Chapter Twelve

Rose woke up the next day to the sound of crying. She snuggled closer to Jack, who was still sleeping deeply. Sighing, she got up out of bed and peeked out into the hall, where George was pacing back and forth, the wailing Rosanna in his arms.

"George?" Rose came the rest of the way out of the room. "What’s going on?"

"Oh, Rosanna woke up wanting to be held, and since Sam had such a hard time of it, I got up instead." George grinned. "She is the most beautiful little girl in the world, Rose. Don’t you think?"

Rose laughed. "Yes, George. She is."

"I’m sorry she woke you up."

"Just consider it practice. I guess it’ll be Jack and my turn soon." Rose sighed, laying a hand on her swollen stomach.

"You two will be great parents. Hey, do you want to hold her? Get some practice in?" George held the baby out to Rose, whose eyes widened with delight.

"Oh, can I?"

"Sure. Here you go." George eased the small bundle into Rose’s arms. "Just watch her head there."

"She’s so beautiful, George!" Rose gasped in delight. "And so tiny. Look. She has all ten fingers and all ten toes."

George laughed. It was obvious that Rose adored children, especially babies. She was indeed going to make a great mother.

"Rose?" Jack stumbled out into the hall, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "What are you doing up at this hour? And out here?"

"Keeping Rosanna and myself company," George cheerfully replied. "Your wife sure has a way with babies. Rosanna stopped crying as soon as Rose took her."

"She knows I’m her cousin." Rose grinned at both men. She began to sing softly. "Come Josephine in my flying machine and it’s up she goes, up she goes…"

"I bet Sam’s exhausted." Jack turned to George as Rose sang the baby back to sleep.

"More than exhausted. She hasn’t moved since she drifted off." George nodded. "Jack…I’m telling you…being a father…it gives you whole new priorities. What you think is important now won’t be when your baby gets here. I’ll do anything for Sam and Rosanna. They’re my whole world."

Jack smiled. "I’m happy for you, George."

"She’s asleep now," Rose whispered, handing the baby back to George. "Thank you for letting me hold her."

"Oh, it was a pleasure, Rose. I’m glad she has such an attentive cousin. You know, you’re a natural at this. Your baby is going to be a very lucky baby."

"Thank you." Rose blushed as Jack wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She sighed contently as she watched George disappear into his room. "They are so happy."

"And so are we." Jack kissed her forehead before pushing her towards the stairs. "Let’s make breakfast, Rosie. Those two need as much rest as they can get."

"So, what are we going to make, Jack?" Rose asked, following him down the stairs into the kitchen. She leaned against the wall, watching Jack take some eggs, cheese, sausage, and milk out of the icebox.

"Omelets." Jack grinned.

"Jack! I don’t know how to make omelets! In fact, I don’t know how to make anything!"

"Well, then, I’ll teach you." Jack put down the food and pulled Rose into a comfortable embrace. "I’ll teach you everything you need to know."

"Hmm." Rose leaned in for a gentle kiss. "I love you."

"I know." Jack grinned and laughed when she playfully punched his arm. "Now, now. No need for violence."

"You’re impossible." Rose laughed, pulling away to take down a pan. They were both surprised by a knock on the door.

"Who can that be this early in the morning?" Rose frowned, heading for the front door.

"Mrs. Dawson, am I glad to see you." A woman by the name of Mary Cooper pushed her way into the house. "We desperately need your help and the help of Samantha. The women of fine lineage of this town are having a bake sale, and we need extra help in manning the tables. What do you say?"

"Samantha won’t be able to do it, Mrs. Cooper. She just had the baby last night," Jack explained.

"Oh. Well, how about Rose? Will she be able to help? I understand if you don’t like her dealing with such frivolous manners. But it is for a good cause."

Jack looked at Rose and saw the indignant flash of anger in her green eyes. Mrs. Cooper was acting like Rose was his property and did whatever he told her to. Rose once again thanked God for Jack. He had made sure that they were nothing but equals in their marriage.

"Mrs. Cooper, no offense, but Jack does not tell me what I can and cannot do. Our marriage is a partnership. If you want my help, you’d do better to ask me and not my husband."

"Why, I--I don’t know what to say…I’m sorry for having offended you," Mrs. Cooper stuttered.

"Come on, Mrs. Cooper." Jack gently took the woman’s arm. "I’ll walk you to the front step."

Rose glanced out the door to see Jack talking to the older woman and the woman exclaiming how sweet Jack was, patting his cheek before descending the stairs and continuing down the street.

"You’re so sweet," Rose crooned as soon as Jack returned.

"Come here." He pulled a giggling Rose into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, once again taking her breath away and sending shivers of delight down her spine.

"So…do you think I should attend that bake sale?"

"Maybe both you and Samantha can. It’ll give you both a chance to get out of the house." Jack shrugged. "It’s your decision. Not mine. What do you want to do?"

"I want to spend all my days with you, basking in the glow of the sun, but that’s a bit unrealistic, I guess. I don’t know, Jack…I mean, I have nothing in common with those women. In fact, if they knew the truth about us, I bet they wouldn’t give me the time of day."

"But they don’t, and they are. Come on, Rose. You have to get out and mingle sometime."

"Me…a Chippewa Falls church lady…hmm." Rose stroked her chin with a look of deep thought on her face.

"You make it sound like a bad thing." Jack laughed.

"You know, it wouldn’t be much of a transformation, Jack. They are just like the debutantes in high society, only poor. I don’t think I would fit in."

"Well, then, don’t do it, by all means. It’s your decision, Rose." Jack shrugged. "I’ll support you in whatever you do."

"So you won’t be mad if I don’t join?"

"I promise you I won’t be mad." Jack kissed her nose. "Not even disappointed."

Rose once again found herself loving Jack even more. He definitely was a dream come true. If it had been Cal, he’d have forced the issue and made her join by berating her, make her feel guilty, or even hitting her. But not Jack. He actually respected her decision, and supported her no matter what. There were no power plays with him. She hugged him tightly and buried her face in his chest. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For just being you. You just keep reminding me why I fell in love with you." Rose smiled as Jack pulled her into his warm embrace.

Jack just smiled and leaned in to kiss her.

"Oh, get a room!" George and Samantha entered the kitchen, carrying the baby.

"What are you doing down here?" Samantha asked, looking at all the ingredients Jack had taken out of the icebox.

"Cooking breakfast." Jack grinned, pulling away from Rose. "I thought after last night you both would be hungry."

"That’s so thoughtful." Samantha smiled. "But unnecessary. I can cook."

"After giving birth to our daughter? I don’t think so." George shook his head. He had spent the past two hours trying to reason with his wife about how important it was for her to stay in bed after what she had been through the night before. "You ought to be taking it easy."

"George, darling, we’ve had this discussion before. Remember? I am perfectly fine, and I can go about my work as usual. Rose, dear, hand me that pitcher, please." Samantha stood in front of the oven.

"Samantha, please…" George pleaded.

"Sam, it’s okay. Really. Jack and I have everything under control. You really ought to rest." Rose squeezed her friend’s hand. "Believe it or not, Jack’s quite the cook."

Samantha sighed in defeat. If it was just George and herself, she’d win hands down, but with three people, it was a losing battle. "Okay. Fine. I’ll just go upstairs and waste away." Samantha sighed, marching out of the kitchen.

"I’m sorry. She can be stubborn sometimes." George shrugged, rushing after his wife.

Jack laughed. "I think you and Sam are going to get along just fine. I guess it’s a fact now. Us Dawson men fall in love with fiery women."

Rose laughed and slapped his arm playfully. "Well, buddy, you haven’t seen anything yet." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with more passion than she had ever dared before. She relished the feeling of his arms holding her close and the warmth of his lips moving against hers. "Is this real, or am I dreaming?" She sighed, resting her head against his chest.

"Oh, it’s real, all right. This feeling is too strong to be a dream." Jack stroked her hair, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"We have to make breakfast." Rose giggled, pulling away from Jack. "Samantha and George would kill us if they saw us making out instead of making breakfast."

"Well, then, I’ll die a happy man." Jack laughed, taking the carton of eggs and turning the stove on.

A half hour later, breakfast was ready and served. After taking breakfast up to the new parents, Jack and Rose enjoyed their breakfast downstairs sitting across from one another, their hands constantly touching.

After breakfast, Jack grabbed Rose’s hand, and together they headed down to the lake, where Jack had the idea to draw Rose sitting in front of Lake Wissota. That was where Rose spotted the abandoned puppy hiding behind a tree.

"Oh, Jack! Look!" Rose pointed to the whimpering animal, who was trying to remain hidden in the tall grass. "Isn’t he darling?"

Jack smiled, noticing how Rose’s eyes lit up as she began making her way towards the frightened puppy. He was astounded as she gently lifted the animal and held it as if it was a child, cradled in the crook of her arm, still going on about how adorable it was.

"I wonder who it belonged to." Rose sighed.

"Probably a kid who wanted a toy soldier for his birthday instead of a puppy." Jack shrugged. "Come on, Rose. I want to sketch ya. Just sit in front of the lake with the puppy in your lap."

"Like this?"

Jack nodded and started on his masterpiece. One hour later, he was finished, and the puppy was hungry. Rose watched it tumble around in the tall grass, playing with its tail.

"Oh, Jack, can we keep her? It’s so cool out here, and she’s just a baby, no one to take care of her…please?"

Jack laughed. "We’re going to have to talk to George and Sam about it, but if they agree, sure."

"Ohm thank you, Jack!" Rose threw her arms around her husband in delight. "We’ll name her Wissota, because that’s where we found her. Right next to Lake Wissota."

"Sounds good to me. But Rose, don’t get too attached, okay? I mean, we’ll have to find her true owners first, not to mention George and Sam. They may not want a dog around the new baby."

"I understand. But can I just pretend that she’s ours? At least until we get to the house?"

"Sure. Come on." Jack helped her up as she held Wissota in her arms.

They found George and Samantha on the porch, having put their daughter down for a nap. Samantha’s eyes widened when she saw what was in Rose’s arms.

"Oh, my! Is that a puppy?" She stood as Jack and Rose came up on the porch.

"We found her down at the lake, abandoned!" Rose exclaimed, still wondering why someone would abandon such an adorable creature.

"Oh, George, can we keep her? Please," Samantha begged, looking up at her husband.

"Well…if we can’t find the owners, I guess." George shrugged, opening the icebox door. "We don’t want to be accused of dognapping."

"So, Jack, how’s everything with the job?" George asked, pouring himself some orange juice.

"Great. I like it." Jack smiled. "They’re even going to let me work less hours in the weeks before the baby’s due so I can be home more with Rose."

"Have you heard anymore from Molly, Rose?" Samantha asked, playing with the puppy that was now in her lap.

"No. I guess she’s been busy." Rose sighed, beginning to get bored. It was almost time for Jack to leave for work. George, too, would be gone. Sam would be busy with the baby…what could she do? Then she remembered her friends in New York. The ones that had been so kind to take her in after the Carpathia had docked. She had promised Laurie that she’d write and keep her updated. Well, it was about time that she kept that promise. She got up and headed for her room, where they kept their writing instruments.

"Rose?" Samantha asked.

"I’ll be back. I promised a friend in New York that I’d write, and I haven’t." Rose stepped outside to write her friend about the return of Jack and their seemingly magical life together.

Chapter Thirteen