Chapter Four

The floor was already filling with people dancing. There were men and women together, two women together, and men standing tapping their feet as they drank their beers. The band played Irish music and was always popular at the bar. Maria and the other dancers kicked up their heels on the stage and men watched them, throwing money at their feet. Jack pulled Rose onto the floor and she offered slight hesitation. Glancing around her, she saw the other people dancing and realized she had no idea how they danced. The music was fast and Jack pulled her closer to him.

“Jack, I can't do this.” She turned her attention back to him and realized just how close they were.

“We're going to have to get a little bit closer…” Jack placed his right hand on the small of her back and pulled her a little closer to him. “Like this.”

Picking up her dress in her right hand, Rose slipped her hand into Jack's. “But Jack, I don't even know the steps.”

He led her into the middle of the floor before dancing. “Neither do I!” he shouted above the music. “Just go with it, and don't think!”

Listening to his words, Rose followed his lead and simply did as he told her. He led her around the floor, and she screamed, having never danced this way before. She felt wild and free. Her grip on Jack tightened as he whirled her around. Out of the corner of his eye, Jack saw Fabrizio on the stage, dancing with Maria. He pulled Rose through the throngs of the dancing people. She followed him onto the stage, but glanced out towards the crowd, noticing them all now staring at her and Jack. Moving his hair from his face, Jack proceeded to clog a few steps, something he had learned in his time in Ireland the year before. Rose watched, having no idea Jack could dance. She recognized the steps and laughed. Removing her shoes, she threw them to a lady in the crowd before lifting her skirts to reveal her stocking feet and clogging with Jack. He clapped along before clogging with her and then linked her arm through his and danced in a circle before spinning her around faster and faster. She screamed and laughed with joy, having never had so much fun in her life. The crowds of people watching were forgotten and the only thing that she was aware of was herself and Jack dancing.

Maria watched from the wings as Jack danced with this redhead. Who was she, anyway? She seemed like a snooty young rich lady. Maria knew she could dance with Jack if she could somehow turn his attention away from the new girl. Her face screwed up at Rose and she rolled her eyes before slouching down at a table.

“I need a drink.” Rose giggled breathlessly as she whirled around with Jack one final time before almost falling into his arms. They both laughed hysterically as Jack lead her from the stage. “I feel so dizzy.”

Placing his arm around her shoulders, Jack pulled her through the crowds of people towards the bar. “Don't worry. We'll sit down with our beers.”

Rose glanced back at the stage and saw Fabrizio dancing with a young blonde girl. She felt as though she fit in here with Jack and his way of life. She felt so alive from the evening of dancing, and she couldn't remember a time she had felt more happy and relaxed. She didn't have to care about how she looked and her etiquette. All the people in the room just wanted to have fun.

“Do you know what I always wanted to try, Jack?” Rose smiled, leaning against the bar, still out of breath from dancing.

“What have you always wanted to try, Rose?” he teased.


Jack’s eyes widened and he burst out laughing. “Holy shit! You really are something, Rose.”

Maurice, the bartender, was a small, round man with dark hair and deep set eyes. He came towards Jack and leaned over the bar slightly to hear his order above the band and the laughter.

“Hey, Jack, how've you been?” he asked, shaking hands with Jack.

“The usual. Maurice, this is Rose.”

Maurice shook hands with Rose, eyeing her up and down. “God, Jack, where have you found this lovely lady?”

Rose smiled, turning to Jack to await his answer to Maurice.

“In the park. She was admiring my art.” Jack turned to Rose and smiled.

“Oh, right. Well, water, is it, for the lady?” Maurice presumed Rose wouldn't be drinking alcohol.

“Actually, Maurice, we'll have two whiskeys.”

He winked at Rose. She raised her eyebrows at him.

“Whiskey, huh? So, you think you're man enough to take it?” she teased.

“Of course.” He grinned.

Maurice placed two small glasses of straight whiskey on the bar in front of them. Rose picked up the glass shakily. She brought the liquid to her nose. Just the smell of it made her eyes water.

“Oh, my God. It smells lethal.” Rose laughed, but she wasn't put off trying the alcohol. She felt like she wasn't herself tonight, that she could be as free and daring as she wanted to be.

“One, two, three…” Jack counted as he brought the glass to his lips and tasted the bitterness. “All right. Down in one.”

They both tipped the glasses and drank the liquid. Jack screwed up his face and laughed, slamming the glass on the bar, followed by Rose, who fell backwards slightly. Jack caught her in his arms.

“You all right?” he asked.

She threw her head back, laughing. Some pins fell from her hair, loosening some curls. She reached around and pulled the rest of them out, freeing her hair and allowing her curls to cascade around her shoulders, almost taking Jack's breath away.

“I'm fine.”

It was amazing to see how different this woman had become in just twenty-four hours. Just the night before, she was ready to kill herself, and now she was laughing and happy. He never wanted the night to end, but he knew it would, and he knew that Rose would probably be going back to the finishing school, and Cal would be there.

“Jack! There you are. I haven't see you all evening.” A voice interrupted Jack's thoughts.

Rose glanced around to see Maria standing in front of her. Rose's eyes traveled to her chest, where her breasts were almost falling from her dress, and she suddenly felt self-conscious once again. Her head felt dizzy from the drink.

Maria looked Rose up and down and forced a smile. “Rose, how good to see you again. I'm sure you won’t mind if I take Jack for a dance, will you? You've had his attention all night.” Maria spoke as if she was jealous, but she smiled.

“Of course not.”

Jack placed his arm around Rose's shoulders. “Will you be all right?” he asked, concerned.

Maria grabbed Jack's hand, pulling him away. “She's a big girl. She'll be fine.”

Jack followed Maria, leaving Rose alone, surrounded by people she didn't know. Scanning the crowd, Rose attempted to find Fabrizio or the two Swedish men she had sat with at the beginning of the evening, but her eyesight faltered and she felt slightly drunk. Staggering slightly, she attempted to find her way through the crowd, but people kept knocking into her and standing on her bare feet. She felt a small tap on her shoulder and turned to see a burly man who appeared to have a black eye. He smiled at her, showing several missing teeth. She grimaced slightly, turning around and attempting to continue to walk, but she felt his hand pull her backwards.

“I'm Eric.” He grinned. “And I'd like to dance with you.”

He stank of a mixture of sweat and filth. Rose felt herself shaking.

“Thank you, but I need to sit down right now. I'm not feeling too well.”

Eric pulled her towards him as she attempted to shake away his grasp. “You will dance with me!” he ordered, putting his arms around her the way Jack had, but this time it didn't feel right.

“I don't want to dance,” she told him firmly, attempting to escape his arms. His breath stank vilely and he was probably the most ugly creature she had ever seen. “Please let me go.”


“What's the deal with Rose?” Maria questioned as she danced with Jack, both her arms around his neck. She glanced up at him. “She sure is a pretty girl.”

Jack looked Maria in the eye and noticed the naughty glint she always had. He smiled. “She's just a friend,” he told her. His eyes scanned the crowd for Rose. He hated leaving her, but she would be all right. She couldn't go far.

“Well, she sure seems sweet on you,” Maria teased, touching Jack's cheek.

Shaking his head, Jack laughed at Maria's ludicrous words. “Don't be silly. She's just a good friend who needs help right now.”

He took his eyes from Maria and tried to find Rose in the crowd. He loosened his grip on Maria and frowned as he attempted to find her red curls…and then he found her. She appeared to be struggling in the arms of a large man who had been fighting earlier. His heart thumped. He had to get her away from him.

Jack simply walked away from Maria. She wondered where he was going. Her mouth fell open when she saw he was heading in the direction of Rose. She followed him, shaking her head. Was he in love with this Rose?

“Jack…what are you doing!?” she cried, following him.


Rose attempted to move away from the man who had a grip on her. “Just leave me alone!” she cried, tears forming in her eyes.

Jack saw her struggling. “Excuse me, sir!” Jack tapped the man known as Eric. “Could you…”

Jack couldn't finish his sentence because Eric simply pushed him away. Feeling frustrated, Jack attempted to pull the man's strong arms away from Rose.

“I would walk away from something that doesn't concern you,” Eric warned, his eyes showing how serious he was, but Jack didn't flinch one bit.

“I'm afraid it does concern me when you have got your hands on my sister. Get away from her.”

Jack showed no fear. Rose felt Eric's anger, but she had never seen Jack the way he was now.

“I thought I told you to walk away.”

Jack had had enough. He had never felt the way he did now. He wasn't a violent person, but he knew Rose was distraught from the look on her beautiful face. Without thinking twice, he slammed his right fist into Eric's face, breaking his grip on Rose and knocking him to the floor.

“And I thought I told you to get away from her,” Jack said through gritted teeth.

Rose felt the tears fall from her eyes. She began to run through the crowd of people, who were stunned at Jack's actions. He wasn't exactly built big, but he had enough strength to knock Eric to the floor, although Eric had already been defeated in the fight that evening. Jack ran after Rose, feeling his knuckles throb. He had never hit anyone before and was now feeling the aftereffects.

“Rose!” he called as he followed her outside into the cold night air. It was past midnight and he shivered, wearing just a thin shirt. “Rose, are you all right?” He caught up with her and she collapsed crying in his arms. He wondered why she was so hysterical.

“I'm so sorry!” she cried, her words almost inaudible.

Pulling away, Jack touched her face. “What are you sorry for, Rose? There's nothing for you to apologize for.” He pulled her close to him again and felt her body shake.

“For the trouble I caused. He just scared me, that's all.”

Tightening his arms around Rose's body, he kissed her hair gently before raising his left arm and stroking her curls tenderly. Rose felt comforted by him. She closed her eyes against his chest, feeling safe in his arms.

“I know he scared you, but he didn't scare me. I won’t let him put his hands on you like that, Rose. You have caused no trouble. You're just an attractive young lady who caught the attention of a disgusting man.”

Tears fell from Rose's eyes again as she relived the memory of Eric's grip on her, how he stank. It made her stomach turn and her skin crawl, but Jack made her feel safe.

Footsteps were audible, running towards them, and Fabrizio and Maria came into sight.

“Jack, are you all right?” Fabrizio's voice was full of concern. His brown eyes traveled to Rose, who was in Jack's arms and slightly hysterical.

“Yeah. I'm all right.” Jack felt Rose's body shaking in the cold air. “I'm going to get Rose back to the house. It's cold out here and I don't want her to be any more upset.”

Fabrizio nodded, while Maria just watched the way Jack was with Rose. She stalked back inside.

Fabrizio could not believe the events of the evening. The entire bar had witnessed Jack, who was not very big, knock out a man twice his size. He knew the reason for his actions—because of Rose. If Fabrizio didn't know better, he would say his friend was falling in love with the girl.

Back inside the club, it was almost silent. The music had stopped and the people were still reeling over the event which had taken place a few minutes before. Eric was one of the regular fighters at the bar, and to be knocked plain out by someone smaller than him was quite an embarrassment.

Mr. Burns had witnessed Jack from afar and now he had caught his attention. He was a young man, obviously capable of throwing a wild punch. He removed his gray cap and watched as Fabrizio, Jack's Italian friend, was about to leave the bar.

“Hey, you!” he called to him, not sure if he had heard him, or even if the man understood English. Getting to his feet, he jumped from the stage and walked after Fabrizio. “Hey, you!” he called again, this time catching his attention.

Fabrizio frowned before glancing around and realizing the man was looking directly at him. Removing his cap, he bowed his head slightly, knowing this man was of some authority.

“Yes, sir,” he replied in his broken English.

“No, none of that.” Mr. Burns shook his head as the Italian put his hat back on. He lit a cigarette, glancing up and down at this Italian man before him. “Listen. Jack Dawson is your friend, right?”

Fabrizio slowly nodded, wondering if Jack was in any trouble. “Oh, yes, he is.”

Nodding, Mr. Burns rummaged in his pocket and found a small piece of paper. “Right. You give your friend this and have him call by tomorrow. I want make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

Mr. Burns smiled, satisfied, and Fabrizio just nodded and walked away, wondering what he wanted with Jack.

Chapter Five