Chapter Four

I was betrothed to Rose the second Ruth went over their tender situation. I couldn’t have been happier at the way things had fallen into place--my humane side was shattered by then, and I was taught only to mourn for a colleague’s death for the public--and I expected Rose to feel the same way.

On our next encounter she was alone and distant. I saw the glares her mother gave her; the kicks underneath the table. The next time we met, she was much more jovial. But I knew the smile she wore was a fake. The twinkle in her eye was never there while I was around. I knew this, yet I wouldn’t let my body believe it. This is what nineteen years of suffering had led up to. For me to have this delicate beauty. And, Goddammit, I was going to have her!

I strung her along on a series of parties and social events. All the men marveled at my good luck, and I couldn’t have been happier...well, that’s what I told myself, anyway.

Soon, however, the pressure began to rise for me to ask her hand in marriage. Ruth came to me while I was on a visit to her house and told me what to say. She told me that Rose was on the back porch and I shouldn’t take anything but yes for an answer.

When I approached her, she was wearing a long, white dress with green and gold stripes. It was low-cut with lace and ribbon to hold the top half closed. She sensed the tension in the air, and I watched as her chest began to heave from dreadful anticipation.

I followed Ruth’s script word for word. As I placed the ring before her eyes, all she did was stare at it. My heart pounded in my ears, and I feared what I would do if she denied me. I wasn’t about to let that happen. I laughed nervously and said something along the lines of, "Fabulous, isn’t it? I know. I’ll just take your response as a yes."

I pulled the heavy ring out of its box and placed it on her pretty finger. She still had not said a word. I got incredibly anxious and could sit out there with her no longer. I think I gave her a hug or a kiss or some sort of meaningless gesture and hurried inside.

Chapter Five