Chapter Ten

That night, Rose shifted away from her husband a little and again, for the thousandth time since they’d been married, examined his nude body, memorizing every curve, every freckle, relishing how truly perfect he was. His skin was flawless, his hair soft as corn silk. His eyes were the color of lapis lazuli, and sparkled happily as he smiled at her with his wonderfully pouty lips. He was a dream come true.

"How did I get so lucky?" She sighed, cuddling back up against him, basking in his warmth as his arms enveloped her and held her tightly against his body. His love for her was boundless, to say the least.

"My father would say we wished on the right star." Jack happily stroked her hair.

"Your father must have looked at the stars an awful lot." Rose giggled, remembering the first time she had looked up at the stars with Jack.

"He did. He used to take me outside on the porch and point out all the constellations. I still remember them. I can show them to you, if you want."

Rose glanced up and smiled brightly. "I think that’s a marvelous idea. I’ll get some of that sparkling cider we had last night and we can lay out below the stars."

"That’s a great idea." Jack got up and slipped on his robe. "You get the blankets, and I’ll get the cider and glasses."

Fifteen minutes later, Jack and Rose sat side by side on a blanket out in middle of the Dawson yard, wine glasses of cider in their hands. Jack had an arm firmly wrapped around Rose’s shoulders and held her close, wanting to keep her as warm as possible.

"They’re all so beautiful." Rose sighed, gazing up at the stars.

"You outshine them all." Jack kissed her on top of her head, relishing the smell of rose petals.

"Which one’s the Big Dipper, Jack?" Rose examined the sky, trying to find the famous pattern.

"Oh…let me see. It’s right there. And see the handle, the brightest star there?"


"That’s the North Star. That star was the runaway slave’s map to freedom. All they had to do was follow that star."

"How about that one?"

"Orion’s belt. I think he was the hunter." Jack frowned.

Rose sighed in contentment. She had never been this happy in all her life. She now knew she had found where she belonged, under the stars in Jack’s warm embrace. "You know so much, Jack. Every day I learn something new."

Jack laughed. "I don’t know any more than you do, Rose. Everything I’ve learned, I’ve learned mainly on the streets. I don’t recommend that school to anyone. It may seem so romantic and bohemian, but still…it’s a hard life. There were nights I would have given anything for a warm bed and a hot meal."

"There was a time when I would have given anything to get a hug. A real one, not one of those obligatory ones." Rose sighed, remembering her childhood. "Even my father was a bit standoffish."

Jack pulled her closer. "Well, you don’t have to worry about that now. Every hug I give you comes straight from the heart." Jack kissed her forehead. "I love you more and more each day, Rose. I think I’ve forgotten where I end and you begin, if that’s possible."

"We end and begin in each other." Rose smiled up at her adoring husband. "Simple as that."

Jack just laughed and kissed her once more before a screech was heard inside the house. Jack and Rose looked at each other in shock and disbelief. That screech only meant one thing.


Chapter Eleven