Written by 16 Aqua
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Rose is humming softly. Her voice is soothing, relaxing, but the water is deathly cold. It takes the life out of her tone.

I try as hard as I can to hang on, but I can feel myself slipping away.

The cold, icy water is tearing at my skin, and my vision fades into darkness.

I am not dead. I cannot feel death. I cannot sense him coming my way, but then the coldness intensifies.

I am sinking, falling away from her.

Rose doesn't realize that I am still alive, still waiting to be rescued.

So, she allows me to sink into the water, where death begins.

He wraps his even colder hands around my neck, sucking out my soul and life.

My mind clouds, but I am not angry.

I knew I would die in the water, just not in this way.

Rose didn't realize it, but I was not yet dead when she released my hands.

It doesn't matter now. I will be waiting for her behind the pearly gates of heaven. I shall wait with my hand outstretched.

When that day finally comes, we shall rejoice, but for now, I let death take it's toll.

The End.
