Chapter Eight

My darling Rose was sad.

That’s all my body was able to focus on. Why is she so sad? I know why she’s sad. She doesn’t love you. She likes jewels. She asks you for jewels. So you give them to her. Then she says she doesn’t like jewels; they hold no meaning. Then why does she ask for them? She’d be happy with the Heart of the Ocean. That would make her happy.

So I came to her as she was getting ready for bed. At first, I was taken aback by her sheer beauty and elegance and forgot what I’d come for. Then, the velvet box in my hand shifted and I remembered.

I gave her a fifty-six karat diamond necklace. I promised to deny her nothing. And I never lied once.

She held the necklace and wouldn’t even look at me. She didn’t care. The only thing on her mind was a steerage nobody that couldn’t even offer her a hearty meal.

My last hope had failed, and I was left with only the dinner to get Rose back.

Chapter Nine