Chapter Three

When the two weeks were up, Rose still couldn’t believe that she hadn’t yet found a good job opening. She had decided that she would start out as a waitress. Then, when she had enough money, she would travel the world. After that, she would become a famous actress.

"Why don’t you just let me give you all the money that you need?" Cal asked.

"I-I don’t want you involved in my life after I leave."

"Um…how is this different than me giving you money?"

"Because I would still have that money later. This way, I can leave and not see you again and not be indebted to you."


A month went by, and Cal left for home, while Rose had both hotel rooms to herself.

Cal didn’t return to her until the beginning of June.

"How have you been holding up?" he asked.

"This is taking much longer than I thought." She leaned against his shoulder, exhausted.

"Don’t worry. It’ll all come together." He pulled her down on an overstuffed chair next to him.

"Cal, you’ve been so kind and understanding. I just want you to know that I really appreciate it." She turned her head to face him, and only then realized how close she was to him.

"No problem." His lips were so soft; his eyes so deep. Oh! Those eyes. They were pulling her to him. Their lips met and that was it. She was lost in his eyes and his embrace and never wanted the moment to end.

Chapter Four