
January 15, 1931
Santa Monica, California

Rose stood on the empty pier, looking forlornly out at the waves. The California sun was just setting, producing brilliant shades of purple, pink, and orange to form on the horizon. The waves of color bounced off of and illuminated everything around, causing a surreal glow to form. The warm, gentle wind blew past her face and around her body, as if holding her in its arms. Memories of him filled Rose's mind, the night so like that April evening. And while Jack was on her mind all the time, tonight someone else filled her thoughts and clouded her head.

Today was the eighteenth birthday. Rose hadn't forgotten--could never forget. A small, imaginary pain filled Rose's abdomen and she felt herself slip back in time. She closed her eyes for a minute and tried to imagine how she must look now. She would be tall, no doubt, a grown woman now. And she would be beautiful, just like she had been. Her eyes would be that same blue, and her hair soft and long.

Opening her eyes, Rose looked at the bouquet of white roses she held in her hand. There were eighteen of them, their stems wrapped in white paper. It was such a small symbol, but it meant so much to all three of them. She missed them both. Sadly, Rose began to pull out flower out at a time and then, ceremoniously, dropped them into the churning water.

When the last rose was gone, Rose watched as they got swept away. Again, thoughts of yesterday filled her mind. She would like ice cream, vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce on top. And she would like to read, and go to baseball games. And she would never let anyone get her down. She would be smart, strong, and funny. And she would like to dance, joke around, and she would cry at sad movies and books.

As Rose turned to leave, the wind picked up and sent her hair flying in all different directions. The light had virtually ceased and now darkness enfolded her in its arms. She once again felt his presence, comforting her. She blew a soft kiss into the air and then wrapped her arms around her waist before slowly starting home.

Chapter One