Chapter Nine

Feeling her heart pound, Rose lifted her skirts and made her way onto the stage, looking out at the hundreds of men in the room, who gaped at her lustfully. The black and silver corset she wore dug into her chest and breasts and she felt more on display than she had ever been before. Her breasts were spilling out over her corset and her hair was pinned up, with several ringlets tumbling around her face. Her full lips were highlighted by ruby red lipstick and her cheeks were dusted with powder blush. The crowds of men cheered loudly. The music began and it was then that Rose had time to think of why she was doing this—to get back at Maria. In just ten minutes, Rose had dressed and learned the basic routine. Staring out into the audience, Rose saw Jack, who obviously hadn't noticed her yet. But she had to concentrate on the dance, rather than on Jack, so she took note of how she needed to put one foot in front of the other. Minutes later, Maria appeared on stage and bowed to the audience. The crowd began to cheer and the music started up again. Maria was obviously the lead girl here. She was one of the most beautiful, which Rose hated to admit. Rose knew Maria hadn't seen her on the stage yet. Neither had Jack. A moment later, a loud bell rang, signaling that the fight was about to start. The crowd cheered louder and all turned towards the center of the room, where Eagle, the Englishman who Jack was to fight, stood. He raised his arms as if in victory and displayed his muscles. Rose felt her stomach churn. She hoped Jack could beat this man. Every time Jack was punched or hurt in a fight, Rose wanted to rush to his side, but she knew she couldn't. All she could do was watch. Stepping down from the stage, Rose felt a sharp pain in her ribs. She turned her head to see Maria.

“What the hell do you think you're doing up there with my girls?” she asked through gritted teeth. “I don't want you up there with us.”

Smirking, Rose knew she had hit a nerve with Maria, making her cockiness disappear. “I'm afraid that's not your decision. Mr. Burns hired me, whether you like it or not.”

“You can’t do this job right. You silly virgin, you've never even seen any man naked,” she sneered.

“Maybe not. But you've seen too many naked men.” Rose smirked, walking away. She was finally gaining some control over her life. She felt wild tonight, and she knew it would be the start of something good. She was not a nasty person, but Maria really did annoy her. Rose walked further into the crowds of people, attempting to see better. She wanted to be at the front, cheering Jack. The bell rang once again and Jack entered the center of the room with Mr. Burns behind him holding up his arms, cigar in his mouth. The entire room started chanting Jack's name, and she, too, joined in clapping. She attempted to get eye contact with Jack, but he had not yet seen her. He shook hands with several men in the crowd and Rose pushed forward to the very front. As Jack came face to face with her, the smile on his face disappeared and the chants of his name seemed to fade into the background.

“Rose? What the…?” He was speechless. She was dressed just like Maria, and her body obviously too much on display. “Rose, cover up now. What the hell are you playing at?”

Rose took his hand shakily and placed it near her heart. “Feel it, Jack?”

He shook his head, wondering what she was doing. She moved her hand over her left breast and placed Jack's hand there. He felt her heart beating rapidly. “Can you feel it? How fast it’s going?”

“Yes, I can,” he replied. She tightened her grip on his hand, knowing the entire room was probably watching them.

“That's how scared I am. My heart’s beating into oblivion. I don't want you to fight, but I know you must do it, because I understand now that it’s what you want to do.” Rose gently touched his cheek. “And I must do this.” She indicated her dress. “This is my job now, just as fighting is yours.” Jack finally understood her and a smile came across his face. He picked her up and spun her around fast. She squealed happily. He could feel the adrenaline running through him. Now he had more faith than ever that he could win this fight. As he placed Rose back on her feet, she pulled him closer to her, whispering in his ear. “Go—do me proud, my darling.” Tears came to her eyes. She didn't want him to fight at all. She was scared of him being hurt in some way, but she knew she had to let him do this. She clung to his neck tightly, but let him go.

He leaned in to her once more to kiss her cheek. “I love—“ Jack felt himself being pulled away from Rose before he could finish his sentence. He let go of her hand and took center stage, his heart beating harder. He couldn't believe he had almost told Rose he loved her, but he did, with all of his heart. He would tell her later, but for now he would do her and Mr. Burns proud.

The crowds cheered louder than ever and Mr. Burns handed Joseph Lamb another brandy as they sat on the stage to witness the fighting. It was the third round and nothing much exciting had happened so far. Usually by now someone had at least been knocked down.

“He's a good mover.” Joseph watched the fight, brandy in one hand and cigar in the other. “That Jackie boy.”

“He is that. He would be even better if that damned redhead didn't distract him all the time.” Mr. Burns shook his head.

“Redhead?” Joseph questioned. “Who is she?”

“The girl at the front. She's a new dancer here. Jack's in love with her, if you ask me. She's only sixteen, though, so I bet he's keeping his hands off her.” Mr. Burns laughed. Joseph followed Mr. Burns finger and eyed up Rose.

“Hmm…she's a pretty one. She works here, did you say?”

“She started today.”

“Mr. Burns, I think I would enjoy this fight much more with a little bit of strawberry tart.” He smirked. Mr. Burns caught his drift and smiled, too. Maybe it would stop Jack from becoming so distracted. He curled his finger round to Adam, his servant boy, indicating to him to come.

“Boy, I want you to fetch Rose DeWitt Bukater. Tell her that Mr. Lamb wishes for her company.”

Nodding, he went out into the crowd, towards the girl with the red hair. He was just twelve, but he had worked for Mr. Burns since he was ten. He was scrawny with dark hair and blue eyes. The redhead was jumping up and down, obviously cheering on the fight. Upon reaching her, he pulled the sleeve on her dress and began to attempt to pull her through the crowds. Rose shoved the young boy away from her.

“Get off me, child.” She frowned at him.

“But Mr. Lamb wants your company.” He spoke in a northern English accent, which was almost foreign to Rose.

“Mr. who?”

“Mr. Lamb. He wants your company. Now, come on,” Adam ordered. He didn't like standing in the middle of the crowd, knowing he would probably be stomped on like so many other times before because of his small and scrawny figure. He pulled Rose by her sleeve with all of his strength. She followed like a child following a parent. She had no idea who Mr. Lamb was, but he sounded like a man of some importance. Upon reaching the stage, she was literally dragged up the steps. She almost tripped over the length of her dress. She saw Mr. Burns sitting with an older man, who she assumed to be Mr. Lamb. Plastering a fake smile on her face, she approached them both.

“Good evening. I was told you wanted my company?” She smiled at him and a twinkle appeared in the old man's eye. Mr. Burns was right. She was a beauty.

“Of course, Rose. Please, take a seat.” Joseph uncrossed his legs and his hand indicated his knee. Rose was confused. Take a seat where? She frowned slightly, and Maria's voice came from behind her.

“You sit on his knee. Come on, virgin. Don't be so scared.” Rose turned to see Maria sitting on Mr. Burns knee. He had his hand planted on her leg. She cringed for a moment, now fully understanding what was meant by company. Hesitantly, Rose turned and sat on Joseph's knee. He reached his arm around her to touch her face.

“You are beautiful.” He smiled at her, but she said nothing. She turned her head in an attempt to watch the fight, for Jack to see what was happening. Joseph sighed impatiently. This girl was just as smitten with Jack as he was with her.

“So, child, I hear you are familiar with Jack Dawson?” he questioned.

“Yes. We're friends.” Rose turned to Joseph. He had to be around sixty, and his voice made her stomach turn enough to make her want to throw up.


Jack felt the sweat dripping from his body, but was still determined to defeat this Englishman. He looked upward for a split second, noticing Rose was gone from the crowds. His distraction caused the Englishman to strike his cheek. Jack fell backwards, feeling the pain. His cheek felt as though it had swollen to twice its size. Jack retaliated, punching his head and cheek, knocking him to the floor. Something red on the stage caught Jack's attention—Rose. She was sitting on Mr. Lamb's knee, shaking her head. He was touching her face and she was attempting to get away. Jack felt his heart sink. He wanted to do something, but knew he couldn't. Eagle came towards Jack and went for his face twice, but Jack ducked, booting his stomach again and knocking him backwards. His eyes once again turned to Rose, who was desperately struggling to get away. He thought of abandoning the fight, but knew he couldn't. Suddenly, he felt a strong punch in the chest, which knocked him to the floor, almost winding him. He struggled to breathe momentarily and saw the smirk on Eagle's face. Something overcame Jack in that moment. He wasn't going to let this man win, and he certainly wasn't going to let Lamb touch Rose. Standing up the best he could, he ran to Eagle, repeatedly punching his face and stomach and finally throwing him to the ground. The bell rang loudly, but that didn't stop Jack. The referee came forward to raise Jack's hand in victory, but Jack just shoved him to the floor. He could feel rage inside of him. He shoved his way through the silencing crowd, who did nothing but watch as he made his way towards the stage.

“Get off of her!” he yelled, his eyes on Joseph Lamb. Climbing up the steps to the stage, he pulled Maria out of his way, almost knocking her over, but Jack didn't care. All he cared about was Rose.

“Jack, it's all right. I'm…” Rose tried to think of something to say, but couldn't. She had never seen Jack so angry or wound up.

“I said, get your hands off her.”

“And I say no. This is her job,” Lamb said coolly, drinking his brandy. Mr. Burns stood behind Jack and touched his shoulder, but Jack simply turned and shoved him backwards. He grabbed Rose by the arm, actually hurting her, and pulled her away from Lamb.

“Not anymore it isn't.”

“Jack, what are you doing?” she cried, fearing him slightly. She knew he meant her no harm, but he had hit his boss and hurt her. Fabrizio came running onstage, slightly hesitantly, and pulled Rose gently away from Jack. She followed him from the stage, tears spilling from her eyes.

“Dawson, what the hell is up with you?” Mr. Burns’ voice was full of anger. Jack turned to him, his eyes full of anger.

“I don't want you, or your filthy friend, near Rose again.”

“You're fired!” he shouted at him. Jack only smiled. He reached into his pocket, found the hundred francs he had given him before the show, and threw it at him, the bills flying everywhere. The audience looked on, silent.

“You can have your money, every single last penny of it. Find someone else to do your dirty work, because it won’t be me anymore.”

Chapter Ten