Chapter Seven

For all eternity will I wish that I had never laid eyes on Jack Dawson. He was nothing special, really. A mere boy at the time, hardly three years older than Rose herself. She had been leaning over to look at the propellers--though why, I fear I may never know--when she tripped and was about to go over. Our very own hero, Dawson, then proceeded to save her.

When I got to the scene, it was total chaos. When everything had been sorted out, I was aghast that some filthy gutter rat from the streets had touched a delicate flower like Rose. I wanted to get her as far away as possible. But Colonel Gracie, at my side, thought it would be best if I rewarded the piece of filth. I had my manservant of the time, Lovejoy, give him a twenty, but that wasn’t good enough for Rose. I studied the man for a moment at that point. Rose clearly liked something about him--for what reason will forever be unbeknownst to me. I couldn’t have that, and I proceeded to invite him to dinner the next night. That would show her what an unkempt rebel he really was.

Chapter Eight