Chapter Thirty-Four

May, 1914

"Hey, Jack!" Brian smiled at him as he came through the front door.

Maggie frowned slightly. "Tough day?" She noticed he looked very worn out.

He smiled weakly at her. "Yeah. Erik needed all the posters for the new production, so it was hectic."

"Well, Rose is upstairs, so I'm sure she'll take care of you." Maggie smiled and watched him climb up the stairs.

Rose, he thought to himself. He didn't know how much of a help she would be. He had a noticed a tremendous change in her recently. Ever since the two year anniversary of the Titanic sinking she had been very distant. She rarely spoke to him. She was always writing in her journal. When they went to bed, she would quickly fall asleep, like she was avoiding being intimate with him. When he would hold her, she didn't respond like she used to. She didn't respond at all. All these changes worried him. He was terrified that Rose was unhappy in the marriage. He felt like he was walking on eggshells around her. There was a deep fear that one wrong move would cause her to walk out on him. But he noticed that Rose didn't seem angry with him. She was just disconnected, off in her own little world.

He opened the door, and she was sitting on the couch, scribbling in her journal.

"Dinner's almost ready," she said without looking up.

Dinner's almost ready? he thought to himself. He remembered the days when she would greet him with a kiss and a smile. Not dinner's almost ready. "Great," he said in a friendly tone, but he got no response. He sighed and walked into the bedroom. What's happening? he thought to himself. He knew that marriages weren't passionate forever. But they had completely stopped communicating. He took off his coat and sat down on the bed for a couple of minutes. Jack sighed sadly. "This has got to stop," he said to himself. He got up and went into the living room. Rose was still on the couch. He sat down and she didn't even look up.

"Rose." He was speaking in a calm, quiet voice. "We need to talk."

She looked up at him. "I know." She was just as calm.

"What's going on? Is it something I did? Because whatever it was, I'm sorry. I never want to make you unhappy." He looked at her apologetically.

She was silent for a few moments. "Do you remember when we were on Titanic, we said we would had out for the horizon and go wherever the wind took us? We said the same thing when you gave me my engagement ring. Then when we went to the pier you pointed to the horizon and said it was ours, and that all our dreams had come true, so now we had to make new ones. You said we would see the world together. It'll be two years in September since you said that. It's been two years since you said we'd head out for the horizon, but we haven't. We haven't been anywhere since our honeymoon. I don't like where things are going."

"What?" Jack shook his head. "What are you expecting? I have a job with deadlines. I can't just drop everything and take you somewhere. I need to make money so I can support you. Do you want me to blow it all on a trip? In case you haven't noticed, Rose, things are a little different from Titanic. We're not the same people."


"No. I don't want to hear it. You made yourself very clear. You're unhappy. Well, I'm sorry that I can't make you happy twenty-four hours a day. I have a job." He stood up. "This is why you've been ignoring me for over a month? I can't believe you. You know, Chelsea said you had no feelings for anyone but yourself, and she was right. You want to go on a vacation. Well, we can't. Things have changed."


"No! I can't believe you would stop talking to me over something like this. Didn't you even care how I was feeling? Obviously not. You know something, I don't even want to go on a vacation with you. As a matter of fact, I don't even want to look at you." Jack turned and walked out the door. He slammed it shut and stomped down the stairs.

Rose looked at the door in shock. She covered her mouth. "Oh, my God," she said in a shaky voice. "What did I do?" She covered her face in her hands and started to sob.

Maggie and Brian had heard Jack yelling and then saw him run out of the house in a foul mood. They looked at each other. They had never heard Jack raise his voice. And they never ever expected to hear him do it to Rose. They decided to go upstairs and see what had happened. When they opened the door, they were shocked to see Rose crying hysterically into her hands.

"Rose, honey!" Maggie ran over to the couch and wrapped her arms around her.

Brian knelt next to them. He put his hand on Rose's cheek. "What happened, love?"

"Jack and I had a terrible fight," she choked out through tears.

They tried to get more out of her, but she was crying too hard. Brian whispered to Maggie that he would go find Jack. She nodded, and watched him leave.


Brian found Jack at the first place he looked. He had a feeling Jack would be at Sammy's. Sammy's was a bar that Brian had taken Jack to a couple of times. He looked over at that bar, and Jack was sitting there with a tall glass in his hands. He looked miserable. He went over and sat next to him.

"What happened?"

"Rose wants to leave me," Jack said in a voice that was drenched in sorrow.

"What?" Brian was shocked. "She told you this?"

"No, but I got the feeling."

Brian laughed. "You got the feeling? Jack, I'm not one to judge, but I honestly don't think this feeling of yours could be accurate."

"She hasn't been talking to me in almost a month, and today she said she wasn't happy with the way things were going."

"Did you ask her what she meant by that?"


"You think maybe she might be unhappy about something besides the marriage?"

He looked into his beer. "See, I promised her we would go on all these trips. I really wanted to take her. I still do. It's just that we never got around to planning them."

"That's more than likely all she's upset about."

"When I think about it now, you're probably right." Jack stared at the wall. Tears started to fill his eyes. "The things I said to her...oh, God." He put his face in his hands, and quietly reprimanded himself.

Brian put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Jack? Why did you get so upset, anyway?"

Jack looked over at Brian. "Have you ever been so scared that you got angry? Like you were just so completely terrified, that all you could do was get angry and yell?"

Brian nodded. "When my father died."

"That's what happened. All I had to hear was Rose say I'm not happy with the way things are going. When she said that, all I could think was she's not happy with the marriage. She's not happy with me. Do you have any idea how mortified I would be if she left me? My life would be over. It's not like if she died. I have no control over that. If she left me, because of me, I don't know what I would do. I just got so scared, that I didn't know what to do. And I got angry and I said the most terrible things to her. I didn't mean any of it."



"Maybe you should be telling this to Rose."

Chapter Thirty-Five