, exclaimed in surprise and horror when Jake entered carrying the unconscious girl. "Whatever happened?"

"Rose fainted, Sylvia. Go send Wallace for the doctor right away," Kathy explained. "Then come back and take the twins up to the playroom."

"Yes, Miss. What about the young man here?" Sylvia asked, eyeing Jake suspiciously.

"He's a friend. Now, go and do as I asked. Please." Kathy had to keep herself from snapping at the woman.

"Yes, Miss." Sylvia nodded, disappearing out of the room.

"Where should I take her, Kathy?" Jake asked.

"Upstairs to her room. She'll be more comfortable in there." Kathy nodded. "I'll stay down here with the children until Sylvia gets back."

Jake nodded and followed Kathy's directions.

One Hour Later

Rose was now wide awake and the doctor had exited the room to tell the others of his diagnosis.

"Well, doctor. What's wrong with Rose? Why did she faint like that?" Kathy asked, as Jake placed a supportive arm around her shoulder.

"To say it simply, she's pregnant. Two months along," the doctor explained. "I recommend that she stay in bed for the rest of the day, and then she'll be back to her normal routine. I've scheduled an appointment for next week so I can keep an eye on things. Make sure she keeps it."

"I will." Kathy nodded, pressing down the growing excitement in her chest.

"Oh, yeah. No excitement, either. This looks as if it may be a difficult pregnancy. It's hard to tell at this time. But just to be safe, keep her calm."

"Yes, sir." Kathy nodded.

"Good day, Miss Dawson." The doctor tipped his hat and went downstairs to leave.

"See? Everything is fine." Jake turned Kathy so she was facing him. He was immediately drawn into her beautiful blue eyes and couldn't help but stroke her golden blond hair. He knew he was in love with her. He just couldn't imagine his life without her in it.

"Jake..." Kathy placed a hand on his chest that immediately went up around his neck when he pulled her in for a kiss.

For just two seconds, they were in a world of their own. No one else existed except for the two of them. Then Cameron arrived.

"What's going on here?" he yelled, immediately pulling them apart. "How dare you come in here and put your hands on my cousin?"

"Cameron, please...." Kathy tried to intervene, but was cut off.

"Go to your room, Katherine! I will handle this!" Cameron didn't look at her. He just openly glared at Jake.

"Cameron." Kathy tried once again, and this time Cameron fixed his angry glare on her.

"What did I just say?"

"It's okay, Kathy." Jake nodded. "Go on. I can take care of myself."

Kathy just looked at both of the men, one angry and one calm. She sighed in defeat, but she didn't go in her room. She went into Rose's room, who was now once again sleeping peacefully.


Cameron turned his glare back on Jake. His eyes were full of hatred. How dare this street rat think he could come into his house and try to force his way into this family? Jake didn't falter. He evenly stood his ground. He was not going to let Cameron Dawson push him out of Kathy's life.

Cameron immediately punched Jake, sending him whirling back into the door. "I don't know what you think you're doing, coming up here in my house, trying to move in on my cousin, but you can think again. Katherine's already taken. She's marrying Mitchell Humphrey, a wealthy Boston lawyer. Not some gutter rat off the streets," Cameron growled.

"Oh, really? I think she has other plans." Jake smiled cynically at Cameron. "You can punch me and yell at me as much as you want, Cameron. But you'll never get rid of me. I love Kathy, and she loves me. And there's no coming between us."

"Oh, really?"

"Really." Jake crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Cameron was balling up his fist for another punch, but Jack came up before one was thrown.

"What's going on here?" Jack asked, coming between the two men.

"This street rat here was coming on to Katherine," Cameron growled. "I caught them right here in this hallway, kissing."

"My name is Jake. Not street rat. Try to get it right." Jake glared at Cameron.

"Cameron, no name calling, okay? It doesn't solve anything." Jack sighed tiredly. "Now, what's going on here? I came here to check on my wife, who I heard had to be carried home from the park today, to find you two throwing fists at one another."

"I caught Jake and Kathy kissing. And I'm not going to stand for it! Do you hear?" Cameron growled.

"That's Kathy's choice, not yours." Jake stood face to face with Cameron. "You don't own her, Cameron! You can't tell her who to marry!"

"You've got that wrong, Jake. It is my choice. It says so in my grandfather's will," Cameron growled. "My cousin here can confirm that. Right, Jack?"

"The will only said to advise her on her choices, not tell her who she can and cannot marry." Jack shook his head. "Listen, it's been a long day. Plus, I want to check on Rose, so why doesn't Jake just come by some other time to visit Kathy if she wants him to?"

"You mean I'm welcome to see her again?" Jake asked.

"If that's what she wants." Jack shrugged, ignoring Cameron's angry glare. "But right now, I think it's wise for you to just leave your number and Kat can get in touch with you and you two can work something out then."

"Okay," Jake said, immediately getting out his pen and pencil and jotting down the address. He pressed the piece of paper into Jack's hand, knowing that Kathy would get it. "Tell her I'll be waiting. Oh, and congratulations." With that, Jake was gone.

"How dare you tell that trash he can see our cousin again?" Cameron glowered.

"Not now, Cameron. I have to check on Rose." Jack sighed. "We'll talk about this later."

"You're darn right we'll talk about this later, Jack. I will not see a member of my family married to gutter trash!"

Jack just ignored his angry cousin and went into his room, to find Rose peacefully sleeping and Kathy sitting at her side in tears.

"Kat? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jack asked, sitting next to her and putting a comforting arm around her shoulder.

"Because I'll never see Jake again. Cameron's going to make sure of it," Kathy cried.

"Kat...of course you'll see him again. Cameron can't stand in the way of that. Believe me, I know from experience that what may seem out of reach really isn't. you love Jake? I mean, really love him, like you can't think of anything else?" Jack asked, looking into Kathy's tear-filled eyes.

She just nodded.

"Well, then, it's inevitable that you guys are going to get together. No matter how much Cameron rants and raves." Jack laughed.

"But I don't know how to get in contact with him...and I'm sure Cameron's going to have him banned from the mansion." Kathy sniffed.

"Here." Jack pressed the paper with Jake's address into Kathy's hand. "He left this for you. It's his address."

"Oh, Jack...thank you." Kathy hugged her favorite cousin. "You're a lifesaver. Rose is so lucky to have you."

"Speaking of Rose...Sylvia said she had to be carried in here. What happened?"

"She fainted in the park. Jake came up and he carried her up here. We called the doctor...and...well, I'll leave the rest of it up to Rose to tell you. It should come from her." Kat smiled, standing. "I'll leave you two alone now. She should be waking up any minute."

"Wait. Kathy. Jake told me congratulations. What is that supposed to mean?"

"Rose will tell you." Kathy smiled, going to the door. "I'll see you two later."

With that, she was gone, leaving Jack alone with Rose, who was already opening her eyes. "Jack, you're home." She smiled happily. She couldn't wait to give him the good news.

"Yes, I'm home, and worried sick about you. What's going on?"

Rose's smile widened. "Jack...we're going to be parents to three children instead of two in seven months."

"You mean...?" Jack asked, uncertainly, not wanting to hope.

Rose nodded. "I'm two months pregnant. We're going to have another baby!"

Jack smiled happily and hugged his wife, not wanting to let her go. "Oh, Rose, this is wonderful! We're going to be parents again! Do Molly and Tommy know?"

"Not yet." Rose laughed. "They're in their nursery, playing."

"Well, let's go tell them." Jack pulled Rose out of bed, and they both went into the nursery to find their two children playing blocks. Jack took Tommy and Rose took Molly.

"Guess what, darlings?" Rose hugged Molly. "You're going to be a big sister and brother soon. Another baby's on it's way."

"Yay!" Molly laughed.

"Baby!" Tommy laughed.

The small family laughed and cuddled together. Not wanting to part with their twins, Jack and Rose carried them into their room and all four cuddled together and fell asleep.

Chapter Fifty-Four