
"What the hell are you doing?" he growled.

She spun around, dropping the object in her hand. "You don’t want to interfere with this," she stated boldly, probably more boldly then she felt.

"Herm--Rose, what the hell is going on?" he asked, almost saying her name.

She turned to him, her face flushed. She could not lie to him, after what they had become, after all that they had gone through. But there was no other way. His face looked smooth, but beyond that she could see desperation, the wish to know, fear, pride…

"I-I…" She couldn’t even say it. "The ending needs to change." She knew it sounded stupid, but it was the only way she could say it. The ending did need to change.

"But you said--" he started.

"I lied," she said smoothly.

"Why?" he asked, his eyes growing dark.

"I wasn’t ever supposed to tell you. We were meant to be sent back. It’s our destiny." She knew how cheesy it sounded, but like before, it was the only thing she could say. And it was true. It was their destiny.

Chapter One