Chapter Sixty-One


One Year Later

Times had been busy for the Dawson family. The twins’ second birthday had come and gone and so had Daniel's first birthday. Lindsey had turned eight years old not too long ago. Kathy had married Jake and now they were living back in Santa Monica in her house, much to Cameron's rage, but Jack and Rose were still in the Dawson mansion. Jack was now busier than ever, and with Kathy in Santa Monica, Rose was lonelier than ever. Sometimes she wondered if she'd be better off married to Cal. But despite those feelings, she remained supportive of her husband, understanding that he was trying to get the hang of running a business, and that left little time for her and the kids. So to occupy herself, she got involved in charities.

Meanwhile, Cameron's infatuation with her grew. He couldn't stop thinking about his cousin's beautiful wife. He had just thought of a way to get her to warm up to him, and that was to be around when Jack wasn't...which was now all the time.

Walking down the stairs, he saw her leafing through a booklet full of dresses, something to wear to those ridiculous charity balls she went to. On rare occasions, Jack accompanied her, but oftentimes he had business to attend to, so she had to go alone. Maybe, if his cousin couldn't attend the ball...he could escort Rose. Get her to trust him a little.

"Not another charity ball, Rose." Cameron came the rest of the way down the steps. "Such a waste of time when you have to go by yourself."

"I don't have to go by myself." Rose didn't look up from the book. "I'm sure Jack will attend this one with me. He knows this is couples only, and this particular charity means a lot to me."

"Oh, really?" Cameron looked down at the table and grimaced as he spied the tickets entitled Titanic Widows Gala. "Brings back memories, does it?"

"It does." Rose nodded. She finally looked up when Jack entered, looking rather distracted. Worry was clear in his eyes.

"Hello, darling," Rose greeted him, getting up.

"Hi, Rose." Jack glanced at her for a second, then began rummaging through some papers in his briefcase. Rose grimaced as she realized that the briefcase had taken the place of his art portfolio. It had been six months since his last drawing and he had shown no signs of taking it back up again. "Rose, I'm sorry I won't be able to attend that ball with you tonight, but we're having late night meetings at the office and I'm required to be there."

"What?" Rose stood face-to-face with her husband. "Jack, you promised..."

"I know, but I can't. Believe me, Rose, I would rather be going to this thing with you than sitting in an office full of crusty old men."

"But, Jack, this is the Titanic gala...Titanic, Jack."

Jack turned around. Conflict was clear in his eyes. He wanted to please Rose. She had been so unhappy lately, and he knew it was because of him. But there was nothing he could do. His hands were tied. "I'm sorry, Rose...I can't. Listen, I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"But, Jack...this one meant so much to me, and I thought it'd mean a lot to you, too." Rose bowed her head, fighting the tears.

Rose..." Jack gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't cry. Can't you go by yourself?"

"It's couples only." Rose looked away from him.

Cameron grinned. This was his chance. "If you don't mind, Jack, I'll escort Rose to this thing."

Jack looked at Cameron suspiciously. He didn't trust his cousin. He was too much like Caledon Hockley. He really didn't want him anywhere alone with Rose. But then he looked at Rose, who had tears in her eyes, her face fallen in bitter disappointment. This ball really did mean a lot to her. "Is that okay with you, Rose? If Cameron takes you in my place?"

Rose looked at him in disbelief. How could he suggest that she go to the ball with his smarmy cousin? She didn't want to go with Cameron. She wanted to go with her husband. But she had no choice. If the ball really meant that much to her, Cameron was the only choice. "Fine. If that's the way you want it."


"I better go get ready." Rose started for the stairs, then turned to Cameron. "Oh, and be sure to wear a nice tux."

"Sure thing." Cameron smiled, watching her disappear up the stairs.

"Do me a favor, Cameron. Make sure she has a good time." Jack simply looked at his cousin, regretting that he wouldn't be the one escorting Rose to the ball. "And make sure no one there brings up Titanic. At least old memories of it, anyway."

"You have my word, Jack."

Jack just looked at his cousin and disappeared into the study, getting ready for the meetings that night.


Lindsey was sitting on the bed, watching Rose prepare for the coming ball. "Mommy, you look pretty." Lindsey stared up at her in awe.

"Why, thank you." Rose smiled at her adopted daughter.

"Is Daddy going with you, too?"

"No, honey, he's not. He has business to attend to tonight." Rose sighed.

"Then who's taking you?"

"Your cousin Cameron."

"I don't like him, Mommy. He's mean."

Rose had to laugh. "I don't like him either, Lindsey. But since this is a couples only charity ball, I have no choice." Rose sighed. She turned back to a picture of herself and Jack back in Chippewa Falls and sighed. Back then she had had no idea it'd turn out like this...with Jack too busy to spend time with his family.

"Don't be sad, Mommy!" Lindsey ran up and hugged her mother. "Daddy won't be busy for long!"

Rose smiled as she hugged her daughter back, wishing she could have that same unknowing innocence she had when she was that age.

"Rose! Are you ready?" Cameron called up the stairs.

"Coming!" she called back down. "Now, be good for Mrs. Sylvia, and make sure to tell your brothers and sister the same thing."

"Yes, Mommy." Lindsey nodded, watching Rose disappear down the stairs.


"Ready?" Cameron asked, standing straight in his tux. He indeed looked handsome. He almost resembled Jack, even, but Rose could still feel her skin crawl just by the anticipation of his touch.

"I guess I am." Rose walked past him as he offered her his arm.

Cameron just smiled and followed her out the door.


The ball was well underway when they arrived. Rose spotted plenty of familiar faces from Titanic there. It was Madeleine Astor that first approached her.

"Rose DeWitt Bukater! We all thought you were dead!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Rose.

"Hello, Madeleine." Rose smiled, hugging her old friend back. "No, I survived, and I go by the name Dawson now."

"Oh, yes, after that gorgeous gentleman on Titanic, huh?"

"He's my husband, believe it or not. We both survived, and got married aboard the Carpathia."

"And what about Caledon Hockley?"

"Oh, he got married to some heiress and has a son now. I doubt very much he even thinks about me anymore." Rose laughed.

"And who's this? He resembles Jack, but he's definitely not him." Madeleine noticed Cameron for the first time.

"Cameron Dawson. Jack's cousin." Cameron smiled.

"Oh, my goodness, you're one of the Dawson boys. Jack is a member of the Boston Dawsons after all, isn't he?"

"Yes." Rose nodded. "Imagine my surprise when he finally told me."

"I bet you're ecstatic."

"To tell the truth, I'd be happy living in a shack, just as long as I was with Jack."

"It's nice to see a wife so in love with her husband." Madeleine sighed. "It kind of reminds me of JJ. I miss him so much, Rose."

"I know, Madeleine. But he wouldn't want you to be sad. He'd want you to be happy and enjoy tonight. I mean, it's for you, too, you know."

"I know. I just wish there was no need for this ball. That all our husbands were back with us."

Rose nodded in understanding and shivered as she remembered that she could've easily been in Madeleine's shoes as well.

"Rose, shall we dance?" Cameron held out his arm, knowing she couldn't refuse him in front of her high society friend.

"Madeleine? Do you mind?" Rose asked, begging with her eyes to say yes, but Madeleine didn't catch the hint.

"Oh, I don't mind. Go ahead. Have fun. I have to get back to my escort anyway. One of JJ's sons. He insisted I get out and have a good time for once."

"Well, I'll talk to you later tonight," Rose called as Cameron pulled her onto the dance floor.

"Smile, Rose. It's not all that bad." Cameron grinned.

"You're not Jack. That makes it worse," Rose replied coldly. "Just because I allowed you to escort me to this ball doesn't mean that I like you anymore than that night when you insulted my husband."

"Oh, come on, Rose. I didn't know Jack was your husband."

"And that makes it all right?"

"No, it doesn't. I deeply regret my harsh words, and I have already apologized to Jack." Cameron sighed. "Please forgive me."

"I guess I can call a truce." Rose looked at the ground. "But mind your tongue when it comes to Jack. Okay?"

"Okay. You're very protective of him, aren't you?"

"After almost losing him in the North Atlantic, of course I am. Who knows where I'd be right now if he hadn't survived?" Rose looked off into the distance.

"The same way you are now. Alone. Except you probably wouldn't have the children." Cameron replied.

"Jack's been busy with that business. That's why he hasn't spent much time with me. Maybe if someone stood up and took some of the responsibility, he would have more time for his family." Rose turned cold again.

"Jack's right, Rose. You do have a hot temper." Cameron laughed.

Rose just glared at him and turned her attention out among the crowds. She gasped when she saw Caledon Hockley staring over at her.

"I think I'm ready to go now." Rose pulled away from the dance. "The evening's not going well, and I'd like to check on the children."

"But we just got here." Cameron was confused. He wasn't aware that he had said something to offend her.

"I know, but I'm really tired." Rose headed for the door, just to run into Cal.

"Hello, Rose." Cal blocked her path. "I haven't seen you since Ruth's funeral. Whatever are you doing here? It can't be to donate. I doubt Jack has that kind of money."

"Rose, who's this?" Cameron came up behind her.

"Caledon Hockley," Cal answered for her. "Rose's ex-fiancé, and you're not her husband."

"Cameron Dawson. Jack's cousin," Cameron replied. "What do you want with Rose?"

"Oh, I just wanted to say hi and let her know what's she's missing by marrying that gutter rat."

"Don't call him that." Rose narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, why not? That's what he is. I mean...what does he do for a living, Rose? Nude paintings a dollar apiece?" Cal laughed.

Rose instantly slapped him. "You unimaginable..."

"Bastard? Oh, yes, such elegant language coming from someone of Rose's stature." Cal laughed. He had once tried turning over a new leaf, but it had gotten him nowhere. So from now on he was being himself. "Quite elegant language for a little slut."

Rose gasped as Cameron landed a hard punch to Cal's nose, causing him to reel back a couple of feet. "You don't talk like that to a lady like Rose. Apologize!"

Cal put his hand to his bloody nose and spat out blood. "What? She's decided your cousin's not good enough anymore, and is now bedding you? Why, Rose, you do get around, don't you? Who's next? Is there another cousin in the woodwork?"

"That's enough." Cameron started towards Cal, but Rose grabbed his arm.

"Cameron, don't. You'll get in trouble. Let's just go, okay?" Rose stared up at him, begging.

"Not until he apologizes for what he said about you, Jack, and my family. No one talks about the Boston Dawsons that way."

"Boston Dawsons?" Cal spat. "You mean..."

"That's right, Cal. Jack's not just some poor gutter rat after all." Rose angrily crossed her arms.

"Now, apologize," Cameron growled. "Unless you want something broken besides your nose."

At first, Cal just stood there gaping at Rose and Cameron. Then, finally, he muttered, "Sorry. Give my regards to Jack."

Then, he was gone, out of Rose's life forever.

"And you were engaged to that jerk? He certainly has changed since the last time I saw him." Cameron shook his head.

"Now you see why I wanted to jump off the back of Titanic?"

"Definitely." Cameron nodded. "I'm glad you escaped that creature, Rose. I really am."

"All thanks goes to Jack. If it wasn't for him, I'd be married to Caledon right now." Rose stared off into the distance.

"Come on, Rose. I think I ought to get you home." Cameron took her hand and led her outside.

"Cameron." Rose stopped him and touched his arm, so he looked at her. "I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for not only standing up for me, but for standing up for Jack, as well."

"Don't mention it, Rose. You and Jack are family, and nobody talks about my family like that." Cameron smiled. Rose smiled back and continued on her way to the car, not seeing Cameron's devious smile. He was finally breaking through that icy exterior of hers. It now was just a matter of time until she began to trust him, and then he could make her his forever...or at least until he got tired of her.

Chapter Sixty-Two