Chapter Four

George led Rose and Molly down the street and around the block, just to stop at a small brick cottage. He turned to Rose and Molly, clearing his throat.

"This is Jack’s best friend’s house. I don’t know if he’s home yet, but he’ll be able to tell you all about Jack’s time here." George nodded before ringing the bell. Molly looked over at Rose and noticed how pale she’d become.

"Rosie, are you okay? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to." Molly squeezed her friend’s hand.

"I’m fine, Molly. I have to do this. For Jack. It’s only right that his friends know what happened to him."

Molly nodded. "Okay, sugar. But if it gets too difficult, just let me know, and we’re out of there. Okay?"

Rose only smiled and nodded. She closed her eyes, silently asking Jack to give her the strength to do this. She didn’t want to break down in hysterics in front of strangers.

"Yes? May I help you?" A petite blond woman answered the door. Her green eyes examined Rose curiously. Her eyes dimmed when she saw George. "George Dawson. Whatever do you want?"

"I’m here to see Thomas." George’s voice was twice as cold. "This young lady here needs to talk to him."


"That’s none of your concern." George crossed his arms. "Now, can you let the leash off Thomas for a couple of hours, or is that asking too much?"

"Come in." The blonde stepped aside, glaring at Rose intently. She was, of course, suspicious of the beautiful redhead. What could she want with her husband? "Thomas! Company!"

"Yeah?" A man with ebony black hair and brown eyes jogged into the room, his full attention on his wife.

"George Dawson is here, claiming that this…" The blonde gave Rose a disgusted look. "…needs to talk to you."

Thomas turned to the small group. "What is this about?"

"Let me introduce ourselves first." Molly stepped in. "I am Molly Brown, and this is Rose Dawson."

"Yeah?" Thomas crossed his arms. Oh, boy. Another Dawson cousin. Just what this town needs. "Well, I’m Thomas Downs, and this is my wife, Patricia. What can I do for you?"

"She’s the widow of young Jack Dawson." Molly nodded. "Of course, you can tell she’s carrying his child."

"Jack Dawson?" Thomas gasped. "Widow…that means…"

"My God." Patricia’s hand flew to her throat. She had also known Jack Dawson. She hadn’t really been fond of her husband’s best friend, with his bright attitude and crazy ideas, but she hadn’t disliked him, either. Unlike Thomas’s other friends, Jack had always treated her with the utmost respect. "How?"

"We were on the Titanic…Jack died a hero’s death." Rose held back her sobs.

"Titanic..." Thomas gripped the nearest chair. The news of his best friend’s death was hitting him hard.

"I’ll take it from here, Rosie. George, why don’t you take Rose out for some air? She looks rather pale."

"Yes, ma’am." George took Rose’s shoulders and led her outside.

"Sorry. Rose is still in mourning. She cries for Jack about every night. What makes things worse is that she’s not only a widow, but with child, as well, if you haven’t noticed already. The thing is, Jack never talked about his past much, and Rose is looking for information about him so she can tell their child about its father when he or she gets older. She wants to make sure that Jack’s memory never dies. That the child will know that its father was a kind, good man."

"Oh. Okay. We’ll share all we know. Won’t we, Patty?" Thomas nodded.

Patricia nodded. "Of course. This is awful news. Just awful."

"Well, have George bring her back in. Patty here will prepare some tea and scones and we’ll go into the living room and talk about Jack."

Molly smiled. "Thank you." She headed out to retrieve George and Rose.

Everyone was seated in the living room. Rose’s hands trembled a little as they sat, ready to talk about her beloved. It was still hard to believe that she was here and he wasn’t.

"So, where should I begin?" Thomas asked. "Well…Jack Dawson was my best friend, even though he got me in tons of trouble. Especially in school with Mrs. Scrowls, our third grade teacher. Jack was always joking around and scheming. Of course, I’d get drawn into his schemes. I didn’t want to take part, of course…but with Jack…he was just so…"

"Irresistible," Rose quietly replied.

"Yes. Irresistible. He’d make anything sound like perfect sense. When we got caught with his schemes, which usually backfired, we’d get detention. But Jack never let it get him down. He enjoyed each and every day like it was his last."

"That sounds like Jack." Rose smiled. "He made every day count. He had such a love for life."

"His artwork…he drew so beautifully." Patty nodded. "He sketched Thomas and I a couple of times. I still have those sketches put away somewhere upstairs."

"I can go up and get them, if you like," Thomas offered.

"Oh, would you?" Rose’s eyes lit up. Anything her Jack had created, she wanted to see.

"I’ll be right back." Patty smiled, getting up and heading upstairs.

"So…was Jack’s death…was it painful?" Thomas nervously asked. He didn’t want to bring up bad memories for Rose, but he had to know if his friend had been in pain.

"Well…at first…the water was freezing…like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. But, come to think of it now…near the end, Jack was starting to relax. He wasn’t shivering anymore. He just fell asleep and slipped away."

"So, he wasn’t in any pain?"

"Not for long. No."

"Jack." Thomas sighed. "Of all the people to go first, it had to be him. It’s not fair, you know. He had such a love for life, and he was so talented. He had a lot to live for, and to have it all snuffed out like that…"

"The good ol’ Dawson luck didn’t hold out for Jack, I guess." George sighed. "It’s too bad that we don’t have his body. He deserves a decent burial."

"Well, who says we can’t give him one, huh? I mean…Rose here is his widow. She deserves a chance to say good-bye, and so do us all. I can go down to see old Mr. Ravens and have a headstone made. I can get in touch with the rest of Jack’s friends, and they can stand up and share their memories of Jack before he left. That way, Rose gets to bury her husband and get a bunch of memories without a lot of traveling."

"Now, that’s a good idea, Thomas. I guess you’re not useless after all." George clapped him on the back. "Rose, you don’t mind us doing this, do you?"

"Oh, no. Of course not. It’s just that…I didn’t think I’d have to say good-bye to him so soon." Rose swallowed.

"You’re not saying good-bye, darling. You’re just giving him a place to rest. Plus a place where the people who loved him can come and cherish his memory. Something that says remember me. Who I was and who I could have been." Molly placed a comforting hand on Rose’s shoulder. "Really, I don’t think it’ll ever be good-bye between you and Jack. He’s always going to be with you, making sure you keep that promise."

Rose forced a smile. "You’re right. I’m fine with this. So, when do you want to have it?" Rose asked.

George made a face, knowing just how the town was going to react to the news of Jack’s passing. "As soon as possible."

Chapter Five