Chapter Sixteen

"She’s not on the starboard side, either," Lovejoy told me.

I was angry at myself for letting Rose’s words get to me. I was determined to be a businessman and act formally from then on. Besides, something like this would never have happened to someone like my father. "We’re running out of time, and I myself cannot get on a lifeboat."

"The one on the other side is letting the men in."

"Then that’s our play. But we’re still going to need some insurance. Come on."


I get to my safe and take out stacks of bills and the Heart of the Ocean. I know what money can do to people. I close the safe, satisfied. "I make my own luck."

I watched as Lovejoy puts a gun in his waistband. "So do I."


I saw Murdoch turn from the davit of boat 15 and start walking toward the bow. I approached him calmly. "Mr. Murdoch, I’m a businessman, as you know, and I have a business proposition for you."

I transferred the money from my coat to his. My hand was completely numb, and I couldn’t believe that it wasn’t even trembling. "So we have an understanding then?"

I watched, contented, as he nodded.

As I stepped back, Lovejoy came running up to me. "I’ve found her. She’s over on the port side. With him."

On the other side of me I heard Murdoch. "Women and children? Anymore women and children?" He looked straight at me. "Anyone else, then?"

Life was offered to me. I had a choice to make. And I chose to find my love. Surely now you see that I am not the evil villain. My body, my soul, everything loved her until I ached. Everything I did, I did for Rose.

Chapter Seventeen