Chapter Six

"That-that’s impossible. He wasn’t on the list, and I would have found him..." Rose caught the look in the girl’s eye. She was serious. "How do you know?" Rose finally asked.

"See for yourself." Alice handed Rose the newspaper she was holding. After such a shock, Rose had to wait for her vision to unblur. When her eyes came into focus, she found herself staring at a half-page picture of Jack. Underneath the picture was a caption that read Self-Made Millionaire Purchases House in California. She quickly scanned the article and found it to be about the recent moves made by many to the western US. There was just one paragraph about Jack, reading, Dawson (top) recently purchased a California mansion to suit his new lifestyle. When asked for a comment, the twenty-four-year-old artist stated, "It’s always been a dream of mine to live in California, where the sun shines all year long and the poor live like kings." The article went on to state the community that Jack was moving into and then gave some brief background information.

Rose looked up at Alice in amazement. "It’s him! Good Lord! My prayers have been answered! God, thank you! Zeus, I knew you’d come through! Jesus, you were always the kind one!"

Rose caught Alice up and together they skipped and yelped. Alice because Rose’s story had touched her deeply, and she was thrilled that the two lovers might still be reunited, and Rose because she hadn’t felt such joy since Jack himself was close at her side.


Rose now had something to live for, some hope. But that wouldn’t make her escape any easier. Together with Alice, she devised a plan so that she might be with her love once again.


And, Rose thought to herself as Cal approached her, that plan can finally be put into action.

Chapter Seven