Chapter Eight

After six months of imprisonment, Cal approached Rose.

She was wearing a plain white dress with short sleeves and slits on the sides. Her eyes were large orbs of hate, and her blood red hair hung across her shoulders and brushed against her pale cheeks.

"Have you been a good little girl, my sweet?" Cal smirked at her.

She was about to spit out a reply when Alice dashed into the room. Out of breath, she spoke to the three guards standing at the open doorway--Cal refused to be locked in a room with Rose. "Guards! All of you! Hurry! There’s been an escape! You must come to the right field immediately before the patient gets away!"

The first guard spoke to her. "Why are we needed? We are on entirely different premises."

"You don’t understand. This patient is highly dangerous to himself and others. There’s no time for me to explain. We must hurry!"

The same guard spoke to Cal. "Do you think you can watch her yourself? We shouldn’t be gone long. These escapes never work."

"Of course. Go on," Cal told them, never taking his cold stare from Rose.


After two minutes of Cal making Rose feel as inferior as possible, Alice rushed back into the room.

"Mr. Hockley?" Alice said.

Regrettably, Cal took his eyes off Rose and faced Alice. "Yes?"

"You have a phone call. You can receive it in the main office." She pointed.

"Tell whoever it is that I’ll talk to them later."

"It was your business; it seemed very important."

"You are not at liberty to tell me what to do. Now, I told you that I didn’t want to take the call."

Alice shot Rose a frantic look. This wasn’t going as planned. Catching Rose’s glum stare, she had an idea. Alice put her hands over her face and made noises as if she were sobbing.

Cal was caught off guard. "Please don’t cry."

"I-I can’t help it! It’s just that one of the patients threw a punch at me, and then there was the escape, and now this! I’ll have to go back on the phone, and they’ll yell at me for not getting you, and--and..."

"Look. It’s okay. I’ll take the phone call. Will you watch my wife?"

"Sure. No problem."


The second Cal was out of sight, Rose and Alice beamed at each other.

"I guess he has a weak side for girls crying," Alice said to Rose.

"There’s no time to ponder the psychological genesis of my husband. Come on. Let’s go!"


With Alice leading the way, the two girls traveled along the endless corridor. After Rose had seen enough gray walls and bolted doors to last a lifetime, Alice unlocked a final one; they were outside.

And it really was a shame that Rose’s first glimpse of outside the enclosed field was of a furious Cal spotting them and running towards them.

Chapter Nine