Chapter Eleven

A Spring Wedding
May 7, 1914

"Flowers...over there! Orchestra, there," Molly screamed in a frenzy. Today was finally the day of the wedding and everyone was on edge. Because of the elongated winter, the wedding had to be moved indoors, though the weather that particular day held in their favor. So the reception itself would be held outside on the patio.

The staircase was decorated with white, salmon, and lavender carnation garlands, and the rest of the house flourished with bouquets of similar design. Things seemed to be falling perfectly into place.

Upstairs, Rose and Lynn dressed in their gowns. John and his best man, Erik, had stayed at Jack’s house the previous evening, while Lynn and Rose stayed at Molly’s house. Rose paced back and forth in her white satin gown. The bodice was beaded with extraordinary detail, as was the overlay of soft, flowing lace. On the bottom, a glass beaded fringe drooped softly on the floor.

Rose took a long drag of her cigarette as she paced about the room. Her hair and jewels had yet to be put in place due to her extremely nervous behavior.

"Rose, stand still!" Lynn demanded. Rose looked up at her but did not stop her motions.

"How were you so calm at your wedding?" Rose asked, baffled. She paused and took another long drag of her cigarette before speaking again. "Oh, Lynn...I’m so nervous. Look at me!" She made an upward motion with her hands as she continued. "My palms are sweating like crazy." She continued in her journey about the bedroom, wanting to be somewhere; anywhere but there.

"Rose, what on earth are you so worried about? People get married every day...this isn’t about Jack, is it?"

"Jack? Heavens, no," Rose assured her. "I was just thinking last night. I mean, what if John isn’t the one for me? What if…what if I’m supposed to be with someone else? I’m so young. How would I know?" Rose took another drag of her cigarette before slamming it nervously into the ashtray.

"Rose, honey, sit down." Rose looked at her with terribly worried eyes and sat down on the bed. "Now," Lynn said, "you love John, don’t you?"

"Well, yes, but--"

"Weren’t you always the one saying that love is all you need?"

"Well, I guess," Rose said softly.

"Then why would you second guess yourself now? If you and John weren’t meant to be together, don’t you think you’d know it by now?" Lynn towered over her as if to be a mother figure. What Lynn was saying did make sense.

Rose thought for several minutes, let out a deep sigh, and spoke again. "You’re right. I guess it’s just the actual legal document binding us together for all time is what scares me. Forever seems like an awfully long time when you’re nineteen." Rose paused for a long while. Then, suddenly, a slight smile appeared on her face. "But I couldn’t imagine anyone else I would rather spend it with." Rose still stared absentmindedly out the window. "Thank you, Lynn."

"What are friends for?" She smiled back at Rose. "Now, we need to get you ready. You need shoes, hair, makeup, jewelry..." As Lynn went on, Rose finally felt content about her upcoming marriage. Fate would take its rightful course.


"John, stop pacing! We need to be there in less than an hour!" Erik yelled at John.

"He’s right, John," Jack jumped in. "You’re not even dressed yet."

John looked at the two men staring at him. He didn’t believe either of them could feel what he was feeling at that moment. Jack was always the calm type. He assumed that at his wedding, Jack was cool and calm all the way through. And as far as Erik, he was still a bachelor. John could now see why. All this wedding madness was just...madness!

John still paced about the room until Erik came up in front of him and slapped him across the face. Not enough to hurt too much, but enough to get his attention.

"Snap out of it, John!" yelled Erik. "You love this girl, don’t you?"

"Of course I do. What a stupid thing to ask."

"Then what’s your problem?" Erik shot back. Jack looked at the two men for a moment. He decided it best to stay out of this one. He quietly left the room.

Erik stood a mere five foot nine, a large difference put to the height of John. Erik’s hair was long and shaggy, but still managed to accent his dark brown, almost black eyes. As Erik looked up at John, John started to speak.

"I don’t know, Erik." John let his defenses down. "I just..." John covered his head with his hands and sat down in a stiff wicker chair, leaning forward and looking down at the floor.

"John, what’s wrong? You can tell me." Erik’s voice was kind and soothing.

"I don’t know. I’m just not sure if this is...right. I mean, I love Rose with all my heart, I really do, but what if she isn’t...right for me?" John looked up at Erik, searching for the answer in his eyes.

"John," Erik spoke as he pulled up a chair, "you’re the only one who can answer that question. Do you remember what you told me when you moved back to Iowa? Hmm? You told me about this wonderful woman you had fallen in love with, but you had ruined it. You blamed yourself when you knew it wasn’t your fault. That took a lot of courage...and love. Then, a week later, you told me you were going to marry her. You said it as if you were so sure of yourself; like you could see the future. With all the hope you had lost, with all the heartache she had caused you, you still knew things would work themselves out. When December came around, I went with you to the jewelry store to get that ring. I told you that you were crazy." Erik smiled at John. "You knew then, John; you know now."

For the first time since John had known Erik, he actually seemed to make sense. "I met her last evening for the first time," Erik stated. "I can see why you love her. She really is a charming lady. Very beautiful, too," he said sincerely.

"Yes," John at last spoke up. "She is, isn’t she?" John smiled. He let out a heavy sigh and stood. "Come on. We’ve got a wedding to go to."


As the guests took their seats in the living room of the House of Lions, the groom and the best man took their places at the end of the aisle. Upstairs, Lynn and Rose prepared to make their way down the elongated aisle that included the staircase. Rose just prayed she wouldn’t fall on her way down.

As Rose took one last look in the mirror, she thought about her mother momentarily. Most of all, she thought of what a fit her mother would have thrown if she knew Rose was not getting married in a Catholic church. Heaven forgive her that she took an untraditional route and was getting married in a private home. But that was the way Rose wanted it. The house held so many memories for the young couple. It was the place they had first fallen in love, first made love, where they had broken each other’s hearts, fallen in love a second time, and finally decided upon getting married. It seemed only logical for Molly’s house to be the place where their love be made legal in the eyes of the government and in the eyes of God.

There came a soft knock at the door. "You ladies decent?" came the voice of Jack Tigges.

"Yes, Jack. Come in," Rose said with a smile.

Jack entered slowly and smiled. "It’s time." Because Rose had no father and no close male friends, she had asked Jack to give her away. He had agreed, saying he would be honored. Now, as Jack held his arm for her to take, Rose felt the incredible presence of Jack...her Jack. Maybe it was just the name, but somehow, Rose knew it was more. It was really Jack Dawson that was giving her away. She knew he was smiling upon her, giving her his silent blessing.

Rose took Jack’s arm and gave him a sweet smile that Jack himself could not completely understand.

"It’s you first, honey," Jack said to Lynn.

Lynn gave Jack a peck on the lips, then took her bouquet of pink roses in her hand. The orchestra played a romantically sweet tune. Lynn gave Rose one more reassuring smile, then turned to make her way down the hall and down the stairs.

After a short while, it was time for Jack and Rose to also make their way. "Oh, here goes nothing," Rose said nervously.

"You’ll be fine," Jack assured her.

Rose took one last, long breath before allowing Jack to lead her down the stairs. As soon as they came into view, the orchestra started to play the wedding march. The crowd of people turned to look at the blushing bride. Rose seemed to sparkle with delight as she walked down the stairs, then the aisle, all the while keeping her eyes on John. As they reached the groom, Jack let Rose go and John led Rose the rest of the short distance to the priest.

"Everyone please be seated." The priest spoke to the guests.

Throughout the ceremony, the priest spoke of love and the unity of their souls in the eyes of God. Rose felt so touched she felt the silent tears start to fall. She looked over at John, and she could see tears in his eye as well. Rose smiled as she became Mrs. Calvert; among dear friends and family, and under the eyes of God.


As Mr. and Mrs. Calvert set foot in the courtyard, their view was clouded by a storm of rice. Everyone cheered and smiled, as did the new bride and groom. A puff of smoke and a bright flash went off as the camera took their picture. Soon the storm of white rice diminished and everyone spread out into smaller groups--it was time for the party to begin.

The orchestra moved to their seats out in the courtyard. It looked like the day would turn out perfect after all. The mountains of food were still inside, but Molly had the servants working extra hard, trying to get it all placed out in the basking sunlight. The tent gave shade to the rented dance floor, but crowds gathered to feel the warm sun. It was a pleasant change from the brisk, elongated winter they had just lived through.

Rose took John’s hand, and he led her out onto the dance floor as the orchestra started playing. Rose took her dress in one hand, and John gently kissed the back of her free hand. As he bowed to her, Rose blushed slightly, then let John take her around the waist and lead her gracefully around the floor. Everyone stared intently at the happy couple and had to smile themselves.

Once the first song was over, John grabbed a glass from one of the tables nearby and tapped a knife gently to it.

"Everyone! I’d like to have your attention please!" John tried to raise his voice over the crowds. Finally, the noise subsided and John gestured for Rose to come stand beside him. "First off, on behalf of Rose and myself, I’d like to thank you all for coming on this joyous occasion."

John reached into the breast pocked of his jacket and pulled out a long velvet jewelry box. Still speaking to the guests, John continued. "Rose and I agreed that we weren’t going to exchange gifts...but..." John opened the box and revealed a beautifully crafted gold and diamond bracelet to Rose. She gasped and placed her hand gently over her mouth, astonished. She looked at the bracelet, then her eyes lifted to focus on John. She hadn’t expected anything like this from him. She was truly speechless.

"Rose Dawson Calvert…" John spoke to Rose now. "I’ve always loved you. Almost from the very first day that I met you. You and Hope are the joy in my life and the fire of my soul. Nothing on earth makes me happier." John carefully picked the bracelet out of its case, and clasped it gently around Rose’s wrist. Rose looked down at her hand, then back up at John. She kissed him, possibly more passionately than she realized, or more than she should have.

The orchestra continued to play, and the talking amongst the guests resumed. Rose clung tightly to John as they danced the day away.

Chapter Twelve