Chapter Twenty

Their night was spent at a friendly little poor house in desperate need of sponsoring. The walls were peeling and creaked mercilessly. The cots were no thicker than a folded sheet of paper, yet it felt warm and safe. The couple who kept it running didn’t have much money themselves but, as they told Rose, "If you have a little, share it with a friend, and you’ll have plenty more."

Morning came with stifling hot temperatures. Rose dressed herself, Jayvelin, and Jacob in their best clothes. She brushed and buffed without showing any mercy. Finally, she tentatively peered at her family in the only mirror that the couple owned.

The material that Jacob’s outfit was made of wasn’t very good, and he scratched at it and pouted. Other than that, he was still the same Jacob that Rose had always known.

Jayvelin’s dress looked a bit too small for the growing child. Her face, though cheerful, was thin and pale, so Rose had brushed her hair until it absolutely shone. With hair like that, no one could even begin to comprehend that she was anything short of perfect.

Then, she convinced herself to look at her own reflection. Her chin and nose showed her stubbornness and her eyes reflected the pride she felt. She was thin, yet her curves had stayed. Her hair hung in gleaming strands that would turn any head. She smiled, delighted that she didn’t look as frightful as she had anticipated. Her biggest relief was that the horrid yellow dye had washed out of the front strands of hair she had purposefully let peek out of her scarf so no one might mistake her for her cherry-haired self.


She stood in the street, purse over her shoulder and both children walking beside her, surveying the battered newspaper that Alice had shown her so long ago.

It didn’t take long for her to get directions to the neighborhood, and hardly any more time to walk along the pleasant paths there.

As she’d suspected, blocking the premises was a strong metal gate. The gate was between her and Jack.

"Can I help you, miss?" the watchman asked her.

"Uh…yes. I’m a friend of Mr. Dawson’s. Would it be possible for me to see him?"

"I’d have to check with him first. Your name?"

"I-I’m...never mind." She clutched her children’s hands and rapidly walked away, ignoring the watchman as he shouted at her in confusion. Without breaking her pace, she made it back to the poorhouse they had spent the night at. The owners were out, and she leaned against the cool wall.

I caught a glimpse of those houses. They’re all absolutely gorgeous. How can I go back? I haven’t made each day count. I’ve made a mess of myself and my family. I can’t go back now. I have to wait. Yes. That’s it. I’ll get a job, and when I can stand on my own two feet I’ll go home. Home to Jack.

Chapter Twenty-One