Chapter One

Departure and Arrival
July 15, 1913

Once Rose got settled in her compartment, she sat down on the small bed with Hope on her lap. "Are you still tired, honey?" They had gotten up rather early this morning, and Rose could sense Hope’s tiredness.

"How about you get some sleep, hmm?" The railway Rose was traveling with was kind enough to provide her with a crib, and she was thankful. She didn’t want to leave Hope on the bed without anything preventing her from falling. Especially on a moving train.

Once Hope was settled in her crib, Rose pulled out the letter that Lynn had given her. She flipped it over in her hands, almost afraid to open it. It had already been a very emotional day. This was sure to bring more emotions flooding in.

She finally found the courage to open the letter.

Dear Rose,

I can hardly find the words to describe my emotions. It has been such a year, hasn’t it? You’ve been just like a sister to me. There are so many things that I want to thank you for. You were always there for me when I needed someone to talk to. You were there with me every step of the way. I know this is not the last time we will see each other, but it sure feels like it.

I’m going to miss you so much, Rose. You’ve been such a big part of my life. You gave me strength even when Jack could not. And if it weren't for you, Jack and I would have probably not found our love. You urged me to express my feelings for him, and I did. Now we are married.

Please, make sure to keep in touch.

Love always,
Lynn Leif Zigfield Tigges
1127 Pennsylvania Avenue
Denver Colorado, 80203

Rose sighed deeply. She just hated leaving Lynn and Molly like this. But she knew it was for the best. She was extremely nervous and tense about living on her own, but it was what she needed to do.

Molly, as promised, had arranged for Rose to stay with her friend Roger in New York. Rose still had the money from Cal, so she could live off of that until she was able to find a job, and more importantly, a very trustworthy baby-sitter. Oh, how Rose hated the idea of leaving Hope during the day while she was working. Maybe she could even find a job where she would be able to take Hope with her. Who knew what the future held...

July 21, 1913
A New York Train Station

"Hello again, Rose," Roger greeted her. "It’s so nice to see you well. And this must be your darling daughter Margaret was talking about," he said with a smile, looking at Hope.

"Yes, indeed. This is Hope Lynn Dawson. I don’t want to appear rude, Mr. Phillips--"

"Roger, please."

"Roger…but I’ve had an awfully long trip, and I--"

"Say no more. We’ll head right on home and get you settled in. I think you and my wife will get along just great. Here, let me carry that for you." Roger picked up Rose’s suitcase and led her away from the terminal. Outside the train station awaited Roger Phillips’ brand new car.

"Isn’t she a beauty?" Rose just smiled. She had seen enough nice cars in her lifetime.

Roger helped Rose and Hope into the car. He walked around to the other side of the car and climbed into the driver’s seat.

"The ride isn’t too long. We’ll be there soon. Then I’m sure you’ll be wanting to sleep some. You look like you could use it."

He started the car and started to drive off. "Yes, quite," she replied. She stared out the window, pressing her cheek against the cool windowpane. The sun had set long ago, and the stars shone above. The moon hung in its brilliance, a bright orange glow to it.

A combination of the beautiful sky and the rhythmic sounds of the wind passing by the car slowly lulled Rose to sleep. The next thing she knew, Rose was awakened by a hand on her shoulder.


"Mmm." Rose opened her eyes and saw Roger standing beside her.

"We’re here, Rose."

"Oh, all right." Rose carefully stood, cradling Hope in her arms, not wanting to wake the small child.

Roger led Rose into a large but not quite ornate house. Through the darkness, Rose was able to distinguish that the house was an off shade of white. They walked down a hallway to the left and into the guestroom.

"Well, here you are." Roger turned on the lamp. "I had a crib set up over there," he said, pointing to the corner. "The bathroom is right across the hall. I’ll introduce you to Diane in the morning. I know you want to get to sleep now." He put her suitcase down near the bed while Rose placed Hope in the crib.

"Can I get you something to eat before you go to sleep?"

"No. No, thank you."

"Very well, then. Good night."

"Good night," Rose replied. Roger softly closed the door behind him as he left.

Rose sat on the bed and removed her shoes and stockings. She was too tired to change into her nightclothes. She just lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. She had a busy week ahead of her.

Chapter Two