Chapter Fourteen

Fabrizio's snores were the only thing Jack could hear as he lay on the sofa, his heart beating quickly. He had searched everywhere for Rose, and he knew she was in trouble. She was usually home by now, but it was past one o’clock in the morning. He felt sick to his stomach. The room was pitch black and he felt uncomfortable on the sofa, which Rose had slept on since she had moved in with him. He could smell her scent on the pillow and felt as though he had failed her when he promised nothing would happen to her. He knew Cal was looking for her, but there was nothing he could do except wait and pray that she returned to them—safely. Loud and heavy footsteps sounded from the stairs outside and Jack immediately stood, feeling himself shake. He hoped it was Rose, but he dreaded seeing if she was in any state. The door opened and Rose stood in the doorway. A wide grin fell across Jack's face. He was so happy to see her, his heart beat wildly.

“Rose, where have you been? I was worried sick.” He came towards her as he whispered, but she held out her hand to him as a signal to stop.

“Stay away from me,” she warned, a different tone to her voice. Jack flicked on the light, but didn't wish to disturb Fabrizio from his sleep. The light revealed Rose looking different. Her eyes were bloodshot and she stank of cheap perfume, like the stuff Maria wore. Fabrizio stirred in his sleep, but just mumbled something in Italian before pulling the blanket over his head. He turned his attention back to Rose. Something was distinctly different about her.


“I know, Jack. I know about you and Maria. About you kissing her and the drawing.” She barged past Jack and walked into the kitchen. She could feel herself shaking.

“Rose, what are you talking about?”

“Don't you dare try to deny anything, Jack. I've seen the drawing and Maria told me you kissed her. I thought you wanted me. For months, I stood by and watched as you made an idiot of yourself buying those silly hats and suits while you fought.” She raised her voice, but she remembered that Fabrizio was asleep. Jack diverted his eyes away from Rose, feeling guilt. He didn't know why, because he was a single man—but he did want Rose.

“Rose, look. I'm sorry. It just happened…” He tried to explain himself.

“Just like when we kissed? Did that just happen, too?” Rose pushed past him once again. She went into the main room, grabbed what clothes she had on the floor, and threw them into the box that she had purchased at the market that day. Jack stopped Rose and pulled her back into the kitchen.

“No, Rose. It meant something with you. With Maria, it just…”

“How can I believe you?” Rose wanted to cry, to let all of her heartbreak out, but decided against it. She remembered Maria's words never cry for a man, and she wasn't about to.

“You just have to,” Jack whispered. He attempted to pull her close to him, but she wouldn't allow him to. She was like a different woman. Something nagged at Jack, something which he didn't want to think about, but he knew he had to ask her. “Rose, you're not…one of them, are you?” he asked, indicating Maria and the girls at the brothel.

Rose narrowed her eyes before diverting them away from Jack, and remembered something else she had learned from Maria—never explain yourself to a man. “That's none of your business,” she replied. She picked up her box and attempted to cram another dress inside, but it wouldn't fit. “I'm leaving, Jack.”

His eyes widened. “Leaving? To go where? Rose, don't go. Don't become one of them.”

Rose stood up straight. “Them? You speak as if they are alien. They are human beings, Jack, and some of the girls are forced to do this for a living.”

Jack's head spun as if he were drunk. He couldn't believe the events of the evening. He thought she was hurt or in trouble, but here she was, a different woman. He had a feeling Maria had something to do with this. “I know that, Rose, but you're too good to be one of them.”

“Well, what else do you suppose me able to do, Jack? Wait around for you to want me? Because you never did. I was naïve enough to think so.”

Jack grabbed Rose's wrist and pulled her towards him in an attempt to make her see sense. He actually hurt her and she stumbled and screamed, waking Fabrizio, who awoke to see Jack gripping Rose's wrists. She slapped his face hard just as she did Cal’s when he grabbed her. She wouldn't allow herself to be hurt in any way by a man anymore. “Get your hands away from me, Jack Dawson.” Fabrizio stood, not knowing quite what had happened or what to do. He looked from Jack to Rose, who had let go of Rose's wrists.

Jack held his hand to his cheek where Rose had just hit him. It stung a lot more than any of the times he had been punched in the face by the men at the bar whilst fighting. He felt the bitter sting of tears fall down his face and Rose backed away from him. He bit his lip and thought of what to say, but words failed him.

“Jack?” Fabrizio came towards him, having never seen him so melancholy. Fabrizio's voice broke his thoughts and he looked at Rose, the beautiful girl he had fallen so deeply in love with. There was only one thing left to do—to make her see how much he loved her.

“Rose…” he began. “I love—“

The door opened suddenly and Maria walked in, her heels clacking on the floor. She knew something had happened because of the atmosphere in the room. “I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have come for Rose.”

Jack watched Maria as if she was poison, his hand still touching where Rose had hit him. “What do you want from her?”

“Because I am prepared to offer her everything you aren't, Jack. You are not a real friend.” Maria touched Rose's hand and she turned her head to her, who indicated to Rose to leave the room. Rose picked up her box of clothes and began to walk towards Maria, still holding her hand.

Jack laughed slightly. He bent over and put his hands over his kneecaps before running them through his hair. He was in total disbelief. He wanted to know just what Maria had done to brainwash Rose. Fabrizio shuffled, slightly uncomfortably, not knowing the full extent of the situation, but he knew Jack was hurt. Jack thought of arguing with Maria, but it was no use. It was Rose he would explain himself to, because she was the one he wanted.

He stood up straight, directly diverting his eyes to her and only her as he spoke. He thought of the times they had kissed so passionately and how much he had fallen for her in the space of a few months. He couldn't bear to lose her now. She meant too much to him. “Rose…I do want you. I want you more than anything.”

Rose felt the tears prick her eyes. He seemed to genuinely mean his words. She felt Maria's hand pull hers slightly, breaking her connection to Jack. Shaking her head, she remembered that he had kissed Maria, and that still hurt her.

“Come on, Rose. Time to go,” Maria urged her. She opened the door and literally shoved Rose through it. Turning to Jack, she smiled. “You don't always get what you want, Jackie boy. You stay away from her. You're no good.”

She slammed the door in Jack's face, but he opened it quickly and watched Rose descend the stairs. He wanted to do something, but what could he do? Literally force her to stay? He felt his heart break. He called Rose's name twice, but he received no reply, nor a look. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he touched it, knowing it belonged to Fabrizio.

“What's happened?” he asked quietly, not fully understanding the night’s events. Jack turned to his friend, seeing sympathy and concern in his dark brown eyes. Jack shook his head. He felt like crying, but doubted he could feel anything but numbness.

“She's gone, Fabri. She's really gone.”

Fabrizio pulled Jack into a friendly hug and tapped his back. “Why has she gone? Go get her,” Fabrizio urged, always seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

Jack backed away and closed the door of their studio. He shook his head and swallowed back the lump that was rising in his throat.

“No, no. Maria has brainwashed her.” Jack sat at the table. He placed his head in his hands. “Maria kissed me earlier, but she has told Rose some twisted tale.”

Fabrizio frowned, knowing none of this. “You and Maria?”

“Yes. I think she's roped Rose into becoming some sort of a whore with the rest of them.” Jack felt sick to the bottom of his stomach, knowing some man would have their hands all over his Rose in an unlawful way. He banged his fist on the table in anger, but tears fell from his eyes.

“Then stop it, Jack, before it’s too late. You cannot let Rose do this. She is too precious to you. You must stop it.” Fabrizio had never seen Jack give up on any situation yet and wasn't about to let something as special as Rose slip away now.

Jack raised his eyes to meet Fabrizio's and saw the determination. He knew Fabrizio was right. He couldn't give her up without a fight. He promised he would help her in every way, and he would because he knew Rose was influenced into her decision to leave.

“But how?”

“Talk to her. Tell her how you feel about her, about everything. You cannot let her go so easily,” Fabrizio urged Jack. He knew he couldn't let his friend give up without a fight. Jack sat upright and thought about Fabrizio's words and knew he was right. Tomorrow he would go to speak to Rose. He didn't know what he would do if she turned him away again, but he wouldn't leave unless he had spoken to Rose alone and told her fully how he felt about her. Maybe then she would see sense—he hoped.

Chapter Fifteen