Chapter Eight

Life As Usual
March 6, 1914

After John’s proposal, Rose almost immediately closed up her life in New York. Her coworkers and boss were sorry to see her go, as were her neighbors, but they all had wished her the best of luck. Since then, she and Hope had been living back at Molly’s...that was in late January.

John had, unfortunately, had to move back to Cedar Rapids. He had left shortly after the new year began, though he did send out a birthday gift for Hope, and Rose sent him one for his birthday.

Late in February, Molly had suggested that John come and live there, too, until the wedding, when he and Rose would be moving back to Cedar Rapids. At first John was reluctant, especially to leave his still new business in the hands of another. But eventually the thought of being with Rose convinced him to go.

Molly had spoken to Rose about her relations with John on one occasion. She had said that she wasn’t completely close-minded. She also said that she knew Rose and John were young, and very much in love--she would not mind their staying in the same room, just as long as they respected each other. Rose had been shocked to hear Molly say that, but nonetheless, she would not pass up the opportunity to live with John.

Now, as early March began, Rose and John were finally settled into Rose’s old bedroom...since it was the larger of the two.

"She’s finally asleep," John whispered to Rose. He was rocking her back and forth in his arms in the rocking chair.

Rose looked at both of them adoringly. Hope was getting so big, and John just adored her. It seemed, to Rose, that she was a living image of Jack, except for her red, curly hair...just like her mother’s.

John stood slowly and placed Hope in her crib. As soon as we get to Iowa, Rose thought, we’ll have to see about getting her something bigger. And her own room, too.

"It’s still early, you know," John commented. "Do you want to go out something new and exciting?"

"No," Rose said softly. "I’m quite tired. I think I’m just going to take a warm bath and turn in for the evening." Rose covered her mouth as she yawned. "Care to join me?" she asked, walking into the bathroom.

"Sure." John jumped at the chance.

John walked into the bathroom as Rose began to run the water. After the tub was filled, they got undressed and stepped into the tub. Rose held John from behind and washed his chest with a cloth.

"So, do we finally have everything set for the wedding?" Rose asked.

"It looks that way, and Molly said anything else that comes up, she’ll take care of."

"That sounds like something she’d say," Rose mused.

"Rose, where are your parents? You never talked of them, and I know we didn’t invite them to the wedding."

Without faltering, Rose explained. "My father died some years back, and my mother...well," Rose’s voice trailed off.

"She what?"

"She didn’t exactly approve of Jack. I haven’t talked to her since."

"Oh," John said simply.

"There’s more to it than just that. I’ll explain it to you another time." Rose kissed his ear playfully.

"Ooh, feisty little one you are," John said. Rose just giggled and continued.


"Can I brush your hair?" John asked.

"What?" Rose asked, surprised. After they had gotten redressed for bed, Rose sat at her vanity, prepared to brush out her hair.

"Can I brush your hair?" he repeated. "It’s just so beautiful and it smells…" He bent down and took in the scent of her hair. "…so good. I want to brush it out for you."

Rose eyed him nervously. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him. It was just that when it was wet, the curls did not always want to cooperate with her...or the hairbrush, for that matter.

"Well, if you really want to. Just start at the ends first." She handed him her hairbrush, and he stood behind her. Through the reflection, she saw him hovering over her with such a look in his eyes. They sparkled as he ran the brush through Rose’s hair, being careful not to pull too hard.

"There," he announced after a while. "All done." Rose fluffed her hair to bring back the curls. Then she kissed him sweetly on the lips.

She crawled between the satin sheets comfortably. John lay next to her and turned the light off.

"Good night, Rose," he whispered. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Good night." John had just enough time for a quick kiss before Rose fell right to sleep.

Chapter Nine