Chapter Six

My heart broke as I saw what Rose was going to wear on sailing day. Black. I was so excited to be able to provide this service for my darling sweetpea. I wanted to show her that when it came to her, nothing would ever be spared. Our upcoming wedding was the most anticipated event of the year, and she was going home to America on the greatest ocean liner of all time. Yet here Rose was, in the glum of despair, wearing black on sailing day.


Three outfit changes later, we were viewing the ship for the first time.

If this doesn’t impress Rose, nothing in the world will.

"I don’t see what all the fuss is about..." My heart was broken in two, but I had to keep my gentlemanly manners.

"Ruth, your daughter is far too hard to impress."


The first day of the trip was drawing to a close. We had had a heated conversation in our gorgeous staterooms earlier, but I was so sure that this trip was the one thing we needed to save our relationship.

Chapter Seven