Chapter Seven

A Gift of Happiness
Christmas Eve

The Brown mansion was decorated festively for Christmas. The phonograph played beautiful Christmas music in the dim light; the tree sparkled with ornaments and garlands--it was beautiful.

John and Rose sat in the living room on the couch...right next to the fire. John sat in the corner with Rose cuddled closely to him, her head resting on his shoulder. John pulled a blanket over them was still a bit chilly.

"Lynn and Jack will be here soon. It’s nearly 6:30 and it’s getting dark. Did you want to go get ready?" John whispered softly.

"In a minute," Rose said quietly. "I want to stay with you for just a little longer."

John kissed her forehead softly. "I love you," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you, too," she replied contentedly. Rose sighed. "I guess I should go upstairs and get dressed. Look at me, still in my nightgown," Rose teased herself.

"Well, I think you look beautiful just the way you are."

"That may be, Mr. Calvert, but you know you’d rather see me not wearing it," she teased.

Rose stood and stretched her arms. She removed the blanket and took John’s arm. "Come with me. You’re gonna help me pick something out."

"Me?" he asked, shocked.

"Yes, you, silly. And I’ll even let you help me get changed after I get out of the tub." She started to lead him up the stairs.

"Aw…you mean I don’t get to come in the tub with you?" He tried to act disappointed.

"Don’t push your luck," she said playfully.

After Rose was dressed, she told John to go get ready himself so she could do her hair and makeup.

She brushed her still damp hair and pulled it half up with a rhinestone comb. She powdered her face, added a little rouge, little lipstick, some kohl to her eyes...Rose sighed. This whole makeup thing was starting to really get on her nerves.

She mumbled to herself as she heard a knock at her door. "Come in," she said softly. She smiled as she saw John walk into her room.

"Good. Now you can help me with this necklace." He walked to where she sat and took the necklace from her hands. He clasped it as he kissed her neck softly.

Rose smiled and closed her eyes at his touch. He made her whole body tingle.

"Let’s go back downstairs," John suggested. "Lynn and Jack will be here soon. Then we’ll have dinner."

"All right," Rose said as she stood.

Just as they were walking down the stairs, they heard the doorbell ring. "Might as well answer it," Rose said.

She opened the door to see Lynn and Jack standing there. "Hi! Come in. It’s cold out there." Rose rushed them into the house and took their coats.

"You must be Jack," John said. "Nice to meet you. John Calvert." He extended his hand.

"Jack Tigges." Jack shook his hand. The two ladies had already started up a conversation and headed into the living room. John and Jack looked at each other, then at the girls.

"Shall we?" John asked, gesturing after Lynn and Rose.

Once all four were settled by the fire, Molly came walking in with Hope in her arms. "Sorry I’m late, everyone," she apologized.

Rose stood up and took Hope from Molly’s arms. "Oh, that’s all right. How’s Mommy’s little girl?" Rose directed her attention back to Hope. The child just smiled and pulled on Rose’s curls.

Rose sat back down next to John, and he took Hope into his arms. He started to play peek-a-boo with her. The group laughed as Hope giggled and bounced up and down.

"Well, everyone," Molly announced. "I do believe that David has fixed quite the meal for us. Why don’t we head into the dining room?"

With a bunch of yeses and splendid ideas, they followed Molly to the dining room. She opened the doors to reveal a partially candlelit, beautifully decorated dining and dancing hall. The music played softly as the snow fell silently outside the window.

They all sat at the table, aside from Hope, who sat in a high chair next to her mother. Rose tried to feed her some applesauce, but all Hope wanted to do was to play. Rose finally gave up on trying to feed her when her own food arrived.

Everything smelled delicious. There was fresh baked bread, salad, shrimp cocktail, lamb, roast beef, baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, strawberries, cake, and ice cream, with champagne for everyone.

"Oh, Molly! What a feast..." Rose commented.

"You like lamb, right, sweetpea?" Molly teased.

"Not funny," Rose said, suppressing a grin. Everyone just looked at the two curiously, but said nothing.


As the meal neared its end, and everyone started on dessert, John became more and more nervous. He had to do this tonight.

"Do you want some more ice cream?" John asked Rose.

"No. I couldn’t eat another bite," she said, holding her stomach.

"Why don’t we all go into the living room for coffee and presents?" Molly suggested.

Everyone agreed, but John looked reluctant. Lynn gave him an urging look, without either Jack or Rose seeing. But Molly saw. What in God’s name is going on around here? she thought to herself.

Once everyone was settled around the tree, Lynn gave John that look again. John lipped her a fine.

"Rose," he spoke. "May I have a word with private?"

"Of course. Lynn, would you...?" She handed Hope over to Lynn.

"Sure," Lynn said cheerfully.

John led Rose into the sitting room and closed the door behind them.

"What is it, John? Is something wrong?" Rose asked as they sat on the sofa.

"Rose." He took both of her hands in his. "I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. How you’ve given me over the past few days. I love you more than life itself. You know that, Rose. Don’t you?"

"Of course I know. I feel the same way." She lifted her hand to his face and stroked it softly. He kissed her hand as it brushed by his lips.

"I...I can’t imagine having to leave here next week and not know when I’ll ever see you again."

"John, I--"

"No, please. Let me do this. I can’t...I can’t live without you, Rose. So...what I’m trying to say is…Rose, will you marry me?" John pulled the object he was fondling at the train station from his pocket. It was a diamond ring.

Rose’s eyes began to water and she soon began to cry. She covered her face with her hands and began to sob, just like she had the last time they had had a discussion in this room.


Rose couldn’t stop crying. John wrapped his arms around her and tried to soothe her. "Shh. Don’t cry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry," he said sadly.

When Rose finally gained control of her body, she looked up at John and smiled. "Yes," she whispered.

John looked at her, surprised. When he saw her start to cry, he had assumed it was a no. Had she just said yes?

"Yes, I’ll marry you, John Calvert."

"Oh, Rose! You’ve made me so happy!" John exclaimed.

John hugged her tightly, then let go and stood her up. He slid the ring delicately on her left ring finger. Rose looked down at fit perfectly. She smiled and looked back up at him. "I love you," she whispered. She kissed him sweetly.

"Should we tell everyone?" John asked her.

"In a little while."

Rose looked at him devilishly, then pressed her lips passionately against his. He kissed her back roughly as he pinned her up against the wall.

"You think they’re all right in there?" asked Molly. She had heard Rose’s crying, then that thud just now.

"Oh, they’re fine," Lynn said with a grin.


Later that evening, after Hope had fallen asleep, Rose lay in John’s arms in his bedroom, the candlelight dancing on their glistening bodies.

"Merry Christmas, sweetheart," John whispered in Rose’s ear.

"Merry Christmas, darling."

Chapter Eight