Chapter Nineteen

As I walk along the boat deck, I am outraged by my stupidity. When I saw her with Dawson I lost all logic. That could never happen to me again. In that moment my heart turned colder than the ice water I hoped never to be in contact with.

My eyes gradually fell on Murdoch, refusing any man to come near him. "We had a deal, damn you."

"Stay back," he ordered, and aimed a pistol at me. Very nice, Caledon. This trip was supposed to save your relationship with Rose. Instead, she’s risking her life for a gutter rat, and you have a pistol pointed at you on a sinking ship. Very nicely done.

A man approached Murdoch, and on an impulse Murdoch shoots him in the chest.

For a while I’d known that many people would be robbed of their lives that night, but it wasn’t until then did I realize what it was actually like to watch the life leave someone’s body.

Murdoch saluted to his men and put a bullet through his temple. He toppled off the boat deck and into the water just a few feet below. In horror, I watched his lifeless body float and the bills fan around him as they drifted out of his coat pocket.

It was then that I heard the last call for any more women or children.

Dimly, I remember seeing a crying child in an alcove. I knew what I must do.

Chapter Twenty