Chapter Twelve

Why did I do it? Rose thought to herself. I don’t know. It makes no sense. And that’s why I trust it so much. Rose shook her head. Four years ago, that had been enough. But now the stakes were even higher, and it couldn’t be a dependable reason. Okay. Then I did it because I can’t go all the way across the country, show up at his doorstep after so long and just say, "Hi. Remember me? Well, since the last time you saw me I’ve married Cal, who locked me in an asylum for talking back to him. Don’t look so shocked; I broke out this morning. Oh, and by the way, I had your daughter, plus another kid with Cal, but they’re still at his house in Philadelphia. So, where’s your guest room?"

I mean, Jack has always been really understanding, but I can’t do that to him. Besides, he can’t be my only hope. I love him with all my heart, but what if he doesn’t feel the same? It’s been over four and a half years! That’s a long time. What if I don’t mean as much to him as he does to me? And even if that’s not the case, what about Jayvelin and Jacob? They’re my children, and I have an unwritten oath to take care of them. Me, and only me. So it’s decided. If for nothing else, I’m going back for that unexplainable motherly sense that is my duty to follow.

Rose was glad that she had found her true reasoning, but as the train ride wore on, she thought about the dangers that she had created for herself. What have I gotten myself into? There were no people to harm me at the train station I just left, but what of the one in Philadelphia? And the plan was to get me far away, fast, and I’m doing neither of those things. This was true. The next train to Philadelphia hadn’t departed until half past noon. That would give Cal plenty of time to get his men posted. But why would he ever think to post them near his own house? No one, not even him, could expect me to go home. Sure, some caring mother could analyze the situation and figure out that the first thing I would do is try to protect my children, but even though Cal cares for Jayvelin and Jacob, the thought would never cross his mind. So, actually, the only thing I’m risking is maybe Cal going back to the house to think of a search plan. And besides, that might help me find out exactly how many men are posted, and where.

With this last thought, the train began to gradually slow down as its destination neared.

Chapter Thirteen