Chapter Sixteen

Maggie giggled as she walked along the sidewalk. "Oh, Rose, you are so lucky. Seeing all those places. Shopping in Paris. Eating dinner with the richest people in the world."

Rose frowned and shook her head. "I'm not lucky at all. I never really saw any of those places. I was always in a hotel suite or riding in a carriage. Shopping in Paris. Yes, I got beautiful clothes, but I never was allowed to pick them out. It was always my mother, and later, what Cal thought suited me best. And dining with the rich. Ugh. I would have to try my best not to pass out from boredom during meals. Or hide my anger when someone would make an ignorant comment. It was all one big facade. I lived in a lovely gilded cage." Her eyes grew thoughtful. "The only thing I was lucky for was finding Jack." She smiled at the end of her sentence. Thinking of Jack always made her smile.

With that they approached a tiny shop. Lovely, simple dresses were displayed in the window with flowers scattered at the hems. Hats sat atop the dresses, and soft colored fabric was draped behind the display. Above the shop was a wooden sign, painted purple with gold letters, that read: Ashes and Roses Ladies Shop.

Maggie stepped in, and Rose followed. "Maggie, darling! How have you been, love?" asked a women who was situating candles by the register.

"I've been fine. Sarah, I want you to meet Rose. She and her husband will be staying in the room we were renting."

Sarah walked over to them. "It's lovely to meet you, Rose. Is there anything I can help you with today?"

Rose smiled. "Yes, actually. I need a new wardrobe."

Sarah laughed. "An entire wardrobe! Well, you've come to the right place. I have all kinds of clothes here that you would look beautiful in." She walked over to the racks. "Do you know your size, love?"

Rose shook her head. "I'm sorry. I've never really had to know it." She knew that even if she did know her size it wouldn't help. The dresses were cut and made far differently from the ones she usually wore.

"No need to worry. I'll just measure you." Sarah took the measuring tape from around her neck and started to size up Rose.

"Just as I thought. Seven. All right. Let's get started." Sarah went quickly around the shop, shuffling through dresses, skirts, shirtwaists, sweaters, shawls, and blouses.

Maggie smiled brightly. "This is going to be so much fun."

"Okay, now, I've separated them by season. So you can try them on group by group. And because most of the items are interchangeable, they all go with something else. Let's get the heavier ones out of the way first." Sarah placed the winter and fall clothes in a dressing room. It was mostly woolen sweaters, dresses, and skirts. She brought over two chairs and set them in front of the door.

Maggie smiled. "All right, Miss Rose, get to it."

Rose giggled. "You are so silly."

She stepped in and began changing outfits. Each time she would come out and make sure she looked good. Halfway through Rose thought she would die. The wool was making her sweat to death. She pushed on and in an hour had made her selections. "I look forward to wearing them."

Sarah smiled. "Now you get started on the spring and summer clothes. I'll wrap these up while you're doing that. Maggie has wonderful taste. She will be able to help you."

Rose went back to the dressing room. Now she was confronted with flowing sun dresses, simple knit sweaters, and shawls, blouses, and light skirts. She was very pleased when she looked in the mirror. Everything was simple and sensible. She was very surprised and proud that she didn't miss the opulent dresses she had worn less than a week ago. Maggie was equally happy. Her smile would grow each time Rose modeled a new outfit. "I'm so jealous. You look positively breathtaking in everything you put on." Rose blushed a bit at the compliment.

It had taken two hours, but Rose finally had all the clothes she needed. Maggie was right. She was enjoying herself tremendously. She never thought she would be able to shop like this. Pick out what she wanted and share the fun with a friend. Sarah took them and wrapped them up. "Now to my favorite part," said Maggie. She pulled Rose over to the corner of the store. Hats, shoes, purses, and coats hung on the walls. Displayed on a table were combs and brushes. "Try some on." Rose followed orders and put on one of the coats over her dress. She looked over the hats and shoes. Once more she chose sensibly.

While she was doing that, Maggie had picked out brushes and hair accessories that she thought looked best for Rose. Rose found that she and Maggie had very similar taste and she agreed with all of her selections.

They brought the rest of the items to the register and Sarah rang them up. "I'm sorry to see you two go. I had more fun today than I've had in months."

Maggie smiled. "Don't worry. We'll be back to visit."

Rose nodded. "Thank you so much for all your help."

Suddenly, the two girls realized just how much they had bought. Packages we piled all over the counter. Rose laughed. "Well, this will be quite an adventure." She picked up as many pieces as she could. Maggie did the same. They were just barely able to hold it all.

Sarah held open the door for them and they stepped outside. "So, Maggie. How long have you and Brian been married?"

"Six wonderful years." Maggie smiled.

"How did you two meet?"

Maggie went on to tell the story about the two of them knowing each other their whole lives. And growing closer over the years. Her smile would grew broader with every detail.

By the time she had finished they were back home. They managed to make their way upstairs. "What should we do with all this?" Maggie asked.

"Let's just put it on the bed." When they entered, they found packages had already been scattered on the bed. They laid everything down.

"Now where are those men?" Maggie put her hands on her hips. "They must have come back and gone out again." Rose sighed. All of a sudden she thought of something. "Say, Maggie. Are there any art stores around here?"

"Oh, yes. There is one just down the street. Why?"

"Jack lost all of his art supplies and sketches in the sinking. Those were all he had. And he is so gifted. You should see his work. I want him to be able to draw. Will you take me to the shop so I can buy him some things?"

Maggie smiled. "Of course I will. That's really wonderful of you, Rose. Jack is lucky to have you."

The two ladies smiled and once again left their home. As they started down the street, each one thought about how much they enjoyed the other's company.

Chapter Seventeen