Chapter Thirteen

The Next Morning

Rose stretched and yawned contently. What a wonderful dream. Her Jack had returned to her and had asked him to marry him. She hated to wake up. She groaned and opened her eyes to the most wonderful vision in the world. Jack sleeping next to her, his arms tightly wrapped around her. How extraordinary…it wasn’t a dream after all. In just a couple more hours, she’d be Mrs. Jack Dawson and would be heading out for the horizon with the man she loved.

Suddenly, Molly popped into Rose’s mind. Her aunt would be thrilled to hear that Jack was alive and well and that he was going to make her his wife. In fact, she was going to get up and write the letter right this minute. With the whole house still asleep, there was nothing else for her to do.

Pulling herself out of Jack’s warm embrace, she went to her bag and took out a pen and some stationery. Not wanting to disturb Jack by turning on the light so she could write, Rose headed down to the kitchen, where she could write the letter without disturbing anyone.

Sitting down, a slight smile on her lips, Rose began her letter.

Dear Aunt Molly,

Hello. This is my most recent letter, dated October 15, 1912. Aunt Molly, so many extraordinary things have happened to me today, my first day in the little town of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin…Jack’s hometown. Now, before you grow all concerned and worried about my emotional state, I just want you to know that this visit has brought nothing but happiness to me. I have found out so many wonderful, in fact extraordinary, things.

First of all, I met a wonderful girl by the name of Caitlin Dawson. That’s right. Dawson. She’s Jack’s twin sister. Oh, Aunt Molly, she looks so much like him. Same blond hair, blue eyes, and dazzling smile. She even has his personality. So kind-hearted, generous, and easy-going.

Well, anyway, when I first met her, I suspected she was Jack’s sister, but I didn’t want to say anything about Jack or his death. It just didn’t seem to be the right time. Well, anyway, she took me in, since the boarding houses were all filled up.

Well, she took me in, and I found myself trusting her completely. I couldn’t help myself. Plus the fact that she reminded me so much of Jack…and there were reminders of him everywhere, Molly. Everywhere I turned, I could see something that had once belonged to him. But that wasn’t enough. She kept talking of her brother…her very much alive brother that was going to get married the next day. Despite my suspicions, plus Jack had never mentioned another brother and since Jack was dead, it couldn’t possibly be him, I asked her questions. It was when she said that her brother’s name was indeed Jack Dawson and that they were twins did I finally catch on.

And Aunt Molly, you won’t believe what happened next. It was like something out of a dream. He came right through that door. The most beautiful man in my life…the only one who could make my heart do somersaults and cause my spirit to soar above all the hurt and pain of the past several months. His face was deathly pale and his blue eyes were opened wide in shock and disbelief, but it was indeed him…my Jack. Oh, Molly, it was Jack, and he’s alive and well and right now sleeping quite peacefully up in the bed we shared last night. But anyway, we were in each other’s arms in minutes, declaring our love for one another and delight to discover that neither of us were lost in the terrible Titanic tragedy.

And he’s thrilled about the prospect of becoming a father. You should have seen his eyes light up with complete and utter joy when I made my condition known.

More happened after that, but I would rather tell you in person, whenever we get to Denver. I’m sure Jack would like to see you again and express his thanks for taking such good care of me after the Titanic when we had gotten separated. That, in itself, is a whole other story. I’ll fill you in when we come to visit. Right now, I leave off. I hear Jack or Caitlin walking about upstairs, and I don’t want to seem rude or preoccupied, especially with my future sister-in-law. So I’ll leave off here.

Oh, Aunt Molly, I’m so deliriously happy. I’ve finally gotten my Jack back, and we’ll never be separated again.


"Rose?" Caitlin asked, entering the kitchen. "What are you doing up so early? I thought that most definitely you’d still be in bed with Jack. He’s always been a late riser."

"So I’ve noticed." Rose giggled. "I just wanted to write a letter to my Aunt Molly, telling her that Jack survived. She’ll be so happy, Caitlin. Do you know, it was she who made sure that I’d see Jack again on the Titanic? She knew we were meant for each other from the very start."

"She sounds like a very smart woman." Caitlin smiled, her interest in the woman that had captured her brother’s devotion and had the power to make his eyes light up with joy again growing. Rose was indeed very different from the other society girls she had come in contact with. "So, what’s the first thing you and Jack are planning to do today?"

"Well…we’re going to head to Eau Claire and get married. Then, hopefully, we’ll head out to Denver to visit Aunt Molly. After that…I don’t know." Rose sighed. "We didn’t really get further than that."

"I can’t believe it, Rose. When Jack returned to Chippewa Falls…I never thought he’d have another happy day in his life, but when he saw you…it’s like he came back to life." Caitlin grinned. "I can’t tell you how thankful I am to you for that. I just wish we had more time to get to know each other, but with Carly and her group…it’s best that you and Jack leave today."

"You and Cory are going to accompany us to Eau Claire, aren’t you? I’m sure it’ll mean a lot to have you and Cory there at the ceremony, even though it’s not going to be much."

"Of course we’ll come. We wouldn’t miss Jack marrying the woman that he loves. Wild horses couldn’t keep us away."

"Morning, Caitlin." Jack walked down the stairs, his face downcast, his blue eyes dimmed. Having awakened alone, he knew that yesterday was just a dream…a last ditch hope to avoid marrying Caroline. Rose really hadn’t come back…she was dead and gone. Probably buried somewhere in Philadelphia. He was so deep in his despair he didn’t even bother to look up.

"Jack?" Caitlin asked, wondering why her brother was so melancholy.

"Darling?" Rose stood from her chair, concern shining in her green eyes. She hated seeing him look so dejected. "What’s wrong?" Then, Rose’s eyes filled with horror and despair. "You haven’t changed your mind, have you? You haven’t decided that you don’t want me and the baby after all, have you?"

Jack looked up quickly, his eyes lighting back up. So it wasn’t a dream after all. She was still here. "Rose…it’s really you." Jack swooped her up in a tight embrace. "When I woke up alone this morning, I thought yesterday was just a dream. I couldn’t believe life was being so cruel."

"Oh, Jack." Rose couldn’t help but giggle. "It’s no dream…we’re here together…at last. This time, nothing will break us apart."

"Well, I guess I’d better go on up and help get Jack’s things together for your trip. I’ll leave you two alone now. Jack, you can cook breakfast. Let Rose have a sampling of what’s in store for her." Caitlin smiled, exiting the kitchen, leaving Jack and Rose alone together.

They just stood there for a couple of minutes, just looking into each other’s eyes. Then, Rose kissed him long and deep. He held onto her shoulders for dear life. She was never going to let him go again.

"Rose." Jack smiled, coming up for air.

"Yes, darling?"

"What do you want for breakfast?" Jack laughed at the look of shock on her face. She wasn’t expecting that question.

"Well, that’s easy. You." Rose grinned, going in for another kiss, but Jack pulled away.

"Something edible." Jack laughed.

"Eggs and coffee will be fine." Rose smiled. "I’m not all that hungry."

"But our little one must be starved." Jack broke an egg into a skillet. "You know what? I should make you the famous Dawson omelet. It’s a Dawson specialty."

"Okay. That sounds good. How do you make it?" Rose came and stood behind Jack. The idea had just occurred to her that she and Jack wouldn’t have servants to cook for them. They had to fix meals themselves, and it’d be good to watch Jack and learn how to cook herself so all the burden wouldn’t go on him.

"Well, you have your basic eggs. Then you add your ham, onions, black olives, lots and lots of cheese, and sausage," Jack explained, adding the ingredients. "You’re going to love this, Rose."

"Not as much as I love you." Rose kissed his cheek gently.

"You’re sweet." Jack smiled. "Rose, we’re going to be so happy. Trust me."

"You know I do." Rose placed her arms around his waist and rested her cheek against his back as he finished making the omelets. Five minutes later, they sat down to breakfast.

"Bon appetit." Jack smiled.

Rose took a bite of the omelet and was in heaven. This was the best tasting omelet she’d ever had in her life. "Jack, this is delicious. You’re a wonderful cook."

Jack blushed at the compliment. He wasn’t used to getting compliments from the woman he was going to marry. This was an entirely new thing to him. He thanked God that he had found Rose, not only on the Titanic, but also here in Chippewa Falls.

"Thank you, Rose. But that’s not the only thing I can make. You can say that I spent a lot of my time in the kitchen with my mother. I picked up on all the dishes she cooked."

Rose smiled and looked down at the table. She was going to be such a burden to him. He should be warned. "Jack…there’s something I have to tell you." Tears sprang to Rose’s eyes as she thought about the possibility of him not wanting her because of her inexperience.

"What is it, angel? Why are you crying?" Jack asked, taking her hand, his eyes shining with concern. He hated seeing Rose sad. He wanted all her days to be filled with happiness.

"Because I’m useless. Jack, I don’t know anything about being a lower class wife. I mean…I can host any party and play bridge with the best of them. I can host a tea gathering and even a dinner party. I can play hostess to any business meeting. But when it comes down to cooking, doing the laundry, raising children, and keeping house…I’m totally clueless." Rose began to cry. "You want to leave me now, don’t you? You want to leave me."

"Oh, Rose, no. I don’t want to leave you. I’ll never leave you. Listen, you’ll learn all those things, and they’ll be like second nature to you. Trust me. And even if you don’t learn them, so what? I can do them. I don’t mind. Just as long as we’re together, that’s all that matters to me." Jack squeezed her hand.


"Really." Jack smiled reassuringly at her.

Rose smiled happily, those insecurities put behind her for now.

Chapter Fourteen