Chapter Thirty-Two

"Jack! My God!" Rose ran to the door and took some of the packages he had. "Did you rob someone?" She smiled.

"No, I needed art supplies. Lots." He laughed.

She took the rest and put them on the table. "Well." Rose kissed Jack and wrapped her arms around his neck. She smiled when he put his arms around her waist. "I'm glad you're home. I made chicken."

"I love your chicken. Of course, I love everything you make."

"We have Maggie to thank for my cooking skills. God, without her, I doubt I'd be able to boil water."

Jack laughed. "Speaking of Maggie, where are the two of them tonight? When I came in downstairs I didn't hear or see them."

"They went out to dinner."

"Oh, okay. Well, then, I guess we should go have our dinner, too."

They went into the kitchen, sat down, and began eating. "So, how was your day?" Rose asked.

Jack sighed. "After I ran out of supplies I went to this art store to restock. This seemingly very friendly girl helped me, for almost an hour. And I felt bad taking up her time like that and I told her I felt like I should repay her." He looked down at his food. "So she said I could take her out to dinner. Of course I told her I was married, but then she said my wife didn't have to know. So I just took my things and left. Can you believe someone would act like that after I told her I was married?"

Rose squinted her eyes in thought for a moment. "This girl, did she have long, wavy, blonde hair?"

"Yeah. How did you know that?"

"I bet that's the same girl who I had to deal with when I bought you those things. Do you remember that?"

"Yes. You told me about it at dinner." Jack was now angry with the art store girl. "Well, she's obviously a rude girl to have treated you like that, and then pursuing me after I pointed out my attachment."

Rose smiled. "I don't know if I could blame her for trying to get you."

Jack smiled at her. That's one of the things he loved most about Rose. In situations like this she always made light. She never got very angry and always made a joke. "She's not my type. If I had no one, I still wouldn't be interested in her. She was very clingy and flirty. And now that I know who she is, she's rude, too."

Rose laughed. "Let's not talk about it anymore."

"All right. Besides, I'm much more interested in hearing about you, than talking about me."

Two Weeks Later

"Oh, Rose!" Brian called from the doorway. Rose was coming down the stairs in the nick of time for him.


"Will you help me with something?"

"Sure. What do you need?"

"I'm going down to the art store to buy crayons for all of Maggie and my nieces and nephews. You know, for Christmas."

"The art store?" she said quietly. She knew if she went she would have to deal with that horrid girl. "I...um..." She lifted her head. "You know what? Yes, I will help you. Let me get my coat." She ran up the stairs and was back in no time. She and Brian headed off. Rose decided she wouldn't let one miserable girl stop her from helping her friends. Besides, she loved art, her husband loved art, and there was no way they were able to avoid the store. And they shouldn't have to.

When they got to the store, Rose felt a little uneasy. Brian held open the door for her, and much to her dismay she saw the girl she hadn't seen in almost two years. But she couldn't forget her. She was one of the only people who had been cruel to her since she came to New York. When the girl looked up, she seemed to recognize Rose, too.

"Can I help you?" she said in a semi-friendly tone towards Brian.

"Yeah. I would like some crayons. Where would they be?"

"The second aisle from the left," she said with no emotion, and completely ignoring Rose.

Brian smiled and went to where she had pointed to. Rose was about to follow him when Chelsea spoke up.

"I remember you."

Rose turned around and smiled weakly. "Yes, yes. I was in here a long time ago. I was buying some things for my husband." She decided to volunteer a little more information. "He actually came in here a few weeks ago. I don't know if you know him. You probably get so many people in here that you wouldn't remember. His name's Jack, he's kind of thin and has lots of blond hair that falls in his eyes."

Chelsea's jaw dropped. She can't be his wife! Jack was better than that, she thought to herself. "I remember him very well." She closed her lips together tightly to hold back a scream, and then her mouth formed into a smug smile. "It's interesting. I never would have thought someone like him would be with someone like you."

Rose was about to respond, but Brian came back with boxes and boxes of crayons.

"Rose, love, could help me with these?"

"Sure." She took some and placed them on the counter.

Chelsea arched her eyebrow and started to add up the cost. "And where is your husband tonight, Rose?"

"He's working," she said quickly.

"That must give you plenty of time to find pleasure elsewhere. I'm sure a woman like you sees no reason to get a job, so you have lots of free time to be with other men." She looked directly at Brian, then at Rose, with an accusing stare.

"Excuse me?" Rose asked, shocked.

"Don't looked so surprised. I see women like you all the time. Your husbands dedicate their lives to you, and give you their hearts and souls, but because you're so used to the fancy life, you want more. And you find it in men." She looked at Brian. "Get out while you can. She'll use you like she's using Jack."

Brian wanted to reach right over the counter and smack the girl. "I'll have you know that we are both happily married. I asked Rose to come with me so she could help me carry the crayon boxes home. You have no right, miss, no right at all." He took some money and put it on the counter. "Now, there is your money. You're lucky I'm here, and not Jack, because if he had heard the things you just implied, that would be the end of you. I pity you, because I know what he'll do when he finds out, and he will find out, because if Rose doesn't tell him, I will." He looked at Rose. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Rose picked up some of the boxes, and Brian picked up the rest. They walked out of the store quickly, and made it back home in complete silence.

Chapter Thirty-Three