Chapter Twelve

I thought myself to be a man who could manage his anger well. And I did. I swear to God, I did. But I wanted to explode. I felt my molecules twitch and vibrate as they wanted to scream, hit, and yell all the anger out. But my hands just held the two slips of paper.

Lovejoy stood behind me, looking over my shoulder at the nude drawing of Rose, signed ‘JD’, and the note from her reading ‘Now you can keep both of us locked in your safe.’

I moved my hands to tear the paper, but thought the best of it. Logic was beyond me. My little piece of heaven had betrayed me; used me in her evil games. But how can you ever stay mad at an angel, even if there is a devil behind the pretty mask? No. My mind didn’t know how to function. I was confused and angry. So, I took it out on the next logical victim.

"I have a better idea," I began to tell Lovejoy.

The innocent bystander was Dawson.

Chapter Thirteen