Chapter Seventeen

There they were. Oh, so very, very close.

"I’m not going without you." Anger and sadness swirled inside and out of me as I saw her gaze lovingly at Dawson.

"Get in the boat," he told her.

I walk up to them, and I’m close enough to gather her up in my arms and hug her. "Yes. Get in the boat, Rose." I firmly command myself to speak.

My heart broke once again as she stepped to Dawson. Protectively, I give her my coat. There. What can he offer her?

"Go on. I’ll get the next one," Dawson said.

"No. Not without you."

I have to do something. I can’t let this happen to her. "There are boats on the other side that are allowing men in. Jack and I can get off safely. Both of us."

Rose was finally in the boat, just before they had to lower it. I was left standing next to Dawson. He was everything I wasn’t, and I hated him for it. "You’re a good liar."

"Almost as good as you."

"I always win, Jack. One way or another." Liar! a voice inside me screamed.

I looked down at Rose, the tears streaming down her face. I watched in horror as she began to move and climb the gunwale. She hurled herself out of the boat to the rail of A-Deck and scrambled over the rail. The lifeboat continued its descent. But Rose was back on Titanic.


I know what happened, but I can’t remember it.

I know Jack ran after her with me behind. He met Rose at the Grand Staircase and by then I might as well have had my brain hurled from the ship. I madly grabbed Lovejoy’s gun and ran after the two of them, shooting as I went. My mind was focused on getting Dawson; it never even occurred to me that I might hit Rose.

I waded into the water after them, but the gun ran out of bullets soon enough. I must have thrown it on the ground and lost track of them. Of Rose.

Chapter Eighteen