Chapter Fifty-One

Saturday, October 18, 1919

Rose walked in. Immediately, she heard Maggie. "Rose, you got a letter!" Her heart skipped a beat. She ran into the kitchen. Maggie was holding a letter. Brian stood next to her. From there, everything seemed like it was in slow motion. She took the letter. It was from the state department. Rose held it in her shaking hand. But it was too much. Everything swept over her. Her whole body started to shake, and she fell to the floor in sobs. Rose felt Brian's arms wrap around her in comfort. He rocked her back and forth, and told her everything would be all right. Maggie took the envelope from Rose's hand. She slowly opened it. Her eyes scanned the paper, and she screamed. Her eyes filled with tears.

"He's coming home! He's coming home! He's coming home!" She ran to where Rose and Brian were and wrapped her arms around them. The three of them cried hysterically.

A confused Andrew walked into the kitchen. He pushed his way past Maggie and looked at Rose. She had, of course, been crying most of all. He climbed into her lap. "Don't be sad, Wose." He shook his head. "Don't be sad." Andrew hugged her around the neck. "I make you better."

Rose smiled. She rocked him back and forth. "I'm not sad. I'm not sad. I'm happier than I've been in two years."

Maggie and Brian looked at one another and smiled. They hugged one another. "Everything's coming back. He's coming back to us," Maggie whispered in his ear.

Rose smiled. It was all coming true. All those promises, all those prayers. Jack was coming home. Her Jack. She would be able to hold him in her arms once more. She would be able to feel him. She would be able to kiss him again.

She remembered the letter. Rose picked it up to see what it said.

Dear Mrs. Dawson,

Your husband, Jack Dawson, who was previously listed as missing in action, has been found. Not all details are clear, but we believe he was trapped behind enemy lines, then taken prisoner. He was found by a fellow soldier and brought to a hospital, where he was nursed back to health. He will be arriving home by boat on Tuesday, November 18, 1919. We hope you and your family haven't suffered too much from his missing. God bless.

Rose smiled. She ran upstairs and put the letter with the rest of her letters. She had been right all along. He was coming home. Rose climbed unto her bed. She wasn't tired, but she wanted time to reflect. She closed her eyes and dreamed about her future. With Jack.

Chapter Fifty-Two