Chapter Eight

“Mr. Joseph Lamb, meet Jack Dawson.” Mr. Burns smoked his pipe as he introduced his business colleague. Joseph Lamb was one of the most respected boxing coaches in these circles. He traveled the world with his team of lads and won every single fight, and anyone who let him down was fired.

“Good evening, Mr. Lamb.” Jack shook hands with Joseph Lamb, who was dressed as a fine gentleman. He had three valets, who waited on him hand and foot. As the three men took a seat at the table, Jack lit a cigarette. He wore just his pants and leaned backwards in the chair, feeling the coolness of the wood against his bare back.

“Right then, lad. Mr. Lamb here is a very important man to us. He invests good money in us, and with the right man, we can make ourselves very rich. You understand me, Jackie boy?”

Jack nodded, puffing away at his cigarette. He squinted his eyes and listened to every word his boss said to him. “Of course, sir.”

“Now, the English bastard tonight—you need to kill him, Jack. Not just knock him down, but keep going until he's got nothing left in him.”

“I'll do what I can, sir.” Jack went to stand, but Mr. Burns stopped him.

“No. You will make sure he's left within an inch of life. Do you understand? He is a wanted man around here. Mr. Lamb will pay you five hundred francs from his own money if you beat him.”

Jack’s eyes widened. Five hundred francs? That was more than his house was worth. “I will do it, sir. Don't you worry.” Jack took the last puff from his cigarette. He was due to fight at eight and it was close to that time now. Mr. Burns slapped his back and nodded to Joseph Lamb.

“Good man, Jack. The money will be waiting at the end of the fight.” Joseph stood and left the room. Mr. Burns glared at Jack. “Don't you let us down, Jackie boy.” Jack nodded and left the room. He felt added pressure on himself now, but he was sure that he could take the bastard down.

He was as big as the Englishman, and the crowd cheered him on like crazy. Rose was also here tonight, along with her friends and Fabrizio. He had a feeling that tonight would be life-changing.


Maria applied the last of her dark red lipstick and pushed her breasts upward so they almost spilled out of the top of her black corset. She opened the door to the stage and saw Rose standing at the front, along with her stupid, chicken-plucking friends. But now Rose had no job. She was living with Jack and earning no money. Who the hell did she think she was? Lighting a cigarette, Maria sashayed her way through the crowds, men watching her as she did so. She finally reached Rose and tapped her on the shoulder, plastering a fake smile on her face.

“Well, hello, Rose. How are you?” she spoke, faking niceness. “Come to see Jack, I see.”

“Why else would I be here?” Rose turned her attention away from Maria. She didn't like it. How she felt like slapping the silly little smirk from her face.

“Well, it’s not to work, that's for sure.” Maria poked at her and Rose turned back around. She didn't like what Maria had said to her. “You must feel a little useless, knowing poor Jack is earning all of the money and you can’t even find a job.”

“Well, it’s better than being a whore,” Sheila piped in, squinting at Maria, hatred obvious in her eyes. She didn't know how she had the guts to make stabs at Rose when Maria just used her body to get attention.

“Well, at least I'm not afraid of showing a little of what I’ve got. I show that I can dance and I know what I want in my life. What do you do, Rose? You need to take a few tips from the girls here. You don’t dare even show your ankles, you silly little virgin.” With that, Maria walked away, satisfied with how she had gotten one over on Rose. The way Jack was with her made her jealous, but she didn't know why.

“Ignore her, Rose.” Lily shook her head, but Rose thought about it. If Maria could dance up there, then so could Rose. She had the body for it. She had been told by many people, and Jack had told her himself that she was beautiful. She watched as Maria's figure walked off, and then she followed her into the crowd of people. Her mind was made up. If Maria could be a chorus girl, then so could she. She wasn't a pushover anymore, and she wasn't about to let Maria win.

Mr. Burns watched as Joseph Lamb signed the contract and beamed. “That's it. All done. Let’s go and watch the fight now, eh?”

“Um…Mr. Burns, there is someone here to see you.” Adam, the young boy who worked for Mr. Burns came in the door.

Mr. Burns shook his head. “Tell them I'm busy. Who the hell is it? The fight is about to start.”

“It’s some girl. I think it’s Jack's sister,” the young boy said.

Mr. Burns raised his head. Sister? Jack had never mentioned a sister. “Sister, huh? That's a new one.”

“It's that redhead. She mentioned that she wanted a job.”

Finally, the boy had said something which interested Mr. Burns. “She did? Well, send the poor girl in. I do like to help out people in need.” He smirked to himself and poured himself a small brandy. “Excuse me, Joseph. I must attend to something very important.” He smiled. Joseph left the room and, moments later, Rose entered. The room was very small and dark, with just a small liquor cabinet and the stench of cigarettes filling the air. She waved it away with her hand.

“Well, then, Miss…um…”

“Oh. DeWitt Bukater,” Rose spoke. “I just came about a job, sir. I hear you're the man to speak to about this.”

“Well, then, you heard correctly, my dear. Do take a seat. Care for a drink?” Mr. Burns offered.

Rose thought for a moment. She hadn't drank since the night she had fallen and injured herself, but a small drink wouldn't harm her, would probably give her some much needed courage.

“Whiskey, please.” She smiled.

“Whiskey. You are a girl after my own heart.” Mr. Burns proceeded to pour her drink and watched as she shifted nervously. “So, my boy tells me you’re Jack's sister?”

“Oh, no. A friend.” Rose smiled, accepting the drink from Mr. Burns. She remembered how much the liquor burned her throat when she drank it, but she still needed it.

“So, you want a job? Can you dance?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “Because we all know you have the beauty and the body for the job.” He grinned widely. Rose grew slightly uncomfortable.

“Yes. I can dance, sir.”

“Great. Then start tonight. Go see Sadie in the powder room. She'll fit you with a corset and show you the basic dance. Finish the drink and off you go. The fight starts in six minutes. We need you on the stage.” With that, Mr. Burns left, touching Rose's back. She shivered. “Tonight will be excellent.”

Chapter Nine