Chapter Seventeen

It was hours before dawn when Jayvelin awoke. The girl wasn’t even yet four years old, but she knew that something was horribly wrong.

Her mother’s arm was wrapped around her little waist, which felt nice, but the arm seemed unnaturally hot. Taking in her surroundings, Jayvelin found that her mother was perched on a hard, wooden bench on a deserted, dilapidated street. On her other side was Jacob, as darling as little brothers went, still asleep. He was leaning his little head upon a pretty white purse that Jayvelin had watched her mother stuff some of their things in. The little girl now turned to look at her mother. She was even more beautiful than when she had left, at least more beautiful than the way Jayvelin remembered she had looked. She was sleeping; her head tilted to the side and resting along the top board of the bench. Her hair had come loose and the silky strands blew behind her with the help of a faint, playful breeze. She looked peaceful enough, so Jayvelin didn’t wake her, but something about her seemed odd. Her cheeks were flushed even in the slightly chilly night air, and to the little girl’s horror, her mother suddenly woke from her slumber in a strong, painful cough that seemed to shatter her lungs and burn all the way up her throat.


Rose didn’t know how long she had been walking. The only function her brain seemed to have was to keep going. She didn’t feel the numbness in her legs or the tenderness in her arms. All she knew was that if she didn’t keep going she would be caught. And if she was caught, the only ones in the world who loved her would be taken away and she might never see them again and she would be locked in an enclosing room for all of eternity.


Finally, her body couldn’t take anymore. She turned off the main street onto a deserted, more dilapidated one. There, she perched on a hard wooden bench, carefully placed Jayvelin and Jacob on either side of her without them waking, and leaned her head to the side.


"Mommy! Are you okay?"

Rose looked at her daughter, the fever blurring her vision and making it hard for her eyes to focus. She was dimly aware that Jacob was howling at her side at being awoken from his sleep. "Jayvelin? You need to listen to Mommy carefully. She isn’t feeling very well. I want you to get help. Please. Can you do that for Mommy?" Rose knew it wasn’t the best choice, but what could she do? Each one of her limbs felt as if they weighed fifty pounds each, and she knew that her head would throb and spin if she so much as tried to stand. She commanded her eyes to focus and watched as Jayvelin scampered off before quieting Jacob.

The little boy, too, had had a long day. He was worn out and was asleep again in no time. She pulled a thin blanket from her purse, wrapped him in it, and laid him down a foot away so that he might not be disturbed by her coughing.


Jayvelin ran down the dark street as fast as she could. She had never done anything like this in her whole life, and her little body was trembling all over. After sensing that she had to be quiet before, she wasn’t sure if she could make noise now. But, not knowing what else to do, she felt the need to shout for help.

This street, too, seemed mostly deserted, but she could see lights in some of the buildings.

"Please help! My mama is sick! Please help!" It only took a little time for her sweet, innocent voice, pretty as silver bells, to reach the men sitting inside the bars. The first to emerge was a big, lumbering man with a filthy beard who had had more than enough to drink that night.

Jayvelin froze in fright at seeing him.

"What’s da matta?" He slurred the words at her. "Tongue got your cat?" He erupted in a fit of laughter and approached her. He held out a giant paw of a hand. Jayvelin recoiled as the foul stench of his clothes and body reached her nostrils. The movement angered him. "What? I’m not good enough for her highness? I’ll show you to think so highly of yourself." He raised his arm to strike her. His arm was almost as long as her entire body, and one single blow would have hurt her considerably. But, just as he was lowering his hand, it was jerked away.

"Hey, what do you think..." The second man didn’t give the first time to finish. Instead, he gave him a heavy blow to the jaw and kicked his knees so that he ended up sprawled on the ground. By now many of the other drunks had emerged and where about to pounce on the second man when he grabbed Jayvelin up in his arms and ran.

Some tried to go after him, but were so drunk that they tripped and fell. He was a fast runner, and soon both he and the little girl were disappearing in the distance.

Chapter Eighteen