Chapter Fourteen

It was such a rush. The steward came in, and insisted that we must leave the stateroom, and then we were told to go to so many places where we would be safe, and it never even hit what exactly was happening. All I could think about was what Rose had done to me. I wanted to be a good person. But she used me to get what she wanted. And, when she saw I made no real protest, she saw that she herself was not happy. So, she went to the next available person. Dawson. And he had seen the angelic side of her only. The one I saw before Hiber’s death. And it would do him a world of good never to see her again because the bad side would appear the moment he offered her something she wanted.


"I saw the iceberg, Mr. Andrews. And I see it in your eyes. Please tell me the truth." We were in the A-deck foyer, and Rose was talking to Mr. Andrews. This is a fact that I simply know. Not something I truly remember.

"The ship will sink," Mr. Andrews had said. But I don’t know what impact it had on me. Maybe I had no emotions at all at that point.

"You’re certain?" Rose’s worried tone again.

"Yes. In an hour or so...all this...will be at the bottom of the Atlantic."

I don’t know what sparked the burst of emotion, and I’m not sure whether I thought or said aloud, "My God."


My head was abuzz for I don’t know how long.

We half-walked, were half-led, to the boat deck.

Lightoller was loading a boat near us; I believe it was boat 6.

We approached the throng of people saying their good-byes. I watched them all. They were all loved. They all cared about each other.

I dimly heard Molly Brown say, "Come on. You heard the man. Get in the boat, sister."

And Ruth, her voice like pounding drums in my burning ears. "Will the lifeboats be seated according to class? I hope they’re not too crowded--"

"Oh, Mother. Shut up!" All sound except for Rose’s voice disappeared. "Don’t you understand? The water is freezing and there aren’t enough boats...not by half. Half of the people on this ship are going to die."

I had listened to her little speech intently. My anger fueled with every word she said. She knew we would all get off safely. How could her cold heart care about everything except what cared about her most? But that’s no excuse. For as long as I live, and maybe even after, I don’t know, I will regret what I said next. "Pity I didn’t keep that drawing. It’s going to be worth a lot more by morning."

I realized what a complete idiot I was just as Rose turned her gaze on me. I saw the sorrow and compassion in them. But it wasn’t for me. Why wasn’t it for me?

"You unimaginable bastard." She thrust the words at me cruelly. I don’t know if she meant them, but she knew that it would hurt me.

Molly, once more. "Come on, Ruth. Get in the boat. These are the first class seats right up here. That’s it." When Ruth was in, Molly looked around and spotted Rose. "Come on, Rose. You’re next, darlin’"

Rose stepped back, shaking her head.

We must have all urged her to get in the boat, but the scene is fuzzy to me.

But I remember how Rose had turned to Ruth and stared her straight in the eye. Hope and fear sparked from Ruth’s eyes. And I swear to you I saw the tiniest hint of a smile as Rose looked into them. "Good-bye, Mother."

Chapter Fifteen