
A Sorrowful Good-bye
July 15, 1913

As the train pulled into the Denver train station, tears filled the eyes of two dear friends. It was finally time for Rose to leave, though neither wanted to part from the other.

"I guess this is it, huh?" asked a teary-eyed Lynn.

"No. Don’t think of it that way. We’ll see each other lots." Rose tried to lighten the mood, but it wasn’t working.

"Listen, Rose, I’m not really great at good-byes, so I wrote you this letter." Lynn handed Rose a light pink envelope. "I’m sure gonna miss you, Rosie." Over the past year and two months, Rose had been staying in the Brown household. The two had become like sisters to each other. It was killing them both to part like this, but it was something Rose felt she had to do.

"Can I say good-bye to my Goddaughter?" Lynn asked.

"You don’t need to ask." Rose gently placed Hope in Lynn’s arms.

"Hey, sweetie." Lynn spoke softly to the baby. "I’m going to miss you something terrible. You tell your mommy to come and visit Aunt Lynn a lot. Okay?" She placed one last kiss on Hope’s forehead and handed her back to her mother.

The train blew its whistle for the third time. Rose had stayed on the platform for as long as possible. It was time for her to leave now. Any attempts that Rose had made to restrain her tears had now failed her.

Rose glanced back at the train, then back to Lynn. The two embraced each other as tightly as possible without squishing Hope in the middle. Rose whispered softly in Lynn’s ear, "I love you. Never give up hope..."

"You really do like that word, huh, Rosie?"

Rose giggled and whispered, "Bye." Rose pulled away and looked Lynn in the eyes. There was nothing more to be said. She turned around and headed for the train; she was off to New York to start the next chapter of her life. It was another new beginning for Rose Dawson.

Chapter One